Are you willing to lose everything you have with your partner for this person? That’s the only question you need to ask. But really, she needs to know what is going on with you, she needs to make this decision too as you’re already over the line.
Sis, you are 19 and you have this big beautiful life in front of you. But this guy – he is going to derail you from your plans for yourself.
He is 27 and broke.
He is 27 and lives with his Dad.
He has a broken down car and uses yours instead of saving the money to fix his.
You feel like he is manipulating you.
You never wanted this relationship.
Sis, get out now. Break up, grieve what you like about him and save yourself for someone worthy of you.
ALWAYS trust your gut and since the beginning your gut has said he is not worthy of a relationship with you but he manipulated you into a relationship. Instead of trusting your gut you went along with it. So, now, reclaim your life.
Break up with him
Focus on school/work/hobbies
Travel – see the world!
Spend time with people walking the same direction as you. Not someone grabbing onto your ankle and trying to yank you back from your goals.
A few things, no a promise ring is not an engagement. You know you won’t/can’t marry this guy…why are you wasting your time? If this is how he treats animals imagine how he’d treat your kids. Y’all where dating 3 months and you moved in together…yikes! And lastly do you now value your time enough to not be spending time on something that will never go anywhere?
When my wife is really tired, she tends to sleep right before she completely falls asleep. It's completely normal for some people and generally harmless.
In itself that (romanticizing the past) is probably nothing to get too worked up over – just an emotional moment with an old BF. However, I suggest you tell her what you know and point out that this looks like she still has a fire smouldering for her last BF – even after 5 years and that hurts you to see. Be silent and let her say what comes to her mind. Then you can evaluate that.
Thats a bit different from looking through your browser history and asking pointed questions though. Its one thing talking about it in general, its another thing being grilled about specific sessions you didnt think someone knew about.
Open relationships are all about open, honest communication as well as a lot of self work. It sounds like you jumped into it without doing any research or talking to any other non monogamous people. You should have a discussion about the what ifs – what if feelings happen, what if they like it and want to continue, what if there is accidental pregnancy etc. The coworker also needs to be aware of what is going on, consent of all parties is mandatory for ethical reasons.
I suggest researching. The monogamous people on this reddit arent going to be able to give you solid advice.
She might not even be aware of it. You have to speak to her calmly about it, then give her time to think about it. Make your points, then go back in a few days to discuss them. Her response will tell you all you need to know.
While we have sex she seems to really like it. Like a fake orgasm is super easy to see. A lot of men pretend they don’t know, but they just don’t care. I would say it’s more like she’s letting me fuck her. But she’s not gonna fuck me….. if that’s makes sense
As someone whom her best friend is also a guy and I am very close with. When dating it’s one of the first things I disclose. When getting to know them I have a list of things I disclose of that are real breakers if they aren’t okay with. If I tell them and they agree then I go out on a date with them in person. So far I haven’t had any problems with it. And like I always tell them he is family to me his not going any where, once we get serious I will introduce you and we can go on a double date with him and his gf.
Yeah, it sounds like they haven't really been working to stay connected through the long-distance periods. She's likely been feeling single/alone for ages already, divorce is just making it official.
I have dealt with cultural differences myself. Sure, he needs to be sensitive and perhaps bend over backwards sensitive, but I am not really hearing much outrage from you. The bottom line is that you are deep into your culture, it has a strong hold on you, and really I think your fathers behavior is pretty much acceptable to you.
Here is the bottom line for me, you picked this guy who is from another culture which just by choosing him, you have rejected yours (at least in this area of mating) and he is the guy you are going to spend the rest of your life with and yet you are really not defending him, he can be the bigger man and acquiesce but you expect him too. By just about any measure of most cultures a man,.spitting on another man is totally unacceptable. If you can't see this then I think you should keep harmony in your family, break up with this guy, and find an appropriate igbo man.
In my case my family rejected my partner who was African, I spent every day with my partner, hardly any time with my family (but we were on good terms before.this and I would be at all family functions) I left, shut my family out, they came around in about 6.months but I was prepared to make it forever.
I do wonder if there’s like a 2% chance she’s planning a surprise party for you or the guys brother is a woodworker and she’s getting something special custom made etc. Is there any room in the scenario for a secret that is good and innocent?
Yeah it was shady that she just told you. And a little rude that she had to throw it in your face that there wouldn't be room for you anyway. But if you don't trust her why waste more time in the relationship.
Yeah I was trying to differentiate that but I caught him looking at my social media a couple of times too. & some of the nicknames he called me seemed flirtatious. We don’t work in an office so it’s not a super professional environment.
you should always be honest about your past to someone you're seeing, she deserves that much. but her reaction is concerning and she may need therapy, i'm not sure that's normal behavior.
Are you willing to lose everything you have with your partner for this person? That’s the only question you need to ask. But really, she needs to know what is going on with you, she needs to make this decision too as you’re already over the line.
Sis, you are 19 and you have this big beautiful life in front of you. But this guy – he is going to derail you from your plans for yourself.
He is 27 and broke.
He is 27 and lives with his Dad.
He has a broken down car and uses yours instead of saving the money to fix his.
You feel like he is manipulating you.
You never wanted this relationship.
Sis, get out now. Break up, grieve what you like about him and save yourself for someone worthy of you.
ALWAYS trust your gut and since the beginning your gut has said he is not worthy of a relationship with you but he manipulated you into a relationship. Instead of trusting your gut you went along with it. So, now, reclaim your life.
Break up with him
Focus on school/work/hobbies
Travel – see the world!
