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65 thoughts on “chaojikeailive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Snooping is not as harmful to a relationship as straight up cheating on your partner. She fucked up, you had a suspicion, and she was never going to respect you enough to tell you. You did yourself a favour as far as I can see it. Fuck her fr

  2. Sounds like she's bored of the relationship but is trying to hang on to something whether that's your money, house, status etc.

    Get rid of her.

  3. No that's not cheating. That's why one gets ghosted on tinder so often, it's just people looking around for recreation or something, not really trying to hook up with anybody

  4. Yeah. I think it’s gonna be a perennial problem with him. I recognize your pain because I’ve been in your shoes. You may want to rethink this commitment.

  5. It sounds like you've put in the work for yourself and want your partner to catch up. I think it's fair to say he has pinpointed his mental health issues, but now also needs the guidance of a professional to begin working on them. If he is not willing to do that it's okay to make clear what your boundaries are in this, and how long you are willing to wait for him to address his self-admitted struggles. It doesn't matter that you've been together a while, it's never too late to create boundaries that you now decide are healthy for your well-being. Be happy, you've worked too hard to let your partner be in the way of it!

  6. Do you like it?

    At the end of the day that’s the most important bit.

    My brother in law bought my sister a rose gold ring that some major jeweler had available based on Beauty and Beast (her favorite movie). Sister loved it. Mom thought it was “gawdy as hell” and “childish” because it wasn’t “classy enough”.

    Don’t worry what anyone else thinks. It’s the thought that counts. If you like the ring, great. If not then have a conversation.

  7. As immoral as it sounds you’ll always find cheap work with immigrants ? me included I was a cheap suger baby for this ugly old lady

  8. I don't understand why people get so angry that someone who asked for their advice didn't take it. It was advice, not marching orders. I'm going to get downvoted for this but I think people who feel this way might have some kind of control or boundary issues.

    More importantly, OP doesn't believe she is in an abusive relationship but this man is manipulating her masterfully. She will need to hear the same message over and over before it sinks in. They say it takes several attempts to leave an abusive relationship. Let's not lose patience with the victims, if it's too frustrating please consider scrolling on rather than berating people.

  9. Buy him a purple ugly underwear and let him wear it till he say something, then tell him if you your asshole can't stand staring at this color, how you think my eyes feel when I wake up, or wash my hands, or do any freaking thing using my hands.

  10. Why not actually talk about it with her.

    If you have to outsource your excitement to others then is the relationship really working?

    That solution stops being about you both and searching for distraction.

  11. Hello /u/Agitated-Office-3398,

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  12. is there a way I can bring this up? It’s not like she isn’t doing anything it’s just when she does she doesn’t tell me a lot about it.

  13. Hello /u/brit_505,

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  14. As a man who has been the older one in this situation what I can tell you without getting into details and comparisons is that what I found out is a big part of good long lasting relationships is that it is about timing. You two are not in the same place in life.

    That doesn’t mean you need to break up, but your relationship will need to be in a realistic setting for both of you. You shouldn’t feel like you are being cut out of your twenties because it’s time for him to settle down.

  15. Blocking her everywhere and cutting contact completely will calm these down over time. The fact that you're still regularly engaging with her just keep these thoughts and feelings alive. Let it die by deluging the wire.

  16. You will regret debasing yourself that way. Do not do that to yourself 'cause he is a dog. Find your peace by ending your relationship and taking control of your life back.

    Your revenge should be living well after he has been disposed of. At the end of the day, you still have to live with yourself. Get therapy after dumping him and get your head back in the game.

  17. Hahahaha, ngl when I read that part, I pictured a whole ass chicken and it made me laugh. Thanksgivings dinner is even better.

  18. Probably the easiest way is to throw yourself into dating. You're young and single, go out and and start fishing.

    Because if you don't… if you start getting hung up… there is no good end to it. Been there, done that, a proper waste of 2 years of youth. Unrequited love always hurts, if someone is taken, close that book as hard as you can.

    Just know that there's many people out there just as great as she is, just as much a soulmate… probably even more so. As soon as you start putting yourself out there, dating, meeting people etc… those thoughts and feelings are much more likely to naturally taper off.

  19. 6 years and it's the first time she is doing such thing?

    I guess she might take you for granted now. It's not that rare for long term partners to grow sloppy after marriage and feel like they can do whatever they want. If that's what's happening she will wither wake up when you press her … or not and you won't have choice.

