Erica-Somna live webcams for YOU!


BLOWJOB [Multi Goal]

Date: October 27, 2022

44 thoughts on “Erica-Somna live webcams for YOU!

  1. He might think that would scare you away. I had numerous times where I was enjoying time with a girl where asking her to be my girlfriend completely ended the thing we had going. Ghosted some of the time, others they said they weren't ready for that kind of relationship…I met my wife on Tinder, spent most of our time together in her dorm at night, slept together the first night, she did my laundry because I would keep clothes in her room and she would get extra food from the dining room. Everything he's looking for aside from the key sounds exactly like a serious relationship to me.

  2. I agree with your husband on this one.

    First of all, your son is being vindictive. He does need to wake himself up. That's good for his development. He could even use an alarm app on his phone.

    He shouldn't play tit for tat games. Refusing to drive the girls was not for their development but for spite. The girls were not trying to be vindictive with her change, but he was. You should not want to encourage this behavior among family.

    Generosity is a better family trait, which you and your husband showed by giving the son a car. If your son is going to use the gift to spite other family members, I agree he should pay for it himself.

  3. When I was on lexapro for a while and drank with my friends, it almost felt like I blacked out. I got super tired all of a sudden and fell asleep rather quickly. Sorry you're having to worry about this OP, good luck

  4. I don't think you know what an analogy is. So your connection between a girlfriend upset that her partner is liking photos of boobs on twitter and someone ranting about dog poo is that both are “stupid insane”? That doesn't make it a good analogy lmao.

    I don't care about your wellbeing, i was looking for insight. You didn't tell me how long your current relationship is but thank you for explaining why your advice is so bitter and bad, you had a bad personal experience and now you're projecting that experience on to others and giving them terrible advice because of it.

    I'm sorry you got cheated on, but that experience doesn't mean you now have good relationship advice for people.

    How long is your current relationship?

  5. Invite them out if the apartment's too small. There's three of you now in a relationship so you can split 3 ways

  6. She is 21 years old. I hope you understand that there is no future here for you and her. It was fun while it lasted. I'm surprised that you didn't meet your equal while you were in college. Just let her go.

  7. Hello /u/Outrageous_Clerk2335,

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  8. I am just so pissed honestly, I have a job which takes me around the world and I meet tons of attractive and accomplished women and yet it has never happened to me. I know the anger is probably clouding my judgement but God I feel so angry and hurt.

  9. I think for now I have to, I can work my way slowly to more eventually though! I just have to get her pointing in the right direction.

  10. She is straight up not respecting your feelings man. You can’t really set a boundary on who she can or can’t talk to, that’s just being controlling.. but you can set a boundary that if she continues to demonstrate that frequent communication with an ex is more important to her than the way it makes you, her current partner, feel, you’re going to have to step back from the situation and let her decide whose feelings she’s more concerned about, and then actually follow through.

    If she prioritizes your relationship and respects your feelings on this, great, problem solved. If not, you are better off without her, I promise you.. which doesn’t necessarily mean she’s a cheater or a bad person, but be honest with yourself.. is your insecurity about this going to get better over time, or worse? If it gets worse, will your trust issues become more or less manageable? If they become less manageable, what does that suggest about the likelihood your next relationship will be with someone you feel secure with?

    I wish someone had explained these things to me before I went through the worst emotional pain I’ve ever dealt with.. worse than finding friends dead, worse than realizing what happened to me when I was younger.. this shit is cumulative. We’d love to start fresh with each new person, but until we heal, we are not built that way. Failure to set and keep boundaries now will result in progressively less ability to set and keep boundaries, and you will increasingly see yourself allowing people who do not respect you to stay in your life.

    One question.. has she known this dude forever? If yes, you are probably gonna have to either accept it or move on

  11. Thanks for this. Maybe I just needed someone who’s going thru the same things my wife does to understand and know more on how to handle her.

  12. I know I wouldn't like to have my partner looking at my phone all the time, even if I have nothing to hide. He probably feels oppressed and like you don't trust him. You say you do but the way you act proves otherwise.

    Honestly, if you're not able to trust him without investigating him all the time, your relationship won't last long.

  13. Race issues are old boring ass excuses for anything…if it was such a fucking issue why did he even approach you romantically???? Omgggggggg duhhhhhhh you wanna live with that stress???

    And you just seem stressed. You shouldn’t be crying over a relationship, must be shitty if you are.

  14. Well, I’m extremely glad I don’t know you IRL. That’s a scary ass response. I agree that spitting is terrible, but holy shit, equating “disrespect” with deserving assault is horrifying.

  15. So you’re mad at his former coworker? Are you asking whether you should confront that guy? My answer would be no, you should ignore it.

    Your BF didn’t do anything wrong, right?

  16. Sorry, I should’ve clarified. How can I mentally work through this so that I am prepared to be in a relationship? Am I doomed forever, no chance at changing?

  17. You don't want our help; you wanted to vent. And I get it. Find a job and cut him out of your life. Something tells me your mental state will improve massively. Good luck.

  18. Please please please run now. Do whatever it is you have to do to get away. This is extremely dangerous behavior. It’ll never get better just worse so you have to save yourself before it’s too late.

  19. Yeah you seem very very insecure. Personally if you gave me a hard time about my best and closest friend who is a woman, I’d dump you and move on with someone better.

    You don’t mention in your post how long you’ve been together and how long they’ve been friends. If you are together for a year and they’ve known each other for a decade, everything changes. Seems to me you’re projecting

  20. I think k speak for all of reddit when I say: why are you still talking him?

    Him getting angry for you not coming up to his room should be enough to end things. This has gone on way too long.

  21. It doesn't sound fair to me. Do your gender roles allow you to participate in decision making, or is that entirely up to him, too?

  22. It's a tough one and I don't know if I have advice for you. On one hand, I think spouses who are cheated on should know and you'll probably feel better if you did say something. On the other hand, it could spark a war with your soon-to-be x. Maybe after the divorce you can say something, but you want to keep it peaceful and what you want close to your chest. The possibility exists that she will be more ruthless if there is total animosity between the two of you. Would be something I would talk to a lawyer about, and with the people you trust most in your life

  23. Promise rings are not what I'd call appropriate at your age/life stage.

    Also the idea that you have to “earn” an engagement ring is super gross. He should want to marry you and make you his partner for life, not be setting up arbitrary (and it sounds like completely secret to everybody except him) guidelines you have to meet to be “worthy” of a ring. So if he's not telling you what things you actually need to do to “earn” this ring (which again I think is super demeaning) he can keep kicking the can down the road and stringing you along with promises of marriage/engagement that never actually materialize.

    If your very best friend in the world came to you and asked for help because her partner was treating her this way, what would you tell her to do? If he was de-prioritizing spending time with her, getting angry and shutting down any time relationship discussions come up, telling her that she can maybe POTENTIALLY prove that she's good enough to propose to if she ~works hard~ for several years, that she feels like he's just stringing her along, would you tell her to double down and keep working and wasting her time on this, or would you tell her to cut her losses, that she's correct about being strung along?

    Try to treat yourself like you would your very best friend. ?

  24. Your expectations for him are smothering. I'm sure he feels it every time you talk, even if you don't directly mention it. You need to relinquish whatever dreams you had for him because he obviously has never wanted the same thing. You can't make him want to move closer or take your hopes and expectations into account. All you'll do is push him away. Figure out how to have a relationship with who he is rather than who you want him to be.

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