Hairsoda live webcams for YOU!


Feel welcome 🙂 All we here for enjoy the time and each other company! Ask me anytime and feel free to join my private to know and see me better : )

Date: October 30, 2022

9 thoughts on “Hairsoda live webcams for YOU!

  1. You should never introduce your kids to anyone this early in a relationship I have two daughters as well and my rule is we have to be dating for a year for you to even say hello to my girls

  2. I’m so sad for you. I don’t believe they forgot or there was a miscommunication. I hope you leave these group of people behind especially your “husband”.

  3. He needs to tell her point blank it is not going to be reciprocated and to not make advances at him. Politely. Tell her to skip a couple game nights if she needs to but she’s welcome otherwise.

    She’s the awkward one- y’all are fine if he sets that firm boundary.

  4. Yeah… you two aren't ready to live together. That's all I'm getting from this.

    There's obvious other options that you didn't need us to tell you, but you both have your head so far in the sand about being right, that you're not addressing the actual problem together.

    Find a new place together that meets all of your needs, and rent out your house. Start a new life together instead of trying to force the other person to bend to your will.

    Duh. And the fact that this never even crossed either of your minds, is the real problem you two have.

  5. It's not, it's totally ok to set a boundary with her drinking. I have had to say, I would like fo ryou to stop drinking because you are the worst when you drink. If you do not stop drinking, that is up to you, but I will not be in your life if that is what you choose.

  6. Sadly, you can't change the partner you have into the partner you want. He can change himself, but only if he's strongly motivated to do so – and only if he knows what you want.

    If his lack of effort is a deal-breaker for you, by all means use your words to tell him so! You can't expect him to read your mind. It's really not fair to say “If he really wanted to do the things I want him to do, he'd be doing them already” when you've been keeping those negative feelings to yourself. But if he doesn't change his behavior after you've talked to him about what makes you feel unhappy in this relationship, then your only choices are to accept that this is who he is and probably always will be, or break up so you can move on to find someone who CAN make you happy.

    You're only 21, OP. You don't have to settle long-term for the first guy who asked you out, if he doesn't make you happy. But I do think you should first give him a chance to do better, by telling him what's wrong. You're not forcing him to do something he doesn't want to, simply by stating your own minimum standards and expectations for a relationship. It's totally his choice on whether he wants to step up to meet them, or if he prefers to keep gaming as his top priority even if it means losing you.

    Finally, you should NEVER compromise on your own minimum standards, just so you can stay in an unsatisfying relationship. It's far preferable to be single, so you are free to meet someone who is a much better fit for you.

  7. Things will go wrong if you don't. You'll end up being coerced into a threesome you don't want and it will destroy your relationship. He has no idea what's going to happen and how he will feel afterwards.

    There have been other men who posted here, where they wanted to have a threesome with their gf/wife and another man. It didn't end well because she enjoyed sex with the other man a lot. They all said more than she ever enjoyed with them.

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