    You see you can't make her respect you and care about you more then her “friend” as you obviously know. If she refuses to understand polite pleas then you need to be more direct and let her understand how serious this is for you and that if she continues this path your marriage might not survive it.

    If at this point she decideds to disregard you, then it's hopeless and there other things to do…

  20. I'm going to get downvoted for this but speaking from experience, just because people think the baby looks like the father doesn't mean a baby is his.

    I had a girl and her family say a baby was mine and looked just like me, and luckily enough I was smart enough to do a DNA test and found out I wasn't the father.

    Do the DNA for him and if he is the father then great, if not then go from there.

    It will obviously ease everyone's minds

  21. Yea okay. Act innocent. You very easily could have told him “dont worry its just nausea, theres no way to know if im pregnant yet” instead of whatever you told him to make him freak out about becoming a parent.

  22. She backed her rear into his front. That implies that she was comfortable doing that and that comfort likely didn’t come from the affair years ago. The thing about them sitting alone at the campfire into the night when others have retired also is problematic. Is your bf as tone deaf on other things in life as he is about Lacy? If the answer is no then you seriously need to figure out whether you are the odd person out and take action accordingly.

  23. There’s no need to confess if nothing happened, but use this as a lesson and try to prioritize your marriage going forward. Your husband is who you committed to, and he to you, before the kids. The kids need to be second priority. Without marriage as the first priority, you won’t have a stable foundation for the kids. Good luck.

  24. Are you trolling? Life is not a drama or soap opera. People don't talk like that. Have some respect, just goes to show you really don't feel bad about any of this.

  25. Here are a few options:

    -consult a lawyer in secret. There are ways your mom could get everything, especially if you document all the abuse

    -contact your father’s family. If they are good people they will storm in there and set him straight, if not get your mom’s family to do it.

    -have your mom move in with you or another close relative. I know a lot of immigrant families where the couple never actually gets divorced, but just live separately.

    -speaking of which, can you get your dad deported? I know families who have sent their “bad” relatives abroad. If you don’t behave in the US you don’t get the privilege to stay- some families adopt this themselves

  26. Ask her. “I see your posts on Reddit and most are saying we should break up. How do you feel about that? What are your thoughts?”

  27. Sounds like that'd be best for you lol. He'll end up preying on some poor young 20something that doesn't yet know their worth. He just hasn't gone young enough to get away with his bullshit yet. Why would you want to date someone old enough to be your parent anyways?! You can and should do better for yourself babe.

  28. He does sound like he is emotional cheating on you.

    Make your exit plan.

    Get your ducks in a row.

    Contact a lawyer to determine your next steps.

    Get financials in order.

  29. Now you don’t have to tell her your deadline. You can internally decide that if ex. 3,4 or 6 months, you will end it without any changes.

    But tell her you aren’t marrying until you feel it’s confidently solved.

  30. If he stays, the short term, he’s going to cheat. After he cheats he will eventually leave. This relationship is over.

  31. Wow. You are a jealous bitter partner. He didn’t thoroughly go through and erase past photos. Obviously he wasn’t looking at them because he gave you his computer to use with no restrictions. Unfortunately you looked. The relationship is over. You say you’ll never look at him the same way again. Walk away.

  32. Oh, honey. There’s nothing wrong with you.

    I suggest considering why you feel you are the flawed one. Because you aren’t.

    Different life goals is not a flaw. It just is..

  33. Oh, honey. There’s nothing wrong with you.

    I suggest considering why you feel you are the flawed one. Because you aren’t.

    Different life goals is not a flaw. It just is..

  34. He sexually assaulted you. This was not accidental. You only relented after he kept insisting – that is coercive.

  35. Uhhh … no. Cheating is cheating, for sure. But to act as though there aren't degrees of cheating is disingenuous. I'm pretty sure most people would agree that there is a difference between finding out your girlfriend gave some guy a blow job and your girlfriend gave her brother a blow job. Either way, you're breaking up with her but fuck yeah one situation is markedly more traumatizing than the other.

  36. Give up on him. If he’s acting so out of line that it bothers the landlord, something is really wrong.

  37. Honestly… It baffles me that most guys really think that their dick will affect it when a CHILD can pass through the channel….

  38. You have gone much, much farther than any reasonable person should to demonstrate trust.

    The fact is he will never be fully satisfied, so he’ll keep asking for more and more proof.

    A relationship is fundamentally based on trust. He doesn’t trust you. Therefore he’s not ready to be in a relationship with you, or anyone. He has serious personal issues that won’t get dealt with unless he’s single.

