Emilly_h live webcams for YOU!


emilly-h chat

Date: December 31, 2022

7 thoughts on “Emilly_h live webcams for YOU!

  1. I've read enough of your responses to know that you are out if the home and that this has been reported. So I'm sending you hugs and I hope you know you should be proud of yourself for doing the right thing in a very scary situation. It isn't always easy.

  2. He just told you he’d kill you and your kids if you cheated. What else would he kill you for? You know this isn’t normal

  3. Recently I posted online about my new opinions and leaving the church and my ex re-asked me to marry him, maybe I should’ve included that in the post but I wouldn’t be entertaining the idea of leaving my current bf at all if that hadn’t happened.

  4. Then focus on the fact that Tom is the one doing the dating. It isn't the perfect route to getting your partner to accept open marriages, but you may not be able to get that far. What you want to aim for right now is just getting him to recognize that it's Tom's issue, not Sami's.

  5. Whether he’s doing it again or not, you need to get out. You should probably also get a new therapist because this one just invalidated your feelings and that’s not ok at all. Always go with your gut.

    In your case, being in this relationship is hurting your mental health. It doesn’t matter if he’s cheating or not. You don’t trust him and you may not ever trust him. You can’t have a healthy relationship without that.

    Even though this relationship and the last involved cheating, it’s not your fault. You deserve better.

  6. He is a disgusting, pig. Doesn't matter if you own a home together. Get a lawyer, put your big girl panties on and leave him.

    You had 2 bad runs, but there are plenty of men out there who won't cheat. Maybe your “picker” is off and you go after the same type. Get a therapist and fix your heart and your man picker.

    Maybe you should focus on what you love to do that doesn't involve a romantic partner to get your mind off of it. Build yourself up and make yourself interesting by pursuing hobbies or joining clubs.

  7. None of these things are “excuses”. He is living his life exactly how he wants to and is happy. Be happy for him.

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