Charlotteangels live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 1, 2022

11 thoughts on “Charlotteangels live webcams for YOU!

  1. I am one of those women that doesn’t like to text. I want to hear the emotion behind things. I tell people that up front so they don’t get upset.

  2. The way you apologized sounded very well done. You owned up to it and explained it while also addressing her feelings. I'm guessing she also feels that looking at porn is cheating? It's different if that's all your feed is, or if you're liking “real” womens' pics on instagram. I mean, I don't care if my girl looks at porn but if she's favoriting specific guys' pics and crushing on them, I'm going to feel some type of way. Everyone's different, but I think you handled it well. Just give her reassurance and show her some love.

  3. Yeah that's the thing this sub loves jumping straight to cheating when its possible that he is being blackmailed.

    OP probably really needs to get a PI, reaching out directly to the lady could have some pretty bad consequences or make things worse.

  4. Jesus Christ. That's terrifying. I'd make an anonymous report to the police about her. I'm not sure if there's a hotline for this kind of behavior, so hopefully someone else can provide one. This needs to be reported. One time is a joke. This many times makes it seem like something she's fantasizing. That's unsettling, and it might just be a matter of time before she actually does something.

  5. Yes exactly. “Take me back or else I’m moving to japan” calling her names and if he doesn’t stop it’s “or divorce”? Seems full of ultimatums and not a good example for her child

  6. I will agree to disagree on this one and that's perfectly fine.

    I'm again sorry that happened to u but i don't feel like it's the same and that's the last I'll say about it because u wont change my mind and i wont change urs and that's OKAY!

  7. Next time she brings it up tell her that your medication is what makes you feel normal and allows you to function like people who aren't neurodivergent. That you struggled for years without it. And if your success is making her feel insecure than that's a her problem, but as a friend, you would hope she would be happy for you, not constantly trying to devalue your hard work by attriuting it to some sort of miracle fix all pill.

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