Crespa69 live webcams for YOU!


crespa69 Public Chat Channel

Date: January 3, 2023

10 thoughts on “Crespa69 live webcams for YOU!

  1. She won’t know you want them or feel this way if you don’t tell her. She isn’t a mind reader. She probably assumes you are on social media and that’s enough photos. you are reading too much into why she doesn’t

  2. Sounds like your boyfriend isn’t party people. If you want someone who likes parties, stays awake during them and wants to go, you picked the wrong guy. Find someone else or shift your perspective on this.

    I would not want to ask someone I love to do something they didn’t like all the time. I know my partner would not make me do something I don’t like.

    Ex. I like karaoke a lot. My partner doesn’t but never complains when he comes. Sometimes he leaves early, sometimes we leave together early, and sometimes he stays the whole night.

    And sometimes he says no! Which is totally fine. I have no expectation for him to do something he doesn’t like doing. I’m just glad that he comes sometimes. It’s really that easy.

  3. Have empathy that someone treated your dad horribly & he cannot help what he is.

    Let him have his dignity.

  4. She can still smell something. She's not mad, just annoyed that she can smell everything. Wanted to know what more I could do.

  5. Does that actually work? I feel like that would make me feel even more lonely & bad. I also feel like a lot of people do it because they couldn’t breakup properly with good communication so i am scared for what will happen when i go full radio silence

  6. I am guessing it is a cultural thing and it also seems controlling. It will probably get worse as the relationship progresses. If you don’t like it now it will prob just get worse.

  7. I have a lot of clients who are cops and I wish people like you would be the first person at the scene for a day or deal with the shit they have to. Save him the headache and move on.

  8. FWIW two of my male friends, who are in happy and long-term relationships, send me happy birthday messages exactly like that and I can confirm I am not sleeping with either of them.

    Now, look, OP, you said he blocked her after this on FB. He obviously agreed he did something wrong and made moves to make sure it doesn't happen again. You turned to okay, well, something's got to be wrong and the two of you have now hit on your sex life not being what he wants. This all happened when he was drunk, right? And yet he doesn't mention it when he was sober? I don't know, OP. I'm not entirely sure what kind of advice you want from me now other than to tell you that yes, your husband must be having an affair.

    To be clear, I do not think he's having an affair. I think you and your husband need counselling. Maybe it'll turn out that yes, he has been lying to you, but this just seems like you want to start something and I'm not there, so I don't know for sure. I just hope you two can figure this out.

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