Christie Kroes live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 5, 2022

47 thoughts on “Christie Kroes live webcams for YOU!

  1. You don't need to tell them anything, and it's probably best to discourage discussion of the topic. Just listen, smile politely, say you will have to think about it, and give them nothing.

  2. You can start out polite and explain in short, “I'm sorry, this isn't our bill to pay/this isn't something we need. I hope you can get it covered soon! Now, did you see the game?”

    And the more they insist past that, the shorter you answers get. “No” is a full sentence and full reason. After that, you hang up on them or walk away.

    If you are asked why you're not speaking to them, “You were told this wasn't our bill, and continue to expect favors. You are disrespecting my partner and I won't play this game.”

  3. Its different in every relationship tbh. My boyfriend and I agreed not to watch porn as we both see it as cheating and we both see it as we should be the only people making each other horny, its our job to satisfy our partners yk? You might have to talk to your wife and see what she thinks and what her boundaries are.

  4. No he should definitely not move on! You never know what can happen. They’ve remained connected for a reason. They may have to do long distance a bit until one can move closer than the other, but this is hardly a deal breaker

  5. hmm most airlines actually require people to purchase two seats to accommodate passenger size, unless someone in their party is directly sat next to them. most airlines accommodate if they are not a full flight and they’ll leave the middle seat open. i don’t see why your partner cannot take a window and you take the aisle leaving the middle open vice versa, unless it’s a full flight or southwest its unlikely it’ll get taken.

    for a 12 hour international flight i would choose my comfort especially if you’re always accommodating him, and why are you paying the $90 for something he needs? he should cover that.

  6. Gain proof, i mean your texts or if you can record him saying this somehow that would be better. Once you have the proof, go to your nearest police station. Let them know what is going on, show them proof and tell them about how he is threatening to put up the images online. Since you are on the younger side, I would suggest that you also involve someone from your family so that you're not fully burdened by it. Let the police know that you feel there's a threat of violence involved and that you don't want them to openly get involved without them being able to take action, as in a warrant or something similar. If you have a screenshot of the image he posted get that as well. This would help them easily secure a warrant.

  7. Second text by me : Hello …..

    Sorry to text you at work.

    I just want to let you know how much you have hurt me. I love and care for your son however you could not see past me being quiet. I was only quiet as I had high expectations of myself that you would not like me. I did not have any bad intentions.

    You have broken my heart. I am feeling so very hurt and deeply upset beyond what you can imagine. All I want is to be with ….

    I hope your job goes well and you have a good Christmas.


  8. I also noticed me wanting too much attention is something that's annoying her. Back then when she saw everything with love in mind but now that she sees it how it is.. yeah, I need to learn to give her more space and freedom. But I just wish she would communicate that clearly.

  9. First off, she doesn't use me at all. We have a healthy friendship. She doesn't only talk to me when she wants company. That is not like her at all. She just has a boyfriend, and I like her. We still talk for hours on end some days, and always try to hangout whenever we can because we're both always so busy with our two different lives. I have other friends that I talk to as well. She isn't the center of my life. It doesn't give me anxiety that she is dating other people. It's just like an “Aw that sucks” feeling. It doesn't ruin my life.

    Also, masturbation has nothing to do with it!!! You don't just lose attractive points just for that!!! The way I interact with other people isn't controlled by that! I treat everyone with love and respect if I think they deserve it. It's how other people treat me that makes me determine how I treat them.

    Also, girls didn't come up to me even before I met her! NO ONE HAS!!!! She's not a detractor from girls because we are friends. People saw us as that and nothing else. It wouldn't of stopped girls from coming up to me because I never advertised that I was into her. I told her once, everyone knew, and then moved on. I still had feelings for her, but it wasn't my motivation in life. Just someone I cared about.

    Sorry if I'm getting a bit heated. It's just the situation is way different than what you are describing, and I just wanted to clarify how I feel.

  10. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (f28) now ex partner (m30) and I had been dating for 4 years when I met someone (m45) about 6 months ago, who I fell great over heels for and impulsively decided to break things off to pursue this new relationship. My ex and I keep in touch and he's so, so supportive despite my decision.

    Fast forward and this new relationship is emotionally abusive and toxic af, and I've recently gotten out of that situation entirely.

