HollyTailor live webcams for YOU!


BIG RAIN OF MY DOUBLE SQUIRT CLOSE UP [1105 tokens remaining]

Date: October 10, 2022

17 thoughts on “HollyTailor live webcams for YOU!

  1. Simply put – you're not compatible. Your life choices are extremely different and your lifestyle is bringing her great discomfort. Now, she either gets used to it or – she breaks up with you. There is not much you can do here.

  2. You should decide what matters to you. If you have continually tried to get him to address the issues, and he has continually refused, you decide if you want to live with the problems or move on.

  3. Tell him. It’s not your fault that your client harassed you and crossed a massive boundary, and that way your boyfriend can support you with the anger and upset you are probably (and quite rightfully) feeling.

  4. I guess you would be right, but I am fairly confident if you try to look further I am not just a « warm wet hole » and would hope someone I’ve known for the past 6 years would see more than that.

  5. I wouldn’t worry about the deposit, that could be a drop in the bucket. Do not make anymore non refundable deposits until this behavior is discussed. Acts of service ( making you the tea) can really say a lot about your partner. I am so happy to do things for my husband and he for me. It sounds like she is so fixated on material things she can’t see( as you had to point it out to her!) all the things you are doing. Coveting and greed can make a person turn very ugly. She needs to face reality.

  6. LOL

    He could as well have told them you were a friend and they would have asked the same questions, because it's called chit chat

  7. She's done the right thing. She can't control her feelings but she can control how she behaves. She's distanced herself from both of you because that's the appropriate response to her feelings.

  8. >sometimes even in the middle of conversations.

    Singing in the middle of a conversation is extremely rude! He should not be doing that, and is disrespectful to you.

    >he thinks it's some sort of common relationship thing?

    I never sung with any of my ex-girlfriends before.

    > he has issues with compulsive lying

    He's a lier?! You shouldn't be dating people who lie compulsively.

    > he said purposely brought it up and subsequently had the breakdown while i was high because it would make me more chill about it.

    Either he's lying about that (bad) or he's trying to manipulate you (very bad)

    > what do i even do about this?

    Leave him. Him a lier an manipulates you.

  9. I won't give advice about the BIL, but I will ask you and everyone else reading this a specific question. Why are so many of you marrying into families where there is a real possibility of you being miserable? Maybe I'm wrong, but I will never love anyone enough to deal with their families bullshit on a regular basis.

    I know love is supposed to conquer all, but there has to be a limit on what people will deal with just to make their SO's happy.

  10. He is not interested in changing his behavior. He told you this expressly. I say this as gently as I can, love, but you are deluding yourself. You cannot have a genuinely healthy relationship until you learn to be happy on your own. You do not have a healthy relationship with yourself and this cycle will repeat because, again, gently, you are being used as a doormat and keep trying to find ways to blame it on yourself because you’re terrified of being alone. And I understand— but this is no way to live. Love isn’t painful.

  11. Why is your husband so obsessed with your friend’s sex life and marriage? It’s creepy and bizarre.

    Ditch the husband, keep the friend. You both should leave these AH husbands. Rent an apartment together and live it up.

  12. You should also ask your sister why, after believing your girlfriend got blackout drunk and high, she feels compelled to share what would undoubtedly be a video of a rape occurring? TEN shots AND a line of coke and your sister has NO concern for your girlfriend’s ability to consent to a gang bang with a group of complete strangers?

    I’m really, really side-eyeing your sister here.

  13. There's more to this. It sounds very jumbled. Explain it clearly and slowly. What is the reason he's so frustrated with you and your family that he's threatening murder? Is this his personality? How has he been all these yrs dating, temper wise? You need give more context to this instead of inciting rage and sympathy from everyone. Everyone here will tell you the same thing….Go to the police, which is correct.

    However I sense there's more behind the scenes. Your family for one. Your inability to assert yourself. This may be caused by your background culturally, we don't know. Give more context.

  14. That sounds like depression: feeling empty and like life is meaningless. That may be the issue here.

  15. “My girlfriend has turned out to be a bold faced liar but I love her and don't really want to be responsible for breaking up with someone who is showing me they're a bad person.”

    That's you, OP.

    After all the shit you just wrote, you're next course of action seems obvious to me.

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