Giunone02live sex stripping with hd cam


3 thoughts on “Giunone02live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Do you not feel different now that you have given birth? Has he had sex with someone before and after they had a kid? Honestly. It sound like he is just curious if it will feel different in general. And I am not surprised that a 22yo would think this.

  2. For me what would kill the relationship wouldn't be the fact that he wanted to revisit the idea of giving/getting blowjobs, but it would be the fact that he walked in the door and, right off the rip, started demanding them. It shows an incredible lack of respect for your opinion and boundary, as well as a sense of entitlement. That would seriously kill (or at least heavily injure) and feelings I had for him.

    Personally I would text back with this:

    “You are 32 years old and you are capable of making your own decisions; whether your friends convinced you that you should be getting them or not is irrelevant, YOU chose to come home demanding that I 'get over it' and give you BJ's despite the fact that you know damn well why I don't like giving them. You didn't even try to have a civil discussion about it with me, you came home demanding that I get over it and give you blowjobs as if you were entitled to them – as if I owed them to you just for the sake that we were dating.

    And yes, I did mean 'were' dating because, honestly, at this point I am more interested in finding someone who respects my boundaries and it is clear that you aren't capable of doing that if anyone so much as expresses a difference of opinion on whether they are or aren't needed, or disbelief at the fact that we're doing fine without them.

    So yeah, go ahead and find someone that is willing to give you a BJ so that you can satisfy your friends by getting them because I'm done.”

  3. Because you're making choices out of fear instead of love. Choose to love yourself the way he should be instead and punch fear in the face. You're bonded to the ups and downs. You're terrified of being alone, but I promise alone is better than with someone who ignores, makes you feel lonely, and cheats on you because he can.

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