Spend time with people walking the same direction as you. Not someone grabbing onto your ankle and trying to yank you back from your goals.
Oh btw he did record me and other situations. He also avoided the question a lot which made me feel less trust on him:/
A few things, no a promise ring is not an engagement. You know you won’t/can’t marry this guy…why are you wasting your time? If this is how he treats animals imagine how he’d treat your kids. Y’all where dating 3 months and you moved in together…yikes! And lastly do you now value your time enough to not be spending time on something that will never go anywhere?
When my wife is really tired, she tends to sleep right before she completely falls asleep. It's completely normal for some people and generally harmless.
I too had such a phase when I was younger.
Think nothing of it.
I'm a woman and don't try to avoid gym loving guys. ?
She literally said he's working less hours than her.
Shouldn't you confront him
Does he see you as someone he will marry in future?
Why he started dating you without letting you know if he is gonna have a Indian wife in the end?
What he see the relationship you guys have as?
Sorry you have to meet such a douche bag, I'm from India and i can't even deal with Indian families
I don’t. OPs husband may not either
We've never interacted before.
In itself that (romanticizing the past) is probably nothing to get too worked up over – just an emotional moment with an old BF. However, I suggest you tell her what you know and point out that this looks like she still has a fire smouldering for her last BF – even after 5 years and that hurts you to see. Be silent and let her say what comes to her mind. Then you can evaluate that.
inconsiderate shitter
Thats a bit different from looking through your browser history and asking pointed questions though. Its one thing talking about it in general, its another thing being grilled about specific sessions you didnt think someone knew about.
Yep. Shared rental idea was causing too many fights and now they are looking for a place to buy on their own.
Just because a dude has a low sex drive doesn’t mean something is wrong with him?
Wish her well and end it. It's fine not to be attracted to the same sex.
Open relationships are all about open, honest communication as well as a lot of self work. It sounds like you jumped into it without doing any research or talking to any other non monogamous people. You should have a discussion about the what ifs – what if feelings happen, what if they like it and want to continue, what if there is accidental pregnancy etc. The coworker also needs to be aware of what is going on, consent of all parties is mandatory for ethical reasons.
I suggest researching. The monogamous people on this reddit arent going to be able to give you solid advice.
Free infertility without a painful procedure? Sign me the fuck up
In your post history, youre looking for a sugardaddy, why are you sending a 21yrold money and nudes?
She might not even be aware of it. You have to speak to her calmly about it, then give her time to think about it. Make your points, then go back in a few days to discuss them. Her response will tell you all you need to know.
My guy, you got held back and no one told you, like Kelso in “That 70s Show”
While we have sex she seems to really like it. Like a fake orgasm is super easy to see. A lot of men pretend they don’t know, but they just don’t care. I would say it’s more like she’s letting me fuck her. But she’s not gonna fuck me….. if that’s makes sense
As someone whom her best friend is also a guy and I am very close with. When dating it’s one of the first things I disclose. When getting to know them I have a list of things I disclose of that are real breakers if they aren’t okay with. If I tell them and they agree then I go out on a date with them in person. So far I haven’t had any problems with it. And like I always tell them he is family to me his not going any where, once we get serious I will introduce you and we can go on a double date with him and his gf.
Yeah, it sounds like they haven't really been working to stay connected through the long-distance periods. She's likely been feeling single/alone for ages already, divorce is just making it official.
I have dealt with cultural differences myself. Sure, he needs to be sensitive and perhaps bend over backwards sensitive, but I am not really hearing much outrage from you. The bottom line is that you are deep into your culture, it has a strong hold on you, and really I think your fathers behavior is pretty much acceptable to you.
Here is the bottom line for me, you picked this guy who is from another culture which just by choosing him, you have rejected yours (at least in this area of mating) and he is the guy you are going to spend the rest of your life with and yet you are really not defending him, he can be the bigger man and acquiesce but you expect him too. By just about any measure of most cultures a man,.spitting on another man is totally unacceptable. If you can't see this then I think you should keep harmony in your family, break up with this guy, and find an appropriate igbo man.
In my case my family rejected my partner who was African, I spent every day with my partner, hardly any time with my family (but we were on good terms before.this and I would be at all family functions) I left, shut my family out, they came around in about 6.months but I was prepared to make it forever.
He’s a shit.
I do wonder if there’s like a 2% chance she’s planning a surprise party for you or the guys brother is a woodworker and she’s getting something special custom made etc. Is there any room in the scenario for a secret that is good and innocent?
Yeah it was shady that she just told you. And a little rude that she had to throw it in your face that there wouldn't be room for you anyway. But if you don't trust her why waste more time in the relationship.
Well I’m glad I could help lol
So your GF ruined your anniversary trip and when she asked you about it and you were honest with her she's now giving you the silent treatment?
and you are asking what YOU can do to make things right?
If she doesn't apologize soon and try to make things right, kick her ass out.
That will make things right.
She and her BF can both be single.
Yeah I was trying to differentiate that but I caught him looking at my social media a couple of times too. & some of the nicknames he called me seemed flirtatious. We don’t work in an office so it’s not a super professional environment.
No it’s been Two years and I’ve never gotten nothing that can point towards that
A guy in his mid twenties typing like a Facebook mum is hilarious to me for some reason, I’d get the ick so quick
you should always be honest about your past to someone you're seeing, she deserves that much. but her reaction is concerning and she may need therapy, i'm not sure that's normal behavior.
why are you with this person? you don't trust him, he assaulted you, he (in your own words) tortures you mentally and he's a creep
Being on your own is better than this – I promise