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danigirl866live sex stripping with hd cam


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Room for online sex video chat danigirl866

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Subculture: subcultureHousewives

Date: September 30, 2022

38 thoughts on “danigirl866live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I honestly didn't read them but it seemed like they were just replying to each other's stories back and forth.. I can't help but feel so insecure about this because we just haven't had sex in so long & I honestly feel so disconnected from him. I don't know if I'm just overthinking from being sexually frustrated or if this is something I should be concerned about..

  2. It really depends, do you mind treating your daughter like a stepchild? Because that's a clear statement that your daughter is just a stepchild. As a stepchild myself I can attest to how painful it is when you get treated differently than your brothers and sisters. To this day I am uncomfortable around my dad's family. I don't see it as my family because my stepmother constantly did little things like this to remind me I was just a stepchild.

  3. Hopefully I can provide insight as a female programmer. This is a nuanced tale so please read the whole thing.

    Although it comes off as him not valuing your work I think you need to be honest with yourself that the world doesn’t value your work. I also would personally not be able to make a judgement based on your description. Is this low paying work now going to turn into something later? (Equivalent to supporting your partner through college) Are you working 80hrs a week just to make 20k a year?

    In my opinion if it is close to the latter, I can understand not seeing that as working. It takes effort and time and talent but it seems more like volunteering (ie not mandatory). So if the work you are doing is only taking time away from the relationship and not contributing to the relationship it’s a pretty pragmatic response not to count that towards your half.

    All that being said, from your perspective it’s very dangerous to just give up your whole earning potential. If anything ever happens to him that puts you in a vulnerable position so it’s important to keep that in mind.

    Additionally it sounds like he is doing 0 housework. That isn’t fair and is honestly weird to even be able to achieve when you live in a house. I would expect that he ends up near dirty laundry sometime and just happens to do a load, just bc that’s what it is to be an adult human.

    But all the wishing for him to be better about chores is probably pointless. I have never seen a husband change in the chore department.

    I think the practical solution here is to ask him to pay for a laundry service/house keeper. The 40hr work week was designed around having a stay at home wife and it’s brutal to keep up with a house without one. (I know most modern gamusino this but it is grueling) My husband and I’s biggest fight has always been chores. Then I realized I could just outsource the fight and idk if it’s fair but I’m not as tired and that all I ever cared about

    TLDR: your work doesn’t count toward the family goals but it is unreasonable for you to be completely dependent on him and for him to help 0% with chores. You guys sound well off enough to hire a house keeper/laundry service and that will treat the symptoms because ultimately people do not change.

  4. The women agreeing are the same ones who’d go off the deep end because their BF asked them not to wear or post revealing shit. ?

    Relationships are partnerships, not dictatorships.

  5. It reminds me a lot of my ex, he lovebombed me from day one, we got engaged really quickly but were already having fights, pushed that under the table to get married after 2 years together. Fights got worse, manipulation and controlling got worse, him blaming me for everything, needing to know where I was at all times, guilt tripping, threats to leave, threats of self harm and suicide, actual self harm. I'm very wary of people now, especially when they're really keen really fast, I'm suspicious they're trying to lock you down before you figure out who they are and it's too late to leave.

  6. u/yuniyuyu, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. I gotta be honest it sounds like this is less about gifts and more about the fact that you’re burned out on being the responsible adult in the relationship across (I’m guessing) a range of fronts. It sounds like you maybe carry an unequal mental and practical burden in making your household function and one particularly visible way that manifests is gifts. Does that seem right?

    I should also say it seems like you have some unhealthy communication patterns yourself. It’s not unusual in a healthy, happy relationship to make a list of gifts you want for your partner, or to take your partner seriously when they say “don’t bother.” So I’m wondering if the underlying issue here is you’re fed up with how (untreated?) ADD is impacting your life together more broadly.

  8. Hello /u/mosase1,

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  9. Um… leave that poor woman alone. Just because you want her in your life, doesn’t mean she wants the same.

