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Jaczeelive sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “Jaczeelive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your husband seems wildly unsatisfied and that he never willl be satisfied. He’s acting like he has fomo, fear of missing out, and he’s just doing everything a 20 year old would do

    So yes, I think you two are not going to make it and are doomed, mostly because he’s wildly unsatisfied and you’re both unhappy.

  2. Literally the only thing you keep saying he did wrong was his “little lies” that’s super vague what was he lying about the only issue seems to be that he made the mistake of opening up to you and being honest about the issue he’s dealing with and getting help for I have ptsd from the military and just told my wife last week we’ve been together for a long time now I hope she wouldn’t leave me for something “lying” about that

  3. Why oh why would the kids ever know? OP is grieving. Grief does weird shit.

    Unless a busy body family member informs the kids, they will never know.

  4. Then you need to get a car you can afford/ get approved on your own. A pre owned vehicle with good mileage would work too. See what you would be pre approved for at places like capital one.

  5. Although you may think it is unreasonable, if you love her and this bothers her then respect her enough to listen to her boundary. If you presented a boundary wouldn’t you want her to love you and respect you enough to do the same thing? This may all just blow over if you don’t make a big deal out of HAVING to have lunch with this person. Sometimes we all feel a bit insecure and i assume what she’s looking for her is a feeling of respect and security from you

  6. He's cheating.

    It's all starting to come out now, because he's gotten sloppy. My advice is to buckle up for the right because I have a feeling this is just the tip of the iceberg.

    Cindy went from being his unstable colleague that he tries to ignore to his scorned ex-girlfriend showing up at your parents house. Your husband was obviously involved with this woman recently enough that she feels entitled to his time and attention. Where there's smoke there's fire.

  7. Unless you want a divorce, do not open your relationship.

    It will cause resentment, jealousy, and lots of other negative and toxic behaviour and emotions.

    You need therapy to get to the bottom of your change, and find a way through it.

    As a couple you both need to talk, possibly couples therapy, and find a way through fixing the relationship issues.

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