EMI live webcams for YOU!


hi guys i am new to this i would like to learn new experiences come and let’s play [Goal Race]

Date: October 8, 2022

12 thoughts on “EMI live webcams for YOU!

  1. I think you should think about if this is someone you want to date. He doesn’t sound respectful to either his girlfriend or you.

  2. Of course you don’t call him ugly names. You love him and treat him as beloved in your relationship. Only a real a-hole would tell you to F off and call you useless.

    There’s no context needed. Facts are he treats you like a jerk. He’s been rude a lot.

    You can’t have a non-toxic relationship with someone who is toxic, no matter how much love, patience, thoughtfulness and understanding you add on your end it will never change their lack of empathy

  3. I'm sorry dude, but in my books as soon as someone starts deleting messages to cover their tracks you can no longer trust anything they do. Best of luck pal

  4. I my opinion, a threesome where you have a deep attachment to one participant is a huge risk. I can't even imagine all the ways it can go wrong. If someone wants a threesome, better to do it while single.

    What if your gf decides that you like the other girl more than her (you can't convince her otherwise because you came in her!)? What if you decide the other girl is better at sex than your gf?

    What if your gf decides she likes the other girl more than you and a couple months later you find they are hooking up without you?

    What if in the middle of it, or just after, your gf starts crying uncontrollably and locks herself in the bathroom? What if after weeks, she still can't or won't tell you what's wrong?

    What if after trying the first one, your gf likes her, you want to try option 2. You both try the 2nd girl, and you like her, but your gf prefers girl 1?

    What if after trying your way through all 4, your gf is frustrated that you've not been energetic enough and recommends MMF?

    What if after doing this a few times, you realize the other woman has herpes?

    What if the husband/boy friend of one of the partners shows up angry? (Wait. You said you were single!)

    What if a condom breaks and surprise surprise, you are the father of the fun times baby?

    What if it ALL goes great, and your gf and you decide sex with just the two of you is too boring? Or just you decide that? What if after doing this for 6 months, you realize it was the beginning of the end?

    The possibility of it being a fun, one time thing is there. The much greater possibility that it adds a poison into your relationship is much, much higher.

    I can't recommend against it more strongly.

  5. Being a single parent is a lot easier than being in a relationship with someone who doesn’t respect you. He can still contribute to child care, but you don’t have to live with him or be in a relationship. Your happiness will impact your child.

  6. I think honesty in relationships—platonic or romantic—is important.

    I would approach it this way:

    “Babe, I love you and want you to be happy. When you come to me with issues about your relationship that seem to occur over and over again, I feel frustrated because for starters, nothing changes. But also because I’m tired of the roller coaster of everything is great to everything sucks. It impacts my mental health because I feel like I’m being expected to forgive this guy and be a cheerleader when I have literally nothing good to say about him or the relationship. You’re an adult and you have autonomy to do as you wish of course. But moving forward, unless/until you’re ready to leave this jerk, I don’t want to discuss him anymore.”

  7. Right, that was my initial thought. He’s also very open to kissing/hugging me in public, which he did at the venue. I told him most people will put 2+2 together and won’t ask about the ex…

  8. He's allowed to do with the console what he wants.

    The games are yours, take them back and let him donate the console.

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