    You never mentioned why you broke up, but it’s very possible that your relationship isn’t a happy memory for her like it is for you. Stop acting entitled to be a part of her life by “checking in” and lose her number.

  10. Yeah – unfortunately I think you already know it’s not going to be a very fun future for you if you stay. It doesn’t sound like she is willing to do anything to change it. You can’t force someone to get help. It sounds like she is co-dependent and addicted to the drama. It’s not easy to leave, but the longer you let this go on, the worse it’s going to get. I sincerely hope whatever you decide, you eventually find peace.

  11. I'd saw my arm off– both arms, if necessary– to get myself and my kids as absolutely as far away from this family of psychopaths right now.

    these appear to be the most toxic hypocrites on earth. you didn't compliment them profusely upon entering their home, but his dad literally cusses you out in yours? either these aren't real people, or your patience is legendary.

    you'd have a brighter future dating a loaded shotgun.

    not even sure what you're writing in about, frankly…

  12. It is “unfair” for 10 years, you told your husband that child was his. It is unfair for 9 years that the same child was told the person who he thought was his father is not his father. So please tell me how it is unfair to you that you lose your family even though you build one on a lie.

  13. He wasn’t like this when I met him. Never in a million years would I expect him to get this angry over little things. He is literally a golden retriever in human form when he’s his normal self. I’ve stayed because I feel like it’s got to be a mental illness and how could I leave if he’s sick? I know if sounds stupid but this isn’t him. But I get it. I am going to give him an ultimatum. Either he gets the help he needs or I’m leaving if he can’t fight respectfully.

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  15. That is not his friend that is his second girlfriend. Sharing a bedroom with your “friend” at 30 years old? If you don't end this relationship I will jump out of a window. You and I both know what is going on here, do yourself a favour and leave this clown before you get dragged deeper into the circus than you already are.

  16. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    A few weeks ago myself 27M and my wife 25F were talking about potentially trying for a baby since she finally finished her studies. We've been married for 2 years but all together we've been a couple for 6 yrs.

    I am as a male am not circumcised and have a real insecurity about it due to my past partners making fun of me. I've been turned down for sex because of my uncircumcised penis.

    My wife knows about my insecurities but claimed she had no problem with it when we got sexually active.

    When I mentioned boy names, I mentioned that if we were to have a son, that I would want him to be circumcisized. She said it was fine

    I then mentioned that when we round up enough money I myself have interest in getting circumcisized. She asked if I was serious and she laughed.

    I asked her what was so funny. She said it's about time, that she was kinda grossed out by it. She then added that it looked like a nasty wrinkled snake.

    I laughed and played it off and went to the bathroom to cry because I never knew she felt that way about it.

    Last night she initiated sex but I couldn't get it up and told her I wasn't in the mood but I was embarrassed of how my penis looks now that I know how she truly feels about it.

    She's never mentioned a single time that she didn't like it. She's never made fun of it or anything. I'm just super hurt and am having a hard time wanting to have sex with her. I don't want to call her out on it because it is her opinion.

    What should I do ?

  17. You can't help someone who doesn't want to change, he is perfectly okay with his behaviour and his addiction, for him the only inconvenience is you finding out and forcing him to make a stunt faking he was gonna change. Dump this trash bag and move on

  18. He is dropping so many red flags…please don't ignore them. He is not joking, for what you tell, he clearly has some expectations that doesn't match yours.

    You don't have unrealistic expectations. What your mother endures sounds exhausting and you are in the right to seek an equal as a partner, not an extra child.

  19. this is a nightmare of a relationship. People change girl. He was and is your friend, but he just didnt grow up to be a good partner. Call it off, this will just get worse.

  20. He’s a MASSIVE asshole. And think about it: it’s not just going to be about losing the weight (and then maybe more weight, and more), but also keeping it off. He’s already making it a condition of having a relationship with him. Honestly that sounds like an eating disorder waiting to happen.

  21. Now, when my mother gets upset, she can really blow up and be mean,

    What does this mean? Exactly what did your mom say?

