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33 thoughts on “HazyTenetlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. After reading a bunch of your replies, I think you should do her a favour and end the relationship. You sound insufferable.

  2. 5 panic attacks throughout the relationship

    i wasn't scared of him

    i was always crying

    i felt intimidated and started crying again

    You make no sense. You were scared. How is (a) having panic attacks, (b) crying, (c) feeling intimated, not being scared?

    And you think a 35 year old man who only dates women in their early 20s is not an abusive predator? His new GF is 23! You were 22-23 when you started dating.

    You need serious help. You are a people pleaser and think because a man treats you “like a princess” for 5 seconds he can throw tantrums, scream, punch walls, belittle you, and anything the rest of the time.

  3. How long will it take for the paperwork to be finished? Why couldn't he do the paperwork himself? He has no right to call you such terrible names. Yes you lied to him but the paperwork is being done and no reason for calling you names. He's being really mean to you.

  4. I agree with this. OP as a victim of prior DV abuse probably has an issue of making this an actual issue or just rolling over and taking it. She said in another comment she doesn't wanna end the relationship over such a silly thing.

    How is it silly when ur partner calls u a horrible name and flips out on u for making a request? Does he not have enough self control to answer u like a grown fucking man?

    And to only apologize when you start crying?

    It's been 6 months.. u say he already is talking about marriage and kids and uve already let him move in not even 4 months into the relationship?

    When people show you who they are… believe them!

    Do u want another roundabout on the emotionally abusive and manipulative dude bus?

    I was exactly like this.. grew up in a household where screaming and shouting was so common place i cldnt take anyone shouting at me as an adult.. i had to learn from my husband that no one ever needed to shout or yell or curse at me to get a point across. That's not how relationships work. But we accept it because part of us is so used to it that it's very easy to just place as a “mistake” on his part.

    He knows what was coming out of his mouth, him getting pissed because ur telling him ur uncomfortable with him having intimate pictures of an ex still up and his response being to curse at u and say ur wrong for even telling him tht says alot about ur relationship.

    Maybe you also need to focus more on urself because moving a dude in after 4 months is very very rushed for any relationship and screams that u want his validation.

    He isn't perfect besides this… he isnt a great guy… he isn't loving.. my husband has never so much as called me a bitch in the 12 years I've known him. Even during heated arguments.

    This isn't okay and again u get what u accept.

  5. Reading the comments is just like reading a crap tonne of excuses.

    Your life partner has told you, over and over and you steam roll her.

    You are more than capable of doing more around the house. You are more than capable of listening to your partner to listen, rather than argue at her and making her feel unheard.

    I don’t really blame her. I would probably be looking to leave too.

  6. Yeah. She sounds like someone who believes in “praying the gay away” and “conversion therapy”. Basically making said child's life a living nightmare before kicking them out as a teenager anyway. “Lovely personality” for sure. /s

  7. I’m confused. If he’s not likely going to get a promotion… I don’t understand why it’s so important for him to go then? Is your getting here that he’s literally planning a vacation from you, your anticipated medical problems, and the stress of a newborn baby? Behind your back???

  8. Just make all your social media accounts locked/friends-only, and don't accept follow request from people you don't know.

  9. Please, listen to your gut. I've been in a similar situation and it went from porn of people who looked younger to younger people. It ended when I found a video from a hidden camera in our bathroom that showed my 14 year old niece nude. Our relationship ended, immediately, and I called the police. He is now in prison.

    I'm not saying that all cases are as extreme as mine, but the red flags are waving and you owe it to your children to keep them safe. Take away the “he's a good guy” or ” he's so nice” (or whatever his redeeming qualities are) and what you are left with will lead to the right answer.

    Best of luck. I know this is not easy, on the least.

  10. Thank you, yeah I decided to not endure and to end things because it was becoming even more toxic than it has already gotten

  11. Yeah no, she needs to do the one right thing she can do and not be a selfish gross turd for once and let him go.

  12. So my sister played volleyball for years, and it gave her and many of her teammates issues with disordered eating, I won’t lie. That said, it’s a physically tough sport and it will work you to the bone, even with enough food.

    Is she eating? Have you noticed any physical changes like brittle hair, fatigue, etc? Or is she appearing healthy in her habits, yet still weighing this much?

    Quite frankly I’m not concerned with how you like her to look. I want to know if she is healthy or not.

  13. You know, I’m not a prude, but I really am happy to see this perspective here. My wife and I have been together almost 20 years now and also have very fond memories of the formative time of our relationship, and how we both cherish that time where we were developing feelings for each other. Treating your love interest with respect is actually fairly easy.

  14. Find out as much info as you possibly can. Collect all of the evidence and save a copy of it for yourself. File it with a copy of your prenup. Think about what your course of action will be if she lies, if she owns up to it & doesn't seem to care or if she owns up to it and seems sorry. Have a conversation with her about what you found and ask her why she’s doing it. It may not be physical cheating but this is emotional cheating. If she seems like she genuinely feels bad for what she’s doing try marriage counseling. If not, you’ll have to decide wether you want to continue with her potentially cheating or if you want to pursue a divorce.

  15. If you’re volunteering to get other people to be “proud” of you, you will always be let down. Do things for the greater good-not for props. Please go to therapy. Individual and couples.

  16. If that is the case then it's better to be more specific. But then again, not every woman or even men for that matter, who goes to clubs, bars and pubs are sexually deviant. Some just like to go to those places to go out with friends and genuinely have fun and not looking to get laid.

  17. We don't know how long this guy has not been a virgin. But only one lady took him up on that offer.

    The guy has no skills.

    Maybe this is his attempt at initiating the sex talk? Starting to talk sexually to her(but really badly).

  18. And id flat our end the relationship if my partner was in contact with her ex. Thats basic decency that you block your exes period. Shes emotionally cheating on him if not physical. He needs to dump her.

  19. Yeah i do understand that, but the point is about the lie which is bothering me a lot and making me rethink about our relationship

  20. An idea to do is to create a list of things that might be interesting to try. Like bdsm, roleplay etc. List them and create the coloms yes, no maybe. You each fill it out then discuss what to do from there on.

  21. If it’s a dealbreaker then why are you still with him? He’s not going to change so you decide whether or not if this is something that you want to deal with long term.

  22. What is her explanation for this? How did her mind get changed? What has she done to right these wrongs?

    You need to explore all of this. 'I'm sorry' isn't enough. 19 is old enough to know not to be a racist and it's only a couple of years ago that she was calling for genocide. This isn't really 'in the past', is it?

    This needs an in-depth discussion between you two. Personally, I wouldn't be able to move beyond it unless she is completely open and self reflective, and shows that she made an effort to educate herself.

    There are consequences to doing wrong, and this is where she has to face them.

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