Ethel live webcams for YOU!


12 thoughts on “Ethel live webcams for YOU!

  1. After 2 months of dating you bought him $600 of gifts ant he got you $20. Ok…. Then for you birthday, nothing, yet you're still buying him everything and anything? And wait, you're happy with a bunch of flowers over the year?! Girl, he's a grown ass man who makes 100% more what you make but you're trying to buy his love. He's putting less than shit effort into this relationship. What's the point? What are your actually getting out of it? Nothing.

  2. We're all looking at this sober and with 20/20 hindsight. We weren't there during the attempted threesome, riding passenger in either of their minds so to speak.

    By the sound of it this wasn't some 2 hour porno romp with enough time to figure out where the third person went off to. Sounds more like maybe a couple of minutes, 10 or 15 at most where they tried to engage OP but because of the reasons he stated he couldn't.

    If you're spending half that time trying to engage the third partner but can't and the vibe is starting to hit for the other two. I dunno man. I'd not judge OP or GF too hard.

    Being (semi) drunk and aroused, that's a good cocktail to not be fully present or cognisant of what everyone else in the room is doing with multiple partners. Especially if it's their first time in a threesome.

  3. A bit of sarcasm… I think we all make mistakes and those who talk about them are working through them and growing. Do you like reading them because it helps you feel better about what you’ve done? I know that before I left my marriage I would read posts about abuse to justify my husband’s behaviors and to feel better that I wasn’t getting beaten or raped.

  4. I wouldn’t say we have screaming matching about being denied sex. We have screaming matches when I bring up not having sex. I’m sure I’ve huffed and scoffed with out even noticing. That probably doesn’t help but it’s really really hard to be turned down nearly every time. We’ve tried scheduling sex but just turns into our schedule disappointment. Almost always it’s “tomorrow I’m so tired”

  5. If they are willing to degrade you don't not fighting their beauty standard, you're better off without them. There's folks out there who will love you as you are AND as you grow into the full you without degrading you.

  6. I am calling red flags based on some of your comments!!

    Less male friends

    Life 360

    claiming you are dreaming about other men

    Time to run.

  7. Sorry, I know it's your mom, but she is a horrible person. She is still trying to needle your bio dad. If your step dad dances with you, you can kiss your relationship with him goodbye.

  8. What? I get hit on frequently and I say “that’s so nice. I’m married though “

    And I walk away

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