Drea-miles live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 2, 2022

10 thoughts on “Drea-miles live webcams for YOU!

  1. Choose the one that help you boost your life forward more easily, considering the location of where you will live

  2. Can you explain more about your boyfriend's qualifications in this area?

    I am in the US, so I am not well informed about how medical care works in modern nations, but would it be expensive for her to visit a doctor? If she visited a doctor and needed treatment and/or medication would that be expensive?

    I ask because I think you're on the verge of interfering where you do not belong. I think your sister would be able to seek medical care if she wanted it.

    Also, you write that you know that she is in financial distress. Whether she uses the funds for a physiological problem or simply to feel more secure the most sensible thing to do is to send her some money. She seems a bit young to be completely on her own in a different country. And you indicate that she is a student so she is probably only working part-time.

    So send her some money, say that it is because you remember what it's like to be young and on your own. And maybe get your parents to send some money too.

    Then put this out of your mind. It is her personal private business that she will share if she wants to and keep to herself if she doesn't!

  3. Borderline abusive and he would constantly kick me out and throw my belongings.

    The ends of this sentence contradict each other.

  4. First off; I just want to say thank you so much for spending the time to really talk this out with me. I deeply appreciate it. As I said it’s hard for me to trust anyone 100% but he’s pretty damn close. I think you are right and that I am just overthinking it. It’s been lonely, and perhaps I’ve been given to much time to dig into it to deep. Like I said, I’d rather her be hanging out with them than some randoms I guess. You are right about her chasing me for long enough to where I don’t think she would. She does not always get black out, in fact most times she is the DD, and just catches a good buzz while my buddies all get super drunk. It’s been a hard week for her at work so she has been kind of mean to me all week. The first thing that bothered me was she was ignoring my texts while staying active in our group chat, making plans with them. I know she could use the night out, and realistically I just need to go with the flow and not think so deeply about it. This conversation with you has helped ground me, and I feel like it’s made me think more clearly and logically instead of the “what if’s” you’re a good person and once again I appreciate your help. I didn’t know who to come to with this, but I’m glad this post found you. ??

  5. I have multiple times, he says” why is it a big deal as long as you don't have to see him??””

    “Look I am invited to this thing, he will be there I cannot avoid him, I will have to talk to him” and proceeds to talk to drink with him like nothing happened!

  6. Your fiancés best friend just saved you from years/decades of unhappiness. Being drunk at your own bachelorette party is no excuse for her to do what she did and no amount of apologizing should make you forgive her. Don’t be like one of my husbands best friends. Before him and his wife got married her friends got her super drunk at her bachelorette party and she did so many things with so many guys. She came home crying and apologized to him. He was stupid enough to forgive her and they got married. They had an unhappy marriage for 7 years and then divorced. Don’t let that be you. Don’t waste your time and effort on your fiancé anymore. She clearly doesn’t respect or care enough about you. A bachelorette party isn’t a free pass for your fiancé to do whatever she wants. During my bachelorette party my friends got me drunk and tried to get me to do things with other guys and I told them all to F off. I respect the heck out of my husband and I have self-respect for myself. Something your fiancé clearly lacks.

  7. You really need to sit your husband down and let him know how you feel about him. It sounds like he may have the same feelings too but won’t say because he thinks you don’t love him. So get that out in the open so you both know where you two stand with your feelings. After, let him know how you feel about him with other women and although you had permitted it before, your feelings have changed due to your feelings for him changing. Let him know you want to try being intimate and sexual again and start having more of a husband and wife relationship. Update and let us know how you both are doing.

  8. You need to close and lock the back door for a while. He might be watching too much butt porn.

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