Dakota-Jenkins live webcams for YOU!


Dakota-Jenkins Public Chat Channel

Date: October 16, 2022

11 thoughts on “Dakota-Jenkins live webcams for YOU!

  1. If it wasn't clear, I'm looking for advice on HOW to break up with him. As he is refusing the breakup….. like. Idk how to explain it but he's not “getting ” that were done even though I've been clear on my desire to go separate ways. I bring up finances because being broke I cant just up and move on a whim and no real way to save. I'm in a studio apartment with no couch or place to sleep. And if I try sleeping on the floor he insists I get in bed.

    How do you break up with someone like this? I feel trapped

  2. Probably not. It’s very hard to trust someone who cannot be trusted, when the consequences of being wrong are absolutely crushing.

  3. That sounds like a good idea and it might be possible for the weekend suggestion as we had carnaval not too long ago.

    I could probs write a note and leave it by her car saying ask (him) about the girls (name)?

    Ps. I don't have the gfs number or any of her socials.

  4. She doesn’t respect you, you’re the ‘good enough’ guy she’s settling for and this was the last hurrah (until the next one) as she settles down

    You’re the beta bucks she doesn’t actually want but this is a gift for you to do something about it before it’s too late

  5. The toxic cesspool of emotional abuse that you are exposing yourself to is going to negatively influence your child’s brain development. Leave that ass hole ASAP. You and your baby deserve better.

  6. “Other then our bedroom issues, he’s such a great loving husband.”

    Uh…. he seems to know pretty well, that what he does to you is WRONG! Every bit of him forcing you IS rape.

    So in fact you have been raped by the man your are being constantly gaslighted into believing loves you.

    This has nothing to do with love.

    Your entire relationship is based on dominance.

    And disregard tiwards your most basic wants and needs: feeling protected by your partner.

    Depending on in which country you live he would even be considered a criminal. In most countries there are laws protecting women from that. And if a complaint is filed the man is in for a looooong stay in prison.

    Reconsider your last sentence. That sounds like Stockholm Syndrome: the victim of undergoing physical and spiritual dominance falling in love with the perpetrator.

    Point is: this isn't love!

    It's a bio chemical reaction of the body for dear life! A survival instinct.

  7. Maybe she just prefers to talk to you while she can be alone? As long as she's responding at all, that's a good thing! Try not to over think things!

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