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Room for online sex video chat Jesicaa12
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Birth Date: 2004-05-19
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Date: December 28, 2022
Fuck her. Seriously. Block on her everything. Let her live in her miserable little world alone.
That won’t make me an evil person or selfish right? At this point I feel disrespected af
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She refuses therapy
You had sex with her without a condom and there it is she is pretty
Weird turn out of phrase, maybe get him to explain. I could maybe see it as him wanting to relate with a daughter more if they can discuss hot girls? I can’t see any other reason that isn’t a very red flag.
I would love to meet the guy just to ask him ‘ yo dude wtf, what do you even mean with that shit’
This is why you talk to a lawyer first. find out what you need to do to get priority.
talking to a lawyer does not mean you have to divorce, Only to get the information to make your own choice of what is better for you
See you in 1 year with the post; my gf cheated on me with the same guy she cheated on her ex with
I’ve talked to her and she said she didn’t even notice it until I lifted his hand off of her. She didn’t react at all after either. Didn’t even explain to me what or if she was feeling to uncomfortable to say anything
I know thats what my question was about i probably could have worded it better but i want to know how i can bring it up without it seeming like im judging or going after her?
Until you see those gifts, don't get her anything. It's like she's dangling a carrot in front of you to run on the wheel.
Also, you need to stop buying her such expensive gifts. The fact she didn't get you anything for Christmas is huge
You’re not an idiot but I’m telling you there is NO hope.
Get out of this. Stop supporting his lazy ungrateful ass and start yourself a new life before it’s too late.
Have some self respect.
You did the right thing. His ex didn't even know you existed for all you know he is sleeping with her and acting like she's his girlfriend were there casually dating and she's trying to wiggle her way back into his good graces who knows. But he definitely crossed the line and he lied to you. I think you're better off without them. You're just having some remorse and regret because you miss him so much and you want what you used to have or what you thought you had.
Instead of asking friends and family, I would have been more interested in looking at his porn habits.
This sounds to me like he saw it online and wanted to try it. He didnt want to discuss it beforehand because he knew you'd say no.
Im not buying this trauma bullshit. I wouldnt be surprised if next time it isnt a slip in the wrong hole, maybe a slap to the face, a hand around the throat or pushing towards other XXX rated activities frequently seen online.
Be careful OP.
My girl I'm a wife too. And a mother. And I've also known my husband since we were teenagers. Been together 12 years. This…. isn't what leads to a healthy marriage. Do you want your kids to be having the same issues he has that he got from his dad?
This is generational. You will be talking to your future DIL about how it's just a family thing.. and that's so fucked up and sad because it's not.
Do not choose to throw your life away for this man. You are still young you will meet someone new that you will marry and look back and go… wtf is this.. to a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP.
one thats built on trust, respect and love.
That's a future you want. Not one of codependency and insecurity where you live like a hermit with no friends. Do you see yourself living this way in 20 years? With this man? One day Old… alone and miserable?
RUN dont walk!
That actually kind of makes sense. At least for one of the three goals.
Cool. Have a great night.
You should, for sure.
Show her this post. You are honest about someone hurting you and how it has continued to be a problem. But you are clear that you do not blame your gf and willing to seek therapy. That shows growth and emotional maturity. It would also save the difficult explanation that could go wrong. Tell her you want her to know the truth and you will talk to her about it if she wants to, that you care for her.
Like I am super busy and want things to happen naturally. It’s just weird because he isn’t like any other guy I’ve been with in the past. He’s super attentive and sweet and I’m worried that he thinks we’re in an actual relationship.
Guys too! My mom got me vaccinated as soon as it was available at a time when it seemed I’d never, well you know. No bumps on this chump
Unfortunately, there is no valid test for HPV for men at this time.
Exactly. If he wants to keep the photos, he can change them so that only he can see them.
I understand that it is part of his life, but out of respect of his new gf, he should hide them. He reacted poorly and probably she should break up with him for it tho.
Holy teen story, so immature
is this normal to feel?
He’s a rude, drunken hot mess (why tdid you even get on the bike with him?) and you’re worried about how to communicate disappointment? Your priorities are confused.
If he breaks up with you over this, LET HIM GO. Clearly not the one for you at that point.
The internet is overloaded with it. And with the accepted legal age for posting these videos is 18 the genre has an abundance of content. It pops up when searching other sights. It’s their bread and butter. If you are happy otherwise you could just ask for the porn to stop if you reside together
She is not the same person, are you that daft?
He thought she was loyal, truthful and someone he could trust with anything without thinking. In reality she is a cheating, disloyal, deceitful, selfish POS that only cares about herself at the end of the day.
Find a bf who can afford to pay for his things
I mean, you just have to tell her how it is. I’m almost 40, and due to a series of unfortunate events I’m living with my younger sister (she’s 37, not that young). Truth be told we’ve NEVER got on, I didn’t like her when we were kids, and I don’t like her now. She’s a whinging harpy who gets my mother involved in any imaginary problem (like the time her and her looser boyfriend got into a LOCKED case in my room and found some needles and she made it a fucking federal case out of it and imagined the police were gonna raid the house and all sorts of stupid shit. As well as making the bizarre comment that bf is really upset, cos he’s never been around this sort of thing. Ok 1.) neither have you, and 2.) yes, I have a problem with addiction but it’s not the fucken ‘Rona, you can’t catch it!!). Anyway, I digress. My point is, as much as I dislike her and her bullshit, when she tells me to do/not do something at the end of the day it’s her house and I can either do/not do it, or move out. And I’m paying her!! You need to tell your sister the same.
Do you even want to go after your entire family have been insulting you over this?
So, you have your proof then… She admitted it to you, he forced her to “take it back” and told you he “has her trained to keep quiet” – it's right there, what more do you need than this?!
Leave, please. Leave now while you're still young and haven't wasted your entire life with him. You can have such a fun, full, rich life loving yourself, spending time with your friends and family who love and respect you, and then when you're ready you'll find someone who wouldn't treat you like this, and still have a long life with them too! Don't choose this cheater for your future.
She clearly likes the attention, but I doubt there’s any real interest in you.
You said what you’d like your partner to be, and though she’s the complete opposite you still wonder if you should try to make it work. Ask yourself why. Why should you try to change her into someone who fits your needs instead of just looking for someone who treats you with respect without having to tell her to?
I think he’s more upset about the casual stuff. He says he doesn’t care about the past boyfriends but can’t get over that Iv done stuff (not sex but other stuff) with ppl who aren’t my bf and the one time I had casual sex. He doesn’t like that I thought it was ok and thinks my values aren’t the same as him.
That’s not your problem. As I said, just tell her it’s not a good fit for you anymore. There’s nothing else to say. That’s the truth. You don’t need to give her a list or reasons—that just gives people the opportunity to make promises to change (which they won’t).