Firebug711 live webcams for YOU!


RIDE@goal#ebony#bigass#cum#squirt#smalltits#squirt#bdsm#bi#goldshow#group [441 tokens remaining]

Date: October 15, 2022

11 thoughts on “Firebug711 live webcams for YOU!

  1. Thanks for the response, that seems to be what makes the most sense currently. I guess it just concerns me that I’m usually attracted to people who seem to also have their priorities set, but they’re usually 5+ years older so my subconscious keeps fearing it’s the age difference that holds me back.

  2. Just talk with her man… y’all move in together and it’s a different ball game since you guys are in each others personal space and comfortable with doing what you usually do if you were home alone.

    You can also make it a planned activity that you both can clean together and hopefully she picks up the habit of cleaning up after herself.

  3. It sounds like she doesn’t have the right meds. If this is out of character then I’d suggest you get more medical help.

    And having your uterus removed is huge. The hormone changes would be enough for anyone to feel crazy.

    She might need some temporary support at home in the form of a cleaner if you can afford that. And maybe daycare a couple days a week if you have any young enough to still be at home. This will allow her the space to truly recover. A temporary solution for your frustration and her current situation.

  4. being supportive and “fixing” someone are 2 completely different things. OP should have been supportive by going to SO's house, being gentle, asking what OP could do to help SO. We have no idea if OP did any of that. OP didn't say he did, so i'm going to assume that OP didn't bother going over to ask what he could do.

    I do NOT think that OP could do anything to “fix” SO. SO's issues go too deep, if they aren't able/willing to share their issues with OP, then OP isn't trusted enough by SO. SO needs help that OP can't give.

    I never once said OP needed to “fix” SO. I never said SO was sitting in the house waiting for OP to rescue them. I'm not sure where you got that from.

    I said OP was selfish for demanding, repeatedly that SO gives OP what he wants (an explanation, attention, love, whatever) and OP did NOT in anyway give back the same support to SO.

    As OP wrote the post, OP didn't give any indication that he reached out to help in even the smallest way. OP wants all, but can't even just go over to the house and sit with OP for a second to ask if she is alright?

  5. If she wants to be so blatant about it, why don't you have her simply google Revenge Porn laws. No, you sharing your pics with her does not equal your consent to have those shared with her friends.

    So reverse the roles and imagine her reaction to her nudes being shared with your guy friends. She still going to be so calm and casual about it? I really don't think she would be.

    She's violated not only your trust but she's also violated your boundaries and the fact she's insistent that it's not a big deal is wrong and victim blaming you for her own actions.

  6. Even if you plan to make it work, you need to cancel the engagement. Cancel it officially and have him tell everyone that would ask the true reason why it has happened. That should be a decent start to see whether he is even remotely remorseful about his behaviour. Second thing would completely cutting contact with that “friend”, he should be dead to your ex fiance. There would be more points, but somehow I doubt he would go through even with these 2 first ones.

    Now, that is a way to begin the process of repairing your relationship, but you don't need to go through with it. Simply leaving him is probably even better option. My first suggestion is, because just leaving him might be emotionally difficult for you, therefore asking for a proper atonement I have suggested is great. If he refuses, you will once again see how little he cares, so leaving him should be easier.

  7. That is a choice that she made. It's not a condition she suffers from, so she can turn it off -IF she wants to & I'm guessing she doesn't want to. You don't want to sacrifice your friendship with her, but that's precisely what she's doing with YOUR friendship.

    She's struggling with a choice she made 4 yrs ago, but she's not in pain. If she is, it's of her own making/doing. She knows her BFF is involved with this man, yet she's arguing with & avoiding you, her BFF. My guess is it's because she's just waiting for her chance.

    You're both still quite young & perhaps unfamiliar with how some people can be duplicitous. They can be blind to their own motivations in a situation. Ignore her admission at your peril. Don't tell your BF, that's just going someplace you need this situation to NOT go. And no, she has NO RIGHT to admit her feelings to your BF.

    Just because she thinks she's in love with your BF doesn't mean she should do or say anything about it to him. And admitting it to you after 4 yrs is a betrayal -especially when she's using it as an excuse to avoid & argue with you. She needs to put away her “feelings” and behave like she's got some sense. She is stepping into territory where she doesn't belong.

  8. Please don’t use your kids as the reason to keep yourself unhappy. They don’t deserve to have a mom who is miserable and meeting partners is really not that traumatic

  9. None, I was feeling my drinks and it just came out. Of course I can’t post the exact context do to rules but you can guess exactly what was said for me to say eww

  10. He cheated on you with two women that you know of already.

    You have only been together 3 years.

    Honestly, do you think he will change? No, he will only get better at hiding it.

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