ElovesSansa live webcams for YOU!


naked [39 tokens remaining]

Date: November 29, 2022

9 thoughts on “ElovesSansa live webcams for YOU!

  1. I'd like to point out that there's a magic that some women have, where their personality is open and loving, to the point where it can be hard to resist taking it personally. And imho, the best way to handle it, is to love having them as a friend while maintaining all of the usual boundaries.

  2. There is a saying “when someone shows you who they are, believe them”

    I think it's sort of relevant here. He is showing you who he is and where his priorities lie and unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you are high on his list.

    My advice would be to express to him how you're feeling and what you would like to change. Fill in the blanks and tell him explicitly what you would like to change. Then give him the opportunity to do so. If he doesn't a) care or b) make an effort or c) implement the changes – then you have to put your own self first, and take a good look at the viability of the relationship. It cannot and will not work without equal effort from both of you. Remember boundaries and advocating for yourself are important.

    Good luck OP.

  3. As someone who’s life was practically reset because of a false rape allegation. Leave her. Leave her now and don’t look back. All she has to do is say something to someone and no one will ever look at you the same way again.

  4. I think you read the story wrong, he didn't got butt hurt because she was talking to another guy, nor retaliated because of this.

  5. Is this the same gf from 2 years ago that you were going to leave then? She's crazy for thinking bird and parent are the same level of grief. So she throws away your sleeping pills and you both have substance abuse issues. I'd be outta there and don't worry about how she'll manage. She's an adult she'll figure it out she isn't your responsibility. I hope you're still sober but take this time to be single and work on your sobriety. You don't need the extra stress from her and she doesn't sound like she's very supportive. Not a great thing when you're in recovery. Focus on you and therapy and meetings so you can successfully recover.

  6. Hi friend, I feel like you think that you have to put up with this weird dynamic. Guess what? You don't. You really don't.

    This guy is making you feel bad about yourself and playing weird games with you. Talking about other girls while you're in bed together? No. Being cold and distant until he wants sex again? No. Acting like enthusiastically wanting to see him is bad and wrong? No.

    You deserve to be with someone who is just as excited by you as you are by them. Who wants you as you are. Who you dont have to walk on eggshells for.

    Dont waste any more time here. It's better to be alone than to be unhappy and sad all the time.

  7. I could be wrong but I think most dancers make the bulk of their money from private dances where they do get naked and there is varying levels of physical contact.

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