Chrystalmills live webcams for YOU!


squirt 2 [Multi Goal]

Date: November 2, 2022

17 thoughts on “Chrystalmills live webcams for YOU!

  1. Your 22, why would no one ever love you again? You need to think more highly of yourself and maybe seek therapy yourself as I think you have major self esteem issues. There's a lid for every pot and that lid doesn't have to be horrible to you. Your so young and have the rest of your life ahead of you, work on yourself, know your worth. You deserve better.

  2. Yeah, 3 days was just an arbitrary number for the sake of the example but I did ask her to transfer her phone asap and get her own internet after her trip in an email a few days after we broke up when she was trying to contact me. And it's already been 2 weeks since she returned from her trip.

    Idk it's frustrating because I asked her to at least let me know what she has planned in regard to both and I just got nothing back.

  3. Hello /u/anna_cristina8833,

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  4. The static’s are more about couples breaking up. Regardless if they were married.

    And proving your love? That’s fucking stupid tbh. You’re gonna wish you proved your love when she is in the hospital and they won’t let you visit her. Or you lost out on huge tax rebates.

    It seems like something you’ve decided to dig yourself and make it Party of your identity regardless if it’s logical or not anymore.

    You’re the one who came for random people advice in reddit. So ok

  5. He doesn't have strong feelings for you or else he wouldn't need time or even be torn. Sorry to say but you are the rebound with whom he wanted to try and move on.

  6. Your husband assaulted your sister (she was “obliterated”) and you don’t know what to do.

    Your sister did nothing wrong. Why are you blaming your husband’s disgusting behaviour on your sister.

    Your sister did not sleep with your husband. Your husband attacked your sister while she was blackout drunk and could not give consent.

  7. Look, if he wants to have two girlfriends, tells you from the beginning, and you're fine with that, that's not a problem. But he has lied to you for your entire relationship. There's no trust there.

    He's using you, probably taking advantage because you probably honestly think he's the best thing that's happened to you. And I don't know you, in some ways it may be true. But he is not the best thing that WILL happen to you.

    Get out of that relationship. It'll hurt. But staying in it will set you up for so much more pain.

  8. Send flowers but absolutely don’t write the note that way. The last thing she wants to be reminded of on Mother’s Day is that she has a terrible relationship with her daughter. Just say. I wanted to acknowledge you for everything you did for me during a difficult time. Thank you for being you. Happy Mother’s Day. If she says something to her daughter then just shut the ex down. Don’t remind her on that day, or any day, that her daughter isn’t grateful for her. That would be cruel.

  9. Wait, were you getting at the fact that only someone from 1923 would be writing this? Cuz thats actually funny lol

  10. IDK, it doesn't sound good at all. I'm sorry you are miserable. Dealing with someone else's mental health issues is really difficult. You have no control so your life feels out of control.

    I don't know what advice to give except put a timeline on how long you are willing to feel this way. Say 2 months. . . and if you are still miserable then it's time to move on.

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