Elenabliss live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 8, 2022

12 thoughts on “Elenabliss live webcams for YOU!

  1. If you really care about him more than he does, then you will tell him he's your partner of choice. For all we know he's really attracted to you and is cutting you out of his life to protect himself from further pain

  2. You need to communicate that you are uncomfortable being filmed, as he knows, and that you were upset when she filmed you without permission and posted it despite your express wishes. Tell him she needs to take it down and apologize, and then you’ll be more available to hang out, but she cannot film you under any circumstances.

    He’ll either accept it, and then either hang out you with her (and she’ll be respectful) or she’ll have to not be there when you hang out, Or he’ll say he can’t and then unfortunately you won’t be able to see him much.

    Tell him you love him but you can’t stand being filmed, and we’re extremely bothered when she did it when you expressly asked her not to. Don’t say you can’t stand HER, tell him what part of her behavior towards you was unacceptable. Good luck.

  3. Besides this huge piece of shit in the middle, this sandwich is great!

    He's not super amazing if he is controlling and jealous. This is not going to get better and it will only get worse. At first it will be bars, and then it will be stores, and then it is your job. And then you will find that you aren't “allowed” to go out at all on your own because your boyfriend is too jealous.

  4. He sees them like weekly I’d say… maybe not every single week but when I’m working on a Friday or Saturday night he will go hangout with them… they are in large group chats that they talk in all day and stuff… play fantasy sports, etc

  5. It seems to me he no longer values you as a human being. He dismisses your entire existence/individuality and you're his maid/servant. You're someone who is there to make his life easier with the chores. I feel invalidated myself just reading this.

    Every time he dismisses and invalidates you, he takes a small piece of you away and eventually you become a numb person. You will eventually not recognize yourself or know who you are. You will lose yourself. It may seem like little comments here and there but this stuff builds up and you will become a shell of a human.

    Don't lose yourself

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I met her at college. She told me she was a lonely woman and thought I am very attractive and mature for my age. She also said I made her smile for the first time in a long time. I don't know what to do. I've never been successful with girls in general and I think she's very attractive for her age. What do you guys think I'm nervous

  7. As long as you stay with her, you'll allow her to do this. Either you accept it, or not : it's up to you.

  8. Why do I say that? Because according to your post he:

    -descended on you without much notice or even really consulting you -honked at you like crazy -screamed at you -didn't let you get your coffee -seems to have been lying about his phone -demanded money -owes you money -essentially commanded you to work for hours and give him the money you earned -gave you the silent treatment -hits you -bites you – acts like a (“lovable”) jerk -is bossy -told you to shut up – was rude about your “disgusted” joke -was generally cold to you, especially when dropping you off -gave you your stuff back without explanation, despite clearly knowing that you'd have questions -is ignoring you -is homeless and sponging off you -is not someone you trust.

  9. How about, “OP, it's time to become an adult and fix your own problems so the people around you don't have to try to hold their temper while you whine about how they are fixing your problem”?

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