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9 thoughts on “Juliasparklej live webcams for YOU!

  1. My background is similar to yours, so that is coloring my answer, I’m sure. But I don’t think it’s normal to use any substance every day throughout the day, especially at work. It wouldn’t be normal to drink alcohol while working, at least not in any job I ever had. It’s not in your control, though. You’ve told your girlfriend how you feel, I think now you need to let it go. Or move on.

  2. You met 4 months ago and are now married ?? you don’t even know someone that well after that amount of time. This is supposed to be the honeymoon period of a relationship and if there’s already issues, sorry OP but that doesn’t bode well for the future.

  3. I agree in a way but I don’t think abandoning them is right for me, I tried it. It didn’t work because I just felt a mountain of guilt. Like it was spiritually wrong of me. It’s very difficult but also I feel like I’m gaining wisdom, I see all the wrong, I see exactly where it stems from, I examine those areas within myself and make sure nothing “grows” there if get that I mean. It’s like a strange kind of x mode therapy in itself. That’s the way I think of it anyway. I’ll gain more space soon of course but I don’t want to exile him from my life, he literally has no one else because he’s so prickly. I don’t know… I probably need more therapy. ?

  4. I think since this is the only man i’ve ever been with since i was 15 my judgement is completely skewed bc this is all i know :((( It’s miserable and it’s hell but this is my baseline…

  5. Be very careful about your girlfriend. She could have declined the offer to hang out on and inform you right after the reason why she doesn’t want to hang out with them. She didn’t, it’s not because of naivety but because she enjoyed the attention.

    It’s not good to have a single credit card and tie up all finances. Separate them now.

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