Irina-Hadid live webcams for YOU!



Date: February 8, 2023

12 thoughts on “Irina-Hadid live webcams for YOU!

  1. A simple internet search could have answered your question. It's not uncommon for a woman with HPV to have a normal pap multiple times before having an abnormal one. Most sexually active adults have had it at some point. Most men never even know because they don't have screenings the way women do. I went all through most of my 20s with normal paps and my abnormal one popped up at almost 30. At that point I had been in a monogamous relationship for over 6 years. According to my physician I had contracted it prior to meeting my husband and had just been healthy enough for it to never trigger on a pap.

    You can educate yourself before jumping to conclusions.

  2. Violence is never ok. You have no right to put your hands on someone once they have told you to stop. Your behavior is very concerning. You think you can do whatever you want to someone even once they told you to stop. He warned you that he was going to elbow you if you didn't stop. You chose to continue with this behavior even after the warning. He shouldn't have been violent. What could he have done to get you to stop violating his person/boundaries? Does he have to leave the home? Would you have allowed him to leave unmolested if he tried? You need to take some ownership in what happened here. He over reacted buy you were out of line majorly before that.

  3. Well, she is not succeeding so far. She does understand that this is your wedding too, right? And that you not wanting the event ruined by an assclown showing up in a literal clown suit is a completely reasonable expectation and boundary? Honestly, if she can’t even stand up for you on this, what is the entire marriage gonna look like? Yikes on bikes.

  4. ‘I’m sorry I can’t afford to order us food this time, the money I lent you has set me behind and I need to be more responsible’ and see what she says… either way I’d cut my losses and end the relationship

  5. there's probably dozens of posts a week w countless comments on it detailing and corroborating the fact that women cheat and lie to the point of damaging their actual real life relationships.

    wow, it turns out you can justify almost any belief about a group of people this way.

  6. I think you need to have a closer look at the reasons why he values virginity so highly. You are being naiive.

  7. Lmao anyone that frequents /pol is being exposed to massive amounts of national socialism, nazism, general racism, and hatred.

    Take 10 min and check it out. Then decide how you feel moving forward.

  8. As in, move into the property they buy and pay (discounted) rent to him instead of finding a private landlord.

  9. Uhhh you do realize people can get cold sores on the inside of their lips and mouth right? And it isn't always visible? You're being ignorant. I'm sorry I'm an example of someone who isn't a shitty partner and discusses their sexual health and history. Sorry it ruins” your silly idea that it's totally okay to expose your partner to a sexual disease without their knowledge. I don't think herpes is a big deal. Others might. It isn't my place to decide for them by withholding that information.

  10. I’m confused what you mean by there would be no benefit to you? Would you not get a nicer home? Would it still not be less expensive than continuing to rent your own place/pay your own utilities on it?

    I think from his perspective it would feel a little like being taken advantage of if you invite a person to live with you cost free. Some men are firm believers in being providers so it’s natural for them to want to offer you to stay rent free but that’s not exactly the common sense on the subject.

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