Jimena Rios – Flexible girl live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 11, 2022

8 thoughts on “Jimena Rios – Flexible girl live webcams for YOU!

  1. Don't drop it. I would also suggest you do all you can to make sure when/if she gets visitation that you push for it to be limited and supervised. Supervised by a social worker not a member of her family.

    You are 100% correct that she will end up abusing the children, especially if she doesn't have you or another punching bag to take their place. I've seen this happen in real time. First she will scream at them and likely break their stuff, hopefully they don't have a pet because you can guess where that can lead, and then she will start small with a smack or 2 which will progress to her punching and kicking them along with hitting them with objects.

    She will scare them into silence with threats that no one will believe them and then they will be stuck alone in the house with an even angrier abuser. They will eventually probably tell but that will be after YEARS of abuse and lasting permanent trauma. Do anything you can to get her stripped of custody and move away….please

  2. You have no time for hate in your life.

    You see what it has done to your bf, it has made him bitter. His bitterness strips all the joy and beauty out of life and even love.

    Tell him straight up, you have NO time for hate in your life. It's too depressing, and you have no desire to become resentful of the world. Point to him and say it has made you bitter and unhappy, ask why would you want to be around someone bitter and unhappy ALL the time? Because if he carries hate in his heart then he IS bitter and resentful ALL the time.

    Hate like love is a consuming emotion. It burns away joy. He cannot find joy, peace or love whilst openly hating around half (at least) the human species.

    You have no time for hate in your life.

  3. No need to argue, just strategize. You both should have a certain amount budgeted for personal spending each month. If you want to buy something, use your personal spending allotment. If the item is too expensive, save for a couple of months. You need a separate debit card for yourself, as does she.

    And $300 for 2 weeks of groceries is not that bad in this economy, especially if she's shopping at Whole Foods. But again, dont' quibble, budget. Set aside the $600 a month for groceries and make that budget work.

    Create a budget for all your desires and stick to it.

  4. Yeah the think is he never brought it up. If it was an issue, I wish he would have told me sooner because I agree, I’d have broken it off.

    But he is always asking me to ‘do it how I do it’ and even told me once when he was very wasted that .my version of bjs are the best he’s had’.

    I dunno I’m just frustrated now.

  5. Talk with her about it. Tell her to tell you how everything has made her feel and affected her, tell her you have to face the consequences of your actions to her so you can be a better person.

    This will be difficult for you, but was more difficult for her.

    By facing the effects of your actions, you will feel guilt and shame, don't turn away from it, let it fuel your growth positively.

  6. Helped Thanks for the advice, we’ve been having an issue with communicating honestly with out either one of us getting defensive, and shutting down the conversation. I’ll try to get more specific answers from her

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