Gaby-leon live webcams for YOU!


ride dildo [Multi Goal]

Date: October 18, 2022

12 thoughts on “Gaby-leon live webcams for YOU!

  1. That isn't a normal thing to do while being in a relationship. She most likely said it because someone else saw them doing it and she was afraid that she would be caught cheating. Her attitude towards it is also leaning towards that she is cheating because that isn't something normal and shouldn't be treated cassualy instead of a guilty or reggretable reactions she casulally said it when in fact it is a big deal when ina relationship unless she is accustomed to cheating in an relationship.

  2. oh my fucking god. suspicious???? Your husband is trying to groom your son. The amount of stories I've heard about pedophiles exposing themselves for gratification is, like 3, but I assume its a pretty common thing.

  3. I get where you're coming from but maybe it's better to call out shaming with words instead of by shaming more people? Not trying to be a dick!

  4. Thanks, I am trying to keep us optimistic we will find something but I have to be realistic and the same time. Hopefully something comes up.

    I’ve also mentioned staying where we are but she doesn’t want to pay toward the current flat because it’s not to her standard.

  5. Communicate with her. Let her know that it's bad enough that you're considering leaving her. She either does something about this or you leave.

    At least if she chooses the alcohol over you then you can at least say you tried.

  6. Everyone else makes great point so I will just bring up one. Scheduling. If you have time for a relationship at all, then you have time to find a meeting.

    It's post covid. Online or phone meetings exist around the world.Start with one, find one u like, keep doing that one. Even if its just weekly. Even if it's at 3am and you have to call a different country. Your girlfriend will understand and appreciate you making that a priority. If it's too alcohol or drug focused for you and makes u want a drink at even the mention of one, then 1. You need help and more work on this yet than you realize, and 2. Try CODA instead (codependent anonymous). It focuses on the relationships piece of things, and creating better behaviors and patterns with others. You need SOMETHING to help you not relapse long term though. Therapy? A sponsor? Other coping skills in times of stress besides drinking. Or other hobbies if it's a social thing.

    There are SO MANY added steps you could be taking to make this a priority besides/after quitting alcohol. It's time to do the work to make sure it never looks like a good option or your best possible coping mechanism again. Its important to your entire future…and she knows this. Don't blow it off. Take whatever the NEXT step is for YOU. Then another. Make it a focus. Not just an afterthought you might fit in if its super convenient.

    This thing can and has the power to tank your ENTIRE LIFE. Starting with your current relationship it seems. Find positive alternatives that work to fill the space it occupies in your world, and that serve the purpose alcohol fills for you. It's important. Good Luck.

  7. This comment is to the bf don’t put up with that dude. That is so disrespectful. Idgaf just because you’re not Igbo man that’s not a reason to dislike you. Also your girl isn’t defending you. Her dad did the absolute most disrespectful thing. Also good job for not punching him and just walking away. You deserve better king.

  8. Your ex probably hates you. Leave her the fuck alone. Sorry to say but karma's a bitch. Live with your choices

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