Emily-Fernadez live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 30, 2022

13 thoughts on “Emily-Fernadez live webcams for YOU!

  1. Yes, you have evidence he was abusive towards her? That’s the important info here.

    It sounds like you aren’t confident in when they met and they did not date before she was 18, so there isn’t much to go off of there.

  2. Throwing your family with young kids upside down to chase an online affair is objectively a pretty shitty move however you want to gussy it up with self-justifying psychobabble excuses and qualifications. However, what's done is done. Now you're fighting him for a chunk of his retirement because you belatedly realize you will have the short end of the stick financially due to your decisions.

    Do not expect your kids to appreciate or admire your decision-making as they get older and understand the magnitude of what you did based on an infatuation. They may be polite now because of proximity but as they age and mature and put your decisions and actions in context, your actions will seem less and less acceptable to them, and they will eventually have a low-level resentment as their baseline attitude towards you. It's not here now but I guarantee you it's coming when they grow up and fully grasp what you did.

  3. “I'm sorry I said those things to you, I understand why it hurt you”

    it's not for me but damn, this is exactly how I would've liked people to apologise to me rather than, sorry it offended you

    Great advice

  4. duh.

    why are u trying to teach a grown ass 35 year old man anything.

    he knows better. he's choosing not to be better.

    dump him and move on

  5. I’d say cut your losses. You obviously care about them more than they care about you. It’s not worth your mental health and other friendships over. And talk to a therapist if you have access and can afford it. Grief in all it’s forms sucks.

  6. Uh, it doesn't sound like your sister was coherent or sober at all if you had to put her to the couch. This sounds like your sister was sexually assaulted by your husband.

    Either way I'd divorce your husband and consider seriously limiting contact with your sister unless she seeks help for her alcoholism. Drinking until you're blackout drunk isn't healthy or normal and I don't think you're in a place where you can support her through that.

  7. Why are you still entertaining this behavior? You are better than this, leave. Cancel the membership, cancel her out of your life. 4 months in is the time normal people are still in the honeymoon phase- she’s evil.

  8. Doesn't mean he wanted to marry you. Means he wanted to see if there were still feelings most likely and if they would be reciprocated.

  9. do you want him to get better or would you like out of the relationship

    Or both. She can want both. It’s not up to her to decide if she wants to “save” him or dump him. He’s an adult. It’s not her job to make him better.

  10. He was feeling ill and caught off guard. People do not always react well under those circumstances.

    What's more rude is the wife blind siding him and then berating him when he didn't act like she wanted. And then ignoring that he felt bad.

    What they both have is poor communication and most likely low emotional intelligence. They are both seeing things only their own way and neither one is “giving in”. Not that anyone needs to give in, but both could definitely address how they could have acted better in the situation and tried to alleviate the other's mind.

    However this reminds me of my failed marriage. By the end I was always so tired and stressed from my wife never seeing anything outside of her narrow focus. And me always having to apologize when I hadn't done anything wrong, because she has no ability to regulate her emotions and saw anything outside her control as a threat, that I would react like OP: tired, uncommunicative, etc

  11. You’d rather let him pimp you out because it gets his dick hard? Girl. Grow a spine. If you don’t want this, say so LOUD AND CLEAR. If you’re not sure and want to think about it, say that, and tell him he is not to bring it up again until you do b

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