    The problem isn’t you, it’s him.

  39. What separates this event from the many similar ones I imagine you have had throughout your 3-year relationship?

    This isn't a right-or-wrong type of situation, it's a situation where two people with different dispositions feel differently about something. You're not being unreasonable at all, but neither is your boyfriend.

    You've likely been looking forward to attending this family function together as a couple, and so it's naturally hurtful for you to find out that he doesn't feel the same. On the other hand, this can't possibly be the first time your boyfriend has expressed mixed feelings about going along with you somewhere.

    It kind of sounds like this particular event has made you question your relationship as a whole and feel like you need to decide whether your boyfriend is really someone you can imagine being happy with in the long run. If that's the case, all you need to know is that it's ok if you don't think so, but then that's something you need to bring up with separately.

  40. After her arranging the meeting, flirting in a language she knew you didn’t speak and texting him like a lovelorn teenager, how you do nothing happened before or after the park meeting? Even if she states he doesn’t reciprocate her feelings, that still doesn’t exclude something has happened.

    This is a betrayal that you cannot ignore and emotional affairs can be one-sided. Don’t allow her to dismiss or deflect your anger or concerns around this. What would happen if she caught you expressing your emotional or sexual feelings about what could’ve been to another?

    She cheated. This is cheating and you need to decide if it’s forgivable and how she can regain your trust. Anything less will haunt you for the rest of your relationship.

  41. You will never be happy with this person. you've been together for ONLY FOUR YEARS, and that entire time he has cheated and lied.. what are you even thinking?

    Sorry, I hope you can pick up a little confidence and leave this douche canoe of a human, because there is no way staying with him will ever be the right choice.

    Why do you even entertain his promises? he has made them all before. He is a habitual liar and cheater, just move on, you will be so much better off once the pain subsides.

  42. Right after you provided sources, no one has replied and you've been downvoted lol ironic.

    I 100% agree with you. There should he mandatory DNA tests done to prevent men paying for another child that isn't there's. The whole “but trust!” Bullcrap doesn't work when the same people are sleeping behind their partners' backs. I have told my boyfriend if he ever has doubts about our daughter that he's more then welcome to get a test, but he's told me he trusts me. I have nothing to hide, so I'm not offended if he wants one.

  43. Thank you. I know what she’ll say. Typical thing anyone would say when confronted with sketchy proof. They would deny it.

  44. Common courtsey is she said hello. Lack of common courtsey is he grumbled a whatsup and hid in his cave. Now I’m all up for peace and quiet when your head hurts, I’ve got debilitating migraines myself, but somehow I always manage to use my big girl world and say “aww nice to see you but I’m not feeling well so will leave you to your catchup, enjoy”. Not hard. So OP YTA for me…

  45. Common courtsey is she said hello. Lack of common courtsey is he grumbled a whatsup and hid in his cave. Now I’m all up for peace and quiet when your head hurts, I’ve got debilitating migraines myself, but somehow I always manage to use my big girl world and say “aww nice to see you but I’m not feeling well so will leave you to your catchup, enjoy”. Not hard. So OP YTA for me…

  46. Yes. I don't mind my wife spending time with friends, be it male or female. Even if they would be old.lovers, but he's clearly totally in live with her.

  47. Internet stranger here: 10/10 would ask you for a coffee, you're hella cute and good looking

    Screw you boyfriend especially after that update

  48. Bit presumptuous to call people names when you know nothing of them. You can try to line up jobs before graduating but it’s not always successful. Not to mention he planned a vacation and likely didn’t want that to interfere.

    And congrats for working thru college I guess? I’m not sure why that’s relevant here

  49. Why on earth would she give up a lucrative career that she clearly enjoys because of your preferences and insecurities, new boyfriend??? What was your point?

    She doesn’t have to see your side of it. Once she heard your objection to it, she knew that you will never be okay with it and so there’s no use in continuing.

    Cut your losses and move on. And maybe work on your insecurities before you try to find another partner.

  50. Usually plans to lose weight do end up in failure because the changes made aren’t sustainable for the long term, only for the short term. Really she needs to focus on making healthier choices, like eating more veggies and less sugar, instead of focusing on trying to lose weight. Losing weight is a happy coincidence if it happens, but shouldn’t be considered a problem if it doesn’t as long as she’s taking care of herself

  51. Yes, we typically argue in the morning or afternoon and take a break until neither of us are heavily emotional to resolve it in the evening.

    And I’ll post an update to give more context to the types of arguments.

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