Eva_Stivenslive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “Eva_Stivenslive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Very true she could/should have said no. But this is a lady who is invested in what she thought was a happy marriage and most of us girls do a lot to preserve this life. She felt pressured to go swinging but felt that it may keep her marriage in a good place. Rather than seem “uncaring and selfish” she tried it. Swinging didn’t bring the closeness back as she had hoped it would, and to be honest she was grasping at straws. This doesn’t mean she is the author of her own misfortune, just that she didn’t understand her husbands mixed messages. She should leave him now knowing that she has made every effort to keep a happy marriage. It hasn’t been possible because her husband doesn’t want it, if he is honest. Hindsight is a marvellous thing and I’m sure now OP has it she would reverse previous decisions if she could. Sadly nobody can do that so she should just think forward and upward

  2. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I went through something similar and the first psychiatrist I saw told me that the first step to accepting what happened to me, is accepting that I might never fully know the whole story.

    However, that does not mean you should just graze over your memory of saying no. What you explained here was rape. Please, please, please see a therapist if you can. Your university may provide mental health services.

    If you want to chat further, I’m going through therapy for an SA right now. I’m no expert but I can at least lend an ear until you get more help.

  3. You make it sound as if the friend is property of her husband, tf? Get your ego in check, you don't need to be the center of attention everyday all day.

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  5. I don't think he only tried. It looks very much like he did, is and will again. And he knew her since she was 5, and waited for her to be 18. This is so much not the life any of you deserve.

  6. As a rule, we follow what we are interested in…

    He’s interested in underage girls.

    Do with that what you will, but I wouldn’t feel comfortable with a partner who’s preferences are so extreme. Definitely inappropriate behaviour, even if they were older women- following 300+ and seeking out threads to comment on them is not normal when you have a partner, it’s disrespectful.

    This guy isn’t okay.

  7. Classic abuser talk. Belittle the victim and gaslight them into believing it is their fault.

    You are safe and I would send dad or uncle to retrieve your stuff. DO NOT GO BACK THERE

  8. Oh good God you are the toxic drama girl. He should Def keep you on block. The screaming and tantrum afterward… you have disordered thinking. Go seek therapy. Leave this boy alone.

  9. Cloud it.

    Be honest with her if you don't feel the need or comfortable with deleting the pics. Compromise archiving them in the cloud somewhere. Not on your phone or immediately accessible on other accessories.

    Angle is that you just have them around for the memories sake not sitting there pining over the old pics daily lol just mean it when you say it. Really think about why you asked the question and have concerns about deleting the pics

    This is a rule that varies from relationship to relationship. Both answers are right and you're just going to have to be open and honest with each other about boundaries

  10. I’m aware of pheromones, they typically have an unconscious influence on desire. The fact that she finds your sent attractive should mean you guys have complimentary immune systems.

  11. My fiancé doesn’t understand my “witchy” natural side all the time & still brought me home a dead dried out baby bat when he was roofing. You don’t have to understand to be accepting & he just seems like a dick lol

  12. If she is pregnant I’d 10,000% want a DNA test, because it sounds like she could be intentionally setting you up to think it’s your child….

  13. it’s legit just rock paper scissors – not like some unique phrase or mannerisms that is exclusive to you

  14. Regardless, It doesn't matter. You're not happy and that's the bottom line. Why stay in a marriage you're unhappy in.

  15. Lol, what? Considering he's cheating scum anyway he's way more likely to be that 1 in 5 guys who go running the second things get rough.

  16. Thank you for such a well thought out reply! Someone else mentioned establishing a frequency for chores rather than just saying what needs to be done and I think this is a good way to do it!

  17. A lot of size queens experience that and know that only a larger penis can do it. Some women aren't as deep and you can hit that spot. I'm a grower and lucky to reach over 7 inches, but know a guy who was about 10″ and probably as big around as a coke can. Men like that actually can't thrust for their own satisfaction and too much for most girls, but there are some that can take that amount with the right forplay and him barely putting in any motion will hit all of the spots that an average guy can't hit.

    Men who are average instinctively know this and our egos do need to be taken into account within the relationship in relation to this much like men need to take into account insecurities women face.

    Women will say that “the big ones hurt” and “I only cum from oral” but a guy knows that someone with giant dick also can learn how to eat pussy, be great partners, and be gentle enough to reach those spots internally without much effort.

    For men that are average or even above average, we just need to accept that fact of life and choose partners that don't require this to get off or even talk about wanting this. OPs bf needs therapy and self love. OP simply needs to use the proper language to affirm her bf's ability to pleasure her.

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