Gianna Richardson, 52 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
Online Live Sex Chat rooms Gianna Richardson
Date: October 18, 2022
Gianna Richardson, 52 y.o.
Room subject:
To Start live video press there
I’m so sorry OP. Let her go. She will either suddenly realise what a mistake she’s made which is not likely soon enough for you to forgive. Or you’ll go on to find somebody who’s in the same space as you. I met my husband young but we went to separate universities and married late 20s. I don’t feel I missed out or the need to do this. We grew together. However I have friends who just grew apart sadly.
I’m glad you decided to digress, because it really didn’t feel like you were listening to anything I said— and your comments were somewhat offensive.
Shocker. Post deleted and no responses lol shameful people out here
Another thing to consider is how your state treats property, debt, etc. either of you acquire during marriage. If you unwisely choose to marry him, you may be on the hook for personal debts he creates, even if it's only in his name. On the flip side, he could be entitled to some of the value of any assets you acquire during the marriage, even if they're only in your name. You don't want that, trust me.
He so wants me to study further after marriage he is not one of those conservative minded people
I used to have a hard time communicating serious things with my husband. Not because of not being serious, but because he would be defensive in the moment, and then I would want to stand my ground and it would just turn into an argument. I realized I needed to tell him my concerns and then give him space to think about what I said without expecting a response in the moment. I came up with the “Drive-by,” where I’d be upfront that I don’t want to start an argument, and I think we might be better off having a conversation later when we’re both calm, but I need to let him know how I’m feeling about something because I don’t want to bottle it up and become resentful or act passive aggressively. I’d say “please don’t respond now, lets plan to talk later” Then I’d tell him what was bothering me. Then I’d thank him for listening and walk away. I found this worked well because no one likes being put on the spot. It seems like your girlfriend meows and acts like a cat to avoid being put on the spot. For my husband it was becoming defensive and arguing with me. What I discovered was that while his initial reaction was defensive, when not put on the spot, and given a chance to think about things without feeling attacked, he was almost always more open to thinking about things from my perspective and he was more inclined to change his behavior rather than digging in his heels. I think this worked well for us because my husband tends to be more avoidant in a conflict and he’d try to leave the conversation before I felt like I had had a chance to express my thoughts and feelings. Your girlfriend is essentially using her meowing as a way of (in her mind) avoiding conflict. The other important part of the drive by was making sure to give my husband the benefit of the doubt that he wasn’t trying to upset me and being clear with him that I didn’t think he was trying to hurt me or be selfish. So I tried to include some statement of my understanding of his positive intent or lack of negative intent. Anyway I thought something like that might be a good way to have a conversation with your girlfriend about the meowing because it would give her a chance to think about what you’re saying without it escalating or without her using the meowing to avoid listening to you.
The structure was loosely 1. Ask the person Is this a good time for you? I have something I need to get off my chest.
Inform the other person that you aren’t looking for a response right now, but just need to share your feelings with them. But you would like to talk later after you’ve both had some time to think/process what you’ve said
Acknowledge that you realize their intent may have been good or benign. (Like: I know you aren’t trying to be rude and it seems like maybe you’re actually trying to avoid conflict when you meow…)
Share the actual issue and how it makes you feel (you can try an I statement here, but I have found that my husband finds the “I” statement patronizing so I just state the issue and my feelings in the way that is most natural to me.
End with a thank you for listening to what I have to say and a reminder that I love them very much. And then I walk away.
We don’t always talk about it later actually, but I found that even if we didn’t, my husband almost always showed me by changes in his behavior that he had heard what I said. Removing the opportunity for us to argue over it or for him to escalate the conflict with his negative response meant more real listening and understanding. I don’t know if that idea helps at all or even feels applicable but I thought I’d share in case it was helpful.
Woah. He doesn’t prioritize nor respect the relationship. Time to leave. It’s a lost cause after all this time.
Omg so relieved. Did/doing all those things and have told my bf to ask them about dinner so they don’t feel pressured. Thank you! I’m just nervous af.
He didn't change. You are seeing the real him. He was on his best behavior before. He seems entitled. His mom is probably tired of bailing him out. Why rack up so much debt without a job? It's his fault he didn't graduate. The guy needs to start taking reslonsibility for his bad choices. He can't expect his mom to bail him out. He's an adult now. He sounds so selfish. I'd move on.
Wow….Just wow
If you’re going to try and “compete” for your sons affections with Ava you’ve got issues Lady
He’s a grown man at 22 and he’s exactly right, it’s not normal to get jealous and act like he’s having an affair on you
Cut the umbilical cord and get yourself into therapy before you do something stupid and he permanently cuts contact with you