Evaio live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 24, 2022

62 thoughts on “Evaio live webcams for YOU!

  1. Given the stories here I just wanna say mad respect for both being mature and keeping boundaries in place.. etc you’ll find someone, no doubt ✌️

  2. You need to tell her that you signed up for monogamy, and if she's not interested in that then you won't contest a divorce.

    I'm not sure how long “not long ago” is, but if it's less than 6 months you might still be able to get a legal annulment.

  3. Yes, I barely supported the both of us for about a year and a half when he couldn't find a job, but also my brother is moving in afterwards and he will be able to pay his share. I've gone through two other serious breakups before, this one just feels so different since we live together and are constantly around one another.

  4. You're the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. I'd be concerned if my partner was spending time with people in the adult industry. You should tell her you're uncomfortable. I'm sure if you hung out with people in the adult industry she'd be concerned too

  5. These are extreme red flags. Please do what your friend is suggesting. Do you know the number one predictor of whether he will actually kill you is hands around your throat? Do you realize how close you came? I'm so glad you're safe for now at least.

  6. You're 28 and didn't think that while changing BC, using other means of contraception, aka condoms being the only other reliable temporary option, was necessary?

  7. Update: I found out about attachment styles recently through this and had us both take a test on it I guess. Apparently, I have “anxious preoccupied” and he has “fearful avoidant”. While it does kinda sound like mumbo jumbo, it really gives some insight into the real problem. If you're having this problem as well, I'd suggest looking into it.

  8. u/Specialist-Crazy1466, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  9. It’s not humiliating. This guy is really, really a total loser, I hope you can see that. He didn’t respect your boundaries and common health sense and then he had to be mean with the “joke” as the last word. I hope you can take a minute and see what a idiot this guy is and laugh. Never let people like that make you feel anything but relief at having dodged a bullet.

  10. Damn. You didn’t tell her? RIP to your relationship lol you ruined every ounce of trust she had in you. You can try to grovel and never talk to your friend again, but that may not even work. Or be worth it. But be prepared for the gf to make you chose between the two. Who would you pick?

  11. When I didn't immediately accept it, she got upset and said I'm giving her anxiety and ruining her morning by not accepting her apology. I then spent the rest of our morning commute consoling her.

    This sucks. That's not how that should work.

  12. It can be pretty hard to read signals when he's not actively engaged in the sex act, and when everyone is at least a little buzzed. We don't even know how well she could see him during the entire event. Without him saying something, it's just as easy to assume he was enjoying the voyeurism, since he told them to go ahead without him.

  13. Leave a note on his door at work in his locker at school make a dummy ig or Facebook account or just send him a DM from someone else's account

  14. I can’t leave.. I don’t have the heart to and I don’t know how. When things are good, they’re amazing. When they aren’t, they are awful. I’m sure she is bipolar or something. She has been thru a lot. Been thru stuff women shouldn’t go thru u know.

  15. No he’s not lol, it’s just a horny nerd making shit up. It’s the trying to talk like a knight of the round table that gives it away.

  16. Is it just your skin colour or is there a possible problem about a religious and nationality issue as well? Or the fact that she has a boyfriend at all?

  17. He does not want to get a hotel to save costs.

    And you don't want to go at all, so perhaps that's the compromise you can pitch. He's willing to spend your joint money on the plane tickets, you're willing to spend it on the hotel. So you'll go, and you'll be a good guest, but you want to stay in a hotel.

  18. you don’t tell them that that is the reason. it will make you look extremely bad and you might permanently damage them mentally. you break up with them with other excuse.

  19. Lol Danielle somehow thinking you were low enough to get some revenge? Sorry for how things panned out. I was late to the party when you first posted.

    Wish you all the best.

  20. The issue is he DOES want to get married, but not to OP

    We have no way of knowing if that's true as he could very easily be stringing her along on that point as well. If he told her he doesn't want to marry at all, she might've walked. But luckily, they decided on some 'conditions' that bought him some time. Now that time is up so he can either tell her doesn't want to get married (possibly causing her to walk) or he can fabricate a new condition (which could potentially buy him so more time).

    The point now is not whether he wants to marry, doesn't want to marry or that he has some conditions that need to be met first. The point is that he deliberately hid his feelings from her to buy more time for himself. He did not give a flying fuck about her autonomy or her right to have a say in her own future and he did it for purely selfish reasons.

    For that reason alone, she should end the relationship, even if he proposed today.

  21. You both seem horrible – spitting on someone is disgusting and a crime in many places and you also committed assault.

  22. Then don’t tell him. If he has the ability to ruin your life with this information, do not tell him.

    Your best option, really, is to stop seeing him, and don’t date guys from work.

  23. “Fine, text me next time they’re in, and I’ll come see for myself.”

    Issuing demands after after telling him to fuck off?!?!

  24. That’s a good idea then. You’re not alone, it’s hard to not check up on your ex when they dump you. Honestly I’m not sure why it’s so hard… it’s not like they’re gonna post on social media about how much they miss us. Sometimes I wonder if it’s our brains wanting to see that they moved on so we have an excuse to me on. Idk.

  25. I'm confused about what she wants. If you're playing with her, then play with her. Don't ditch her to advance your own standing. Play at her level and her pace. Feeling left behind implies you maybe start out at her pace then go off and do your own stuff (on that character?) without her.

    I don't know how Valorant works specifically but if you can have multiple characters or accounts (idk wth a smurf is) then just dedicate 1 to playing with her and her only. At her pace and ability. Is that difficult to do in Valorant?