  22. He's always very appreciative. Surprised him with a birthday gift if that counts … different scenario though .. fingers crossed that it goes well. lol

  23. So no one's ever going to confuse this guy for a therapist. He handled things pretty badly, as people without specialized training tend to. Out of fear of your reaction he spun a web of hopeful mistruths to try to calm you down. This wasn't great. Unfortunately it's just really hard to have a partner with a serious illness. Not everyone has the patience to cope with that and it's why some percentage of cancer diagnoses are followed by divorces. He failed at being the kind of person you could rely on. That sucks. You're totally justified in feeling both betrayed and disgusted. But when you get onto the other side of this crisis you'll hopefully come to see that at least he revealed this now and not after another three or more years of emotional investment from you. This relationship wasn't great anyway, probably due to a combination of your illness and him just being a shitty person. Now you can look forward to starting the next chapter of your life with new mental stability (if you follow your doctors' advice) and a clean slate in terms of having to put up with someone who was never really there for you. He was never going to be able to go the distance with you. So now you know and you can make your plans without having to worry about his unreliable ass. Be well.

  24. Please don't take this the wrong way.. I just have the post you just did to work off. But maybe the “top” issue here is what you are willing to do to have this “partner”. If you have been in this situation for so long, it may be that you are being submissive to her and perhaps life in general? I don't know this for sure, but it's a bad idea to marry someone who manipulates with crying and tears to get her way. Who constantly puts others above your personal relationship. Why would you be attracted to that in the first place and be willing to go through this for years? You might want to ask some hard questions there. Stop negotiating and trying to make it work when no one else is trying. When you walk away from a situation like this, it opens new doors and perhaps a new happier future. But you need to investigate yourself and see if there are buttons that are being pushed that you respond too that result in bad decisions. Don't worry, you are not alone, it's very common. Gaining self-awareness can be a real step up in improving your life!

  25. She’s torching her relationship because of made up fears.

    Doesn’t mean it’s intentional but it does mean that she lacks the emotional maturity or integrity to be in a relationship.

  26. And with her health she could even die, healthy people get complications all the time i cant imagine what pregnancy could do to her body

  27. Considering she is supportive of the LBGT community, I think she would enjoy a good discussion about this. It could bring you two closer.

  28. My partner has a similar issue, broken teeth that he can’t afford to get fixed and his breath suffered. I debated sleeping separate but thankfully we recently discovered a brand of mouthwash called Smart Mouth – he uses the prescription strength one, and it’s made a night and day difference!

  29. Forgiveness is a bad thing when your parents haven’t tried to apologize or make amends. Also, forgiveness and reconciliation are two different things. Forgiveness helps the person injured so they’re not carrying around anger and bitterness for years. But your wife has no reason to reconcile with your parents when they haven’t made any attempts that we can see to make amends.

    I agree with the previous poster. You are not a good partner. You leave her own her own during the pregnancy, but weren’t you there for the fun part? And have you ever told your parents they need to apologize for saying filthy things about your wife. This is shameful behavior, OP. You need to do much better than this.

  30. A partner who cares an out and respects you would honor your time and help you protect it, not try to guilt you into giving it up.

    I have a “thing” once a week for about 3 hours. I’ve participated for more than 35 years. My family has always made it work – through babies, school age kids, scouts, sports, dance classes, teens, work, everything. My husband doesn’t exactly understand it but he knows it’s important to me, and he doesn’t ask me to miss. He took care of our babies and toddlers so I could go. He adjusted his work schedule. He supports MY commitment because that’s what partners do. What is sacred to me is protected by him.

    Your bf is not being fair. This is not a small issue. If he can’t wholeheartedly support your needs, whether he understands or not, you will have to consider whether he is capable of being your life partner.

  31. Walk away. A marriage is a team. You get married to share everything. Some people keep separate finances and that's fine. But if he's actually afraid that a marriage means that his wife will steal from him, he has no clue what marriage is for and you should not waste any more time.

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