Electra999 live webcams for YOU!


slutty girl finger ass (3 fingers) [Multi Goal]

Date: March 20, 2023

10 thoughts on “Electra999 live webcams for YOU!

  1. so it wasn’t really a horrible thing in our mind, and we didn’t really consider it abuse.

    A clear effect of what your parents did, it has messed up your sense of morality and you're repeating their behavior.

    I genuinely can't fathom what kinda of person you have to be violent to a toddler. Hitting your children is gonna do more damage than good for them, it's not like that's an obvious thing to understand.

    You need to understand the difference between fear and respect.

  2. I am just putting this here to call you out on how selfish you're being. This has nothing to do with him and his well being but just how much of an inconvenience he is being.

    Yikes. You should probably break up with him so he can find a better girlfriend.

  3. Desperate enough to have an affair with a married man for 10 years instead of finding someone single ?

  4. Accidental full anal penetration… Not an accident. He meant it. All the way. Did not care about consent. Or your feelings or your pain. Full stop. No. TWICE.

    Come on. Sit down with him and talk one last time . Don’t let him DARVO the conversation. Also this could have had massive physalis consequences too , you already see the emotional and mental consequences ( fear of sex and plummeting libido).

  5. The relationship is over, mainly because he had already made up his mind that he didn't want to invest in it further long before he started to pull back.

    Sometimes, for whatever reason, we outgrow people. You don't even have to do something bad, but the other person might out grow you and that's all part of growing up. Maybe he's looking for a certain group of people to fulfill a certain need of his (maybe they connect over a hobby, maybe he can share a different type of humor with them, maybe he can come and go with them, invest little, and they're still cool). Who knows. But the point is, he has decided he has outgrown his friendship with you.

    And yeah, it fucking sucks. Friendship break up can hurt way worse than romantic ones sometimes, because some friends we are so much more vulnerable with than romances we have had for a short while. you are going to go through all the same pains as if you lost a partner because all the time, effort and love you invested in him is gone – and that is really, really going to fucking hurt. Be prepared for that pain.

    But the pain will fade and once you are away from the relationship, you will see it differently and you'll see that while you were getting something out of it, he wasn't, and so it wasn't a good friendship for either of you, because your investment was wasted in him once he decided he was done.

    You are going to make friends that you connect with in a much deeper way, and yeah, you are even going to have to break up with some friends yourself for the same reasons he broke up with you – because you have out grown them. The best friendships are the ones that you grow with and everyone keeps growing together at the same pace, but those are very few. Most serve a special purpose for whatever stage of life we are in to help get us through it.

    Most people go through a couple 'die outs' of their friendships – when they graduate high school, when they graduate college/start a career, and then when they start having kids. Those are the three big stages that most (though not all) go through. Another die out will happen if you make a huge life change – like someone that parties hard suddenly stops partying and they lose that major shared thing with their friends. People that quit drugs or alcohol will also lose a lot of friends because that is all they have in common.

    The key to loosing friends is just appreciating the friendship for what it was. Maybe it was there because you needed someone to vent to. Maybe it was so you weren't lonely. Maybe you needed someone to play games with or walk to school with, or someone that you worked with and could carpool with. Different friendships will give you different fulfillments.

    So it's okay to be upset, and don't try to think all that hard on why it ended – give it some thought, but at the end of the day, you are who you are, and sometimes people just aren't going to click with you forever, and that's okay.

  6. Everything is a sin for Catholics incl masturbation and i'm sure you did plenty of that. Luckily you can confess and be absolved for a few hail marys. Fuck as much as you want you are both nolonger virgins so that ship has sailed. Just go to confession after.

    ( I'm sure if there is a god he does not care about your joint meaningless bodily functions , but if you want to follow a made up rule book invented by human men to control women that the way to do it?)

    Sex before marriage is not one of the ten commandments its on a par with eating shrimp sin wise.

  7. Talk with your family, try and reconcile with your boyfriend. Sounds like you've got some things to work out.

  8. Lets be Honest ….When you go on break. its a nice way of saying we break up. cause he will date during that break he will fuck other girls he will fall in love . and the same goes for you.

    If you really love someone you want to figure stuff out WITH him.

    So make your decision do you want him or not thats the choice. its never really a break

  9. Addiction is not so simple, he will NOT get clean and help unless HE wants to. And in the mean time, you will continually be putting your own health and safety at risk. My mother was a heroin addict. It is not pretty to live with someone who used hard drugs. It took her years to finally decide to get help and become sober. It was ugly and terrifying to see her in her drug induced psychosis. You have your whole life ahead of you and you do NOT need someone like this in your life. You WILL meet people who are in a much healthier state who will give you the love and respect you deserve. Addicts are very selfish. They will do anything to get what they need. This is a very serious thing, and at your stage in life, it is not worth risking to all to try and “help” him. Him allowing you to try meth shows his selfishness and how he does not care for you. He may lead you to try more drugs, you could become addicted, which is a very serious and scary thing. Please think about your future and think about how this will affect you.

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