Crystallana live webcams for YOU!


Crystallana Public Chat Channel

Date: October 10, 2022

33 thoughts on “Crystallana live webcams for YOU!

  1. AGE play Even with the age gap? He is a f* creep!!! Disgusting, he is using you, honestly this makes me wanna throw up! Poor you. He is using you bc you’re young and he can’t get away with anything obviously. So bad honestly 🙁

  2. There's always a chance.

    Here is my advice, it's imperative that both of you get marriage counseling. That's the only chance you have.

    If not, you will be going back to the same reason why you got divorce.

  3. Well, how deeply does she adhere to her religion? Also there are many different types of denominations of congregations in Christianity so they all have different value systems and expectations. Maybe attend the church she goes to see how the vibe is.

  4. Sometimes people need time to get over being hurt by their loved ones.

    Can you not read? That's exactly what I told her to do. Just be normal and give it time.

    She didn't say anything about HIS appearance. She said something NEGATIVE about some other unspecified men's appearance.

    When he took it personally and badly, she apologized and praised him. She said a bunch of positive things about him, his penis and their sex life.

    Now all she can to is just leave it and he has to work through it himself.

  5. You need to tell any new girl you find that you are a cheater. Especially if she was the one you chested with

  6. Call them both out. One at a time. Look at the “info” attached to the photo in your friends phone (unless he already deleted them) and compare that to your phone records. That should tell you if they were stolen (all transferred at once) or sent (different times and matching phone records of texts). Google how to recover deleted messages (iPhone is easy, android idk) and check there on your wife’s phone too. If anything is not lining up or wifey doesn’t want to cooperate to clear her name… bad news bro, likelihood is, she’s trying to cover herself. Hope you can figure it out and whatever happens, cut that “friend” off for good! No contact from either of you going forward once this is figured out because at the least he’s just a pervy dirtbag who stole pics of your wife.

  7. Your boyfriend won’t “allow” you to buy a toy?

    Are you dating your dad?

    Won’t allow you?

    To hell with that noise.

  8. So because you lost weight you think she should as well? I think if she wanted to work on that then she would have started by now. It would be one thing if she suddenly gained like 50lbs in a month and something was wrong. But it sounds like she was this weight when you met her and suddenly that's not good enough for you anymore. There's not a way to tell her that without making her feel bad.

  9. promise I’m not a shitty fiancé lol. I was bored and I get anxious whenever he flies so I was entertaining/distracting myself. But also, def check out the YouTube clips of nathan for you. He’s pretty awesome

  10. I can assure not one thing about this is in any way normal or healthy.

    Again, proving why you are too young to be married.

  11. You’ll find many GFs will find ways to remove you from your hobbies and interests. The question is, can she be ok with these other things. If not, time to move on.

  12. Google assist sends me bill pay reminders the icon is 3 little dots. However, I highly doubt he'd be receiving notifications for an app he supposedly doesn't have.

    Listen to your gut, your instincts will rarely lead you wrong. I'd ask to see his phone, if he has nothing to hide he shouldn't have a problem with you looking. If he hesitates or stalls a little before giving it to you then you have your answer.

    I try to give people the benefit of doubt but I've never received notifications for an app I didn't have.

  13. If I am reading this correctly your step dad has not been chosen for a single thing yet. Your husband asked your bio dad for permission to marry you. Your bio dad walked you down the isle. It sounds like the dance would be the last opportunity to actually include him.

  14. Nah, linguists understand regional variations and accents. Most of the good ones have better things to do with their time than judge how people use language in conversation. If people understand what you’re saying, you’re gold. Everything else is BS.

  15. You asked for advice. You are with a rapist. You stated you woke up to him having sex with you. Dude is preoccupied with sex – OF, porn, taking pics after you said no. You would be a fool to stay with him.

  16. Oh, friend. He absolutely cheated on you and it’s heartbreaking that you’re trying to minimize it. I know it’s painful but sticking your head in the sand isn’t going to help. He grossly betrayed you, knowingly risked your entire relationship because that’s how little he respects and values you.

  17. You can do better. Breakup!

    Anyone spouting this new trend of mandatory paternity tests are misogynists, and I guarantee they wouldnt be on board with a mandatory weekly cheating test, trackers on their phone to document location and how long they spend where, their personal devices, browser history, sperm count, etc are all checked to confirm their loyalty and make sure theres no cheating so their partner can feel secure and not bamboozled into devoting their love, time and resources into a cheater. Any man not willing to do that obviously has something to hide ?

  18. The reason I posted this is to ask for help on how to handle it, should I just bring it up to him again?

  19. I've been stuck on my couch sick for 24 hours and you made me burst out laughing for the first time since I got sick. Thank you, kind stranger. I'm sad they don't have a “you gave me life” award, so I hope the “I'm dead” one conveys my gratitude adequately.

  20. Do you follow BioLayne? He's a powerlifter with some world records and has a great platform.

    Try a different studio. Each one has it's own culture and talk to the people who run it and ask about events outside the studio. That's where I've connected to most people. It's hard to talk if you are working hard, but the happy hours and other stuff is a lot of fun and you automatically have stuff to talk about like the coaches, exercises, etc.

    I've heard that a lot of cross fitters love the format at F45. I've never done it, but it's supposed to be intense. Also, you don't have to do just 1 thing. You can still lift on your own time.

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