    I'm wondering if I've made a huge mistake by breaking off my 4 year relationship. I feel like there's a possibility that we could have had a lifelong, supportive and incredible relationship. I've learned a lot in the last 6 months, especially what I want and how to treat people better. However, I'm concerned that I'm crawling back because this new relationship didn't work out, or that I'm making another impulsive decision.

    Do you think I should initiate the idea of us getting back together? Or let him live his life without this idea?

    TLDR: broke off a 4 yr relationship about 6 months ago and I'm wondering if I should try to get back together.

    **Edit: To those who gave me genuine advice, thank you! I wish you all the best. I've decided to work on myself and stay single for some time yet. Therapy is in the works! To those that are taking the moral high ground and rubbing my nose in my own piss, take care, and I wish you the best too.

  11. My husband and I both take Delta 8 for insomnia. I have never taken it through out the day, only at bedtime. We have never smoked either, but we haven't had any side effects.

  12. Yeah this only the second incident, and even after the first I was feeling really wary about consent. However at the same time I don’t want to give up this relationship, because this happens so rarely and it’s really been my only issue with him. If it continues though, I think you’re right to be concerned about consent because I am too. I’m gonna try talking to him again, but if this continues I don’t think I can stay

  13. I'm confused what did he say? Does he wants you to be “healthier” or did he flat out say you need weight?

    I would want my partner to be healthy as well. Having someone say they want you to be healthier isn't totally a bad thing. But expecting someone to lose weight is somewhat silly. There is plenty of research that shows that very few people are successful at losing weight due to multiple factors.

    Has he offered to help you in anyway to be a healthier version of yourself? Like encourage activities that require physical exercise?

    You should want a partner who wants be with you despite any flaws you have and supports you. Not make a contingency for you in order for you to be worthy of dating him. You are worth it already.

  14. It makes me sad but i think youre right. I think we just dont like each other in that way anyway. Thanks for your reply

  15. He may have been morbidly obese and lost a lot of weight requiring excess skin to be removed, leaving scars and he is very self conscious about it. It may be from something tragic from his past. In the long run, he isn't ready to talk about it, so you need to leave it alone. It isn't like he has an upside down cross or German WWII cross tattooed on his chest. Let him open up over time. If the “secrecy” becomes too much, maybe you should just walk away instead of upsetting him.

  16. Oh another thing: if the cats haven used enclosed litter boxes before, they may be intimidated by the flap door. You might need to remove them so it would look more inviting.

  17. Thank you for the input. As for as going to the police station, I just know that even whenever situations are ACTUALLY physically violent- even then they don’t take it as seriously, so I’m unsure how it will help in my case, where he has been my trusted partner, and has not physically hurt me at all. But if you or anyone you know has been in a similar situation and this has helped in any way, I will definitely consider it

  18. I don't really see OP saying he doesn't flirt tho? He just doesn't want to sext or receive nudes, which isn't the same as not flirting.

    And they're both men, which they would still deserve foreplay, but again their isn't anything saying that op's partner doesn't engage in foreplay. They just don't do anything over the phone, which is something completely different imo.

    Like 100%, if he wasn't doing anything outside of sex, that would be an issue, but that's really not stated anywhere. Just that he didn't want to receive nudes, which he didn't even tell OP. He was still taking them, and just not using them to jerk off or whatever, and then OP found about it, and made a big deal. Then their partner confessed how they felt about it

  19. Why? You asked a question without context. Which you then later added to him after he already answered your question. (See I read your post and your comments before I commented) he is then still giving you the same answers.

    He’s either answering your question truthfully, or he’s doing it to annoy you, to hurt you as your question hurt him.

    To answer your question in terms you might understand

    YES you have probably ruined your marriage with your stupid question. Next time try engaging your brain before you ask a loaded question like that.

  20. There is nothing wrong with using assistance to flee an abusive relationship and if that's what it comes down to in order for you to get out, you need to swallow your damned pride and get that help so you and your kids can get away! You have already stated you have very limited resources. Take every bit of help you can get! Start applying for RN jobs with sign-on bonuses, in the meantime.

  21. You're not ready to talk to your wife about this yet. You need to sit with yourself and figure out where your boundaries are. You CANNOT control other people, even your spouse, and you should address your resentment at your lack of ability to control her: that is NOT healthy. It is I your responsibility to make boundaries and then deal with the emotions.