  26. And that’s the kind of thing you can say no to or discuss without being an asshole. You’re an asshole for being a downer about the entire thing that your girlfriend and other roommates are excited about planning that doesn’t hurt you at all. You clearly didn’t want the party from the get go so you’re finding things to complain about. That’s being an AH.

  27. He’s 32 years old and can’t tell whether he wants to date exclusively or not then the answer is NO! Don’t waste anymore of your time on this person.

  28. He wants to keep the gf experience while not having a gf.

    The question is, are you financially independent to leave, if so, you need to move away asap and get closure. If not, you still need to start planning for leaving while maintaining and communicating boundaries (don't be intimate with him if you don't want to etc.). This uncertainty is not good for your studies either.

  29. Please dude stop! Have you not seen all the cars where people end up with nothing because they trusted their partner who then left. Don’t be an idiot. Tell her no. And seriously she doesn’t sound like she is mature enough for a relationship. It sucks to be alone but it’s better to be alone then later betrayed and robbed of everything. What are you thinking with? She is manipulating you to do what she wants. Seriously dude. Get your head out of your ass and stop this madness.

  30. So. You had an angry issues that cost you your family. Now you are angry with this fact. It’s infinite circle. You need to focus on that and get professional help (or double up your efforts if you’re already in therapy) How fast your wife moved on is not relevant to your situation. You fixated on the wrong thing.

  31. WTF is your problem here OP?

    You both think it sounds hot, she told you she's fine with it and wants it, you are both consenting adults, it's a super tame fetish.

  32. I’m an Aussie and it hasn’t been when I’ve had routine tests. It’s usually identified through the swabbing of open sores (so doctors have told me).

  33. Or maybe he just finally felt secure enough in the relationship that he could do this without her leaving and try to “train” her into who he thinks she should be.

  34. No excuse to put your hands on your partner ever, so truthfully I do hope he leaves, because you are abusive and alcohol is no excuse.

  35. I also never claimed I got raped, I explained the situation where I consented for him to touch me sexually but not when he wanted to “put the tip in” and his response was “if I wanted to force you I would have.”

  36. Dude, an all or nothing attitude is childish. “If I can't follow models and women I tried to date then I'll just delete Instagram”. That sounds like a petulant teen. Besides, what's the point of following models or old Tinder matches of you don't like posts or comment? Hint: eye candy.

    She isn't telling you you can't. Just that she doesn't want her profile linked to a guy's when he just follows other women like a horny 20 year old. The answer isn't deleting Instagram all together. It's not following women you have no real reason to follow.

    How are you 31 and haven't figured this out?

  37. Oh you can’t sleep you’re obsessed with this incident that happened a month ago what is your alternative here?

  38. Why post on here? Sounds like you're going to stay regardless. So, why does it matter?

    Either accept that this is a relationship where trust is nonexistent and he will cheat, or leave.

    Those are literally your only options at this point.

  39. You were definitely rude. The split in opinions on this thread is whether it was excusable. Nobody except you thinks you weren’t rude to a) completely ignore a visitor and then b) mutter ‘what’s up’ without making eye contact before c) walking off. That is objectively rude.

  40. That was my thought exactly when I read that part. Wtf, so she thinks he should be the only reasonable/rational person in their relationship? That she can possibly do anything that involves their relationship without reasoning with her partner, but he should reason with her when making a drastic decision? That's a huge red flag by itself.

  41. I think you do make a valid point, I am just not convinced that it is certainly the best route . I just thought it would be weird if I waited one year and was like “btw I found out soon after we broke up that I have this personality disorder and my lack of self awareness and self control caused me to hurt you and destroy our relationship” like it just doesn’t feel like something you should tell someone one year later, especially if it might help them heal now. Do you have any specific reasons as to why she shouldn’t be aware of this information?

  42. This is the attitude we’ve been having so that’s why we kinda never thought it was an issue !?

  43. Yo from a dude who recently had a similar cardiovascular issue I discovered from masturbating, go to the mf doctor bc turns out I had a heart arrhythmia ???

  44. Thanks. I try to think of myself as a nice and caring partner because I just want us both to be treated how the other would want to be treated. I feel as if maybe I failed on my part to elaborate more on my feelings instead of I would put in choppy sentences. If I go up to my boyfriend with my emotions sometimes, I will get very small just by asking questions to see if the situation is okay to talk about. But if not, I will stop talking and just go read to try steady my emotions. Of course, I do come back later to try to talk about it but I don't know maybe I have some fault here?

  45. In situations like this, I think you have a choice to make because this is your problem and not his. I think you might be expecting him to change, but you’re the one who is wanting something different. If you want to have a boyfriend who travels and does fun things, then you should do that. Or instead of looking at your boyfriend for what he isn’t doing, I think you could appreciate him for what he is doing. It sounds like he’s making his kid a priority and being a good dad, and I think that is pretty admirable.

  46. Whether or not he actually has OCD, nobody consistently and meticulously cleans and curates every aspect of their environment for the fun of it. Whatever the explanation for his total change in behavior, it doesn't make any sense that it was phony or some type of trick, he is obviously taking some conscious effort to restrain himself.

  47. She's miserable and she feels used, she's afraid to speak up and you're like “but blowjobs though!”

  48. While it could be completely innocent, the amount of alarm bells that most people would have over being invited on a trip like this is massive.

    The fact that it wasn’t an instant no is concerning.

    You can and should break up with anyone for whatever reason you want to. So if for you her going on this trip is a dealbreaker, then if she decides to go, send her a text as soon as she steps on the plane, telling her it’s over.

    And yes – going on an overseas trip with 7 strangers while in a committed relationship is overstepping the bounds for most anyone

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