Celeste-Mcs live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 25, 2022

11 thoughts on “Celeste-Mcs live webcams for YOU!

  1. It’s sad how lonely you can feel with another person. It’s just me and my dog now and I’m happy. You can be too, don’t let another person keep making you feel small and lonely.

  2. This is not normal, no not at all. He’s thirty-five and you think you can teach him how to be a decent person? He should already just be a decent person. That’s a low bar too and he’s way below it. You’re not his mommy and it’s not your life journey and purpose to fix him.

    You were hurt and he laughed at you. He chose to fight with you the rest of the day instead of trying to understand WHY it hurt you. “I never thought of it that way. I’m sorry I wasn’t supportive, I’ll do better next time” was all it could take from him. He clearly does not know how to communicate in a healthy way when you’re hurt. And he is sexist.

    That group chat is worse in my opinion, and you can’t go back to being unaware. THIS is who your boyfriend is. The group picture is a woman they all know without her consent? Makes me wonder what kind of stuff could they possibly be sharing on there with a picture like that as the icon? (I’m being sarcastic)

    I think this dude knows he doesn’t have anything to offer to women besides material goods hence finding him on a site like that. They take advantage of young women, but it is not your fault. But it will be if you continue to turn a blind eye to all these things your boyfriend says and does. You deserve so much better than this. You’re twenty-six and it’s only been a year. I personally think you’d should break up with him and really reflect or consider therapy to figure out why you’re willing to tolerate such sexist and rude behavior with your boyfriend when clearly you don’t like when a stranger does it.

  3. Idk what’s more ridiculous, that he uses a nickname on you most do for a younger sibling, or that you dealt with it for four years?

    Lol we’ll you can try talking to him but if it’s been that long you might have to accept being Mrs.butthead.

    Have you considered any Nick names you could use for him? Perhaps fart face or Meanie butt. ?

  4. That's her problem, not yours. You gave her the truth and it's on her if she believes it. The best you can do is let her know the truth.

  5. Your “obliterated “ sister had no memory of what happened. Your husband took advantage of a woman who was so drunk that she was “obliterated “ and had no memory. Your husband raped your sister because under law someone so intoxicated can not give consent. That’s a law in every state.

    Your husband was not intoxicated therefore he had all the control over the situation and knew what he was doing and your sister is a victim.

    I’m a retired LEO and have worked tons of rape cases just like this. He saw an opportunity and took it.

    In this case I wouldn’t be so hard on your sister nut I’d damns urge have husband arrested for rape and divorce him. This isn’t just infidelity. It is sexual assault on a woman 15 years younger than him. Yes I know your ages are similar but he still sexually assaulted her.

    What you should think of now is if she regularly needed to be brought home in this condition how many more times has he done this to her?

  6. First, no I don't have any female friends. The ladies at college are like 18. It's actually really hard to make friends later in life. I do have a younger sister and her friends and we both still live with parents (working on that). So it's not like I don't know how to have convos with women. I have coworkers who are of the opposite sex as well. I just haven't had any meaningful or close contact or relationship with women in my life. So it sort of scares me.

  7. Honestly though how much drama do you want to have in your life? If you're having fights regularly and only together 7 months how will the relationship look once the honeymoon phase wears off?

    Individual therapy for you may be a good idea to help you figure out who you are, what you want from yourself, your life and a partner but it might be best just to go no contact with the ex while you do that.

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