    The bottom line is: You may lose her over this. There is not a perfect way to make her act the way you want her to (and that dynamic isn't healthy- expecting her to change her behavior to make you FEEL differently. You're responsible for how you feel) She is doing the best that she can, and you have to decide if you want to be with her. Then you have to sit down and have the tough conversation: You have to let her know you're willing to lose the relationship if this doesn't change, but that it's something you need in a life partner. And then follow through. Ask her what she needs from you for support (meal planning? Setting up an appointment with a therapist or personal trainer? BUT IT MUST BE MOTIVATE BY WHAT SHE WANTS, not by what YOU want.)

    There's a very real possibility this will precipitate the end of the relationship. Make sure you know that. And learn how to handle your own disappointment without resentment, that's pretty immature and you will never be able to control another person and the sooner you accept that the happier you'll be.

  22. When I first started dating my now husband I was out of a long term abusive relationship and wasn’t sure I wanted to commit / maybe was afraid that this too would turn bad. Because of that I had my defences up and often underplayed what I felt for him to others and maybe even put him down. I also saw a couple of other guys at the start, although he was the only one I had sexual relationships with.

    We’ve been together for ten years now and the way I view him has changed entirely and I would not think of ever speaking of him to others in anything than the best possible terms. I’d be horrified if he thought the person I am now is the person I was at the beginning of our relationship.

    The disclosing intimate details about your sex life is bad and, unfortunately, a lot of women do it, especially younger women.

    I would have a discussion with her about it all but keep an open mind.

  23. Aw thanks! I'm glad I could help.

    I have to imagine it's pretty rough to be away from everyone in your life for weeks on end. It's no wonder you got caught up in your head.

    I think your attitude of go with the flow is the best route. If something happens (and I really hope it doesn't), you learn from it and move forward.

    I would also reach out to your friend and thank him for looking out for your girl while you're away. He may not realize it but he's your eyes and ears and thanking him is a subtle way for him to know to keep you informed if anything goes down.

  24. Therapy for you to see why you’ve stayed. Why are you with someone who wanted you to change? Why are you giving so much to someone who doesn’t even seem to like you?

  25. While it’s easy enough to just say to bring this all up because you should always be able to be open and honest with your partner, I think the context of what your expectations are as a result matter.

    Just using the example of bringing up that you feel like he has a better time without you than with you, he’s logically going to tell you that’s not the case. Will that realistically be enough to curb your insecurities?

    To be honest, you shouldn’t be comparing the situations. He certainly has fun with his friends. But he also has fun with you or he wouldn’t be with you.

    Most importantly, like you acknowledge, independence is important and healthy in a relationship and you’re not here suggesting that he’s shitty about it and doesn’t prioritize you at all. So that’s good. But what about you? Do you have a social circle or any hobbies?

  26. You could say you noticed some makeup remover pads in his garbage and wondered if he needs any help with learning how to apply makeup lol

  27. No you are not facing the consequences yet.

    You will be when you tell your GF that cheated, and she has to get a STD test as not only did you cheat, but you might have spread a sexually transmitted disease to her.

    You are going to break her, but why are you caring now? You didn’t when you fucked someone else.

    So tell her.

  28. He could be on the autism spectrum and not know it. Everyone has this stereotype on how autism presents, but it presents differently for people. He may have a hard time picking up on social cues.

  29. A 31 year old, unless he is a teacher and not a pedophile, has no business trying to date an 18 year old.

    Telling me to just leave or walk away really won’t help out with our situation, I’ve tried that, it never works.

    Caveat; it works VERY well if you change your phone number, block his, and do not respond. What is the point of staying with someone this shitty? Is this what you want the rest of your life to be? Dating a man who is pretending to be an overbearing father who gets to fuck you?

  30. Sounds like a bad case of OCD. She needs therapy because it seems she has an obsession with having things a certain way. This could stem from childhood.

  31. ??????

    OMG there are so many. I know you know this because otherwise you wouldn't be posting.

    Run, don't walk away.

    He isn't looking for a relationship. He was literally looking just to get laid. He thinks that he's telling you all the things that you want to hear so you will have sex with him.

    As far as the hairpiece goes? To me, it's not that big of a deal but when you combine it with everything else? It is one lie after another.

    Also, when have you had had an interaction with him when he wasn't drunk or getting drunk??? Like I said, before, so many red flags. He could have his own country in the fucking UN with all the flags flying.

  32. Jesus Christ just break up with him this dude is a literal walking red flag with no redeeming qualities

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