HugeCocoAss live webcams for YOU!


HugeCocoAss Public Chat Channel

Date: October 25, 2022

17 thoughts on “HugeCocoAss live webcams for YOU!

  1. I do agree with the making yourself desirable thing, and the mindset going into it of course. It’s just probably really hard to find someone exactly on the same page with, who you don’t get bored of or end up getting comfortable with, who mutually really wants to do the death do us part thing. Personally, I’m sure it is possible for a successful relationship, while I do feel marriage is a scam, I wish you luck.

    That being said, while it surely is possible, I just don’t understand putting a romantic relationship over a friendship that’s proven to be real throughout different relationships. Friendship like that is special, and easier to maintain than romantically, unless the friend oversteps their bounds, I just don’t think it’s smart to toss a genuine friend over a potential romantic endeavor, that hasn’t completely proven itself as stable, or as a reliable. But this only applies to specific friendships, and op makes this guy out to be his closest of friends.

  2. Hello /u/nacho_kilo,

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  3. Yeah, idk where the OP lives but in my country you can file a police report for that kind of thing. It counts as an injury. It's totally assault!

  4. You should do your ex a favor and stop contacting him. He deserves better than you. He just doesn’t understand that yet

  5. Ling story short. Stop watching porn. Threescore are hit in porn, not so much in real life. You found out the hard way. Move on, stay or leave easy as that.

  6. I think you should absolutely leave him everything he did here is very wrong…

    But on a side note i really hate when people call weed DRUGS… that makes it sound like he gave your son heroin or something. Giving a 3 year old thc is still AWFUL but awful is a spectrum and weed is a lot lower on that spectrum than most other types of drugs including some medications/medicines

  7. Dude I feel you. I never had a situation as severe as this (thank god), but I was with someone who said that if I left them I would ruin their life, they would never heal, and they would unalive themselves. You have a big heart, which is why you’re putting off your happiness to keep someone else afloat. But I promise you, all you’re doing is drowning yourself. He was gonna sink or swim whether or not you were in the picture no matter what. If he blames you, threatens you, tells you you’ve traumatized him or any other absurd thing- just recognize that isn’t reality. Remember a bunch of strangers came together over the internet and actually agreed on something. Like everyone’s said before, his feelings do not define your self worth. He’s stolen a lot of years from you, and I believe you make a change and take them back. You can do this, and we’re all rooting for you!!

  8. Actions are the only thing that matter. And I’m guessing that you know that. You know the right thing is to walk away from her, you just don’t want to do it.

  9. OP! I'm a guy. I agree 100% with this boundary. It does go both ways right? I hope so. If not. That is controlling. You continue to keep the communication going between you. Boundaries are like anything else. They can change with time.

    Please make sure she can come to you with anything. And you do the same. Share your lives. It's part of trusting and is very healthy in a relationship such as yours. Protect and love one another!! Crazy and shitty world in some aspects.

    Very healthy. Do you think she might be the “ONE”? Have conversations like this a lot. No, it is not controlling.

    All the best OP. Peace brother.

  10. You say you want to be with her then list all the things that you hate about being with her. If she's dumber than you, I'd be hugely surprised.

  11. You should cut Sami out of your life because this level of codependant doormat will only drag you down with her, since she will never learn and never stop sticking to toxic people.

    She has other options than sticking with this turd. Your support will become enabling.

  12. What I will say isn't nice but I think you really need to realize this. He was enabled his whole life by your mom and now you and your brother joined. Why should he change? He spent his whole life doing whatever and whenever he wanted, you think he will start working now when he has additionally two adult children that can also work on his lazy ass. It's your mother's fault that she hasn't thrown his useless ass out, making your and your brother's life awfully uncertain. It was unfair to both of you, you deserved secure situation without wondering where you will end in two months. She didn't do it then, she should do it now. If she doesn't want to, then you should. To protect yourself.

  13. Whoa. Your BF straight up tells you that you're ugly and you are on reddit asking if you should break up with him? Let me ask you, what does someone have to say to you that would be considered rude and disrespectful? Follow up question, do you fuck all of your enemies?

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