There's a reason for that lol. You are not going to get comprehensive, professional help on Reddit. This is a deep-seated issue that requires more than a random person commenting here could possibly offer.
I get that neither of them should feel guilty because neither of them cheated, he chose to make her feel guilty. Did you read something different than what I did? Jesus.
I know hes had history of gfs cheating on him. Which i can definitely understand his apprehension. But he is the one most times that brings up things on his terms/his wants, like a house. Thank you so much for the advice, I appreciate it!
You bring up trust yet you went through his phone. Not saying what he did was right, maybe he ended up at the strip club after a few cocktails and it wasn’t a planned event, he would tell you in the morning. Possibly. You broke the trust first instead of asking how his night went then having to go thru his phone. As for the money, I’d be pissed for blowing $800 on a lap dance. Absolutely, Christmas or not, this is not the time to spend money on shit. He came home, from what I read he didn’t lie, cheat… your insecurities are your own and not his fault or problem. He can’t read your mind to know how you’re feeling after pushing out another kid. Communication is key here. Maybe explaining or having a talk about your insecurities, he would help to make you feel better or secure in what you have. I would have you’d feel that way anyway because that’s how it should be in a relationship. Sounds like you got mad for a boys night out more than $800 which should be the real issue. Did he lie? Did he say he didn’t go to a club? How you feel and react, can only be controlled by you. If he lied then I agree trust is lost, now he needs to pick up shifts to recover the money he lost. Work on yourself to get you where you feel better.
Well everyone is online if someone looks hard enough so you’re no different in that regard. I thought you were saying you had it posted somehow. If you’re just saying it exists on the internet then that’s true fir everyone. Why are you any more concerned than everyone else?
I understand it's a long time, but it'll be about that long till the hormones settle back a bit. It's honestly out of her hands. But the idea is that you show that you 'get' that she needs to stay with her mum, but you're still her solid rock ( is why i suggested dropping off things she needs without her asking, stuff for bub but also a token from you that shows you care about her well- being and happiness) and you may find she reaches out first, perhaps.
You're already trying by asking for advice, I'm sure everything will be alright in time, and again, good luck matey
This is disgusting. I consoled my fiancé when he lost his dog and whilst I wasn’t the biggest fan of the animal, I knew how much that dig meant to him. We both grieved in our own ways whilst consoling each other. If she’s insulting you over this, then sorry man, she ain’t the one for you.
Long answer: While married couples receive benefits that single couples may not, please don’t marry until you’re either both able to get a secure job, or until you’re 26+. You can stay on your families’ health insurances until 26, which will save you a lot of money in the long run, especially if you’re going to college. Focus on your studies, support one another, and appreciate the life you’re living as young (young!!!) adults who aren’t immediately married
If she went to meet them and lied about it then she’s showing how dishonest she is. It doesn’t sound good to be honest. If the roles were switched I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy about the situation. You’re not the bad one, she is.
It is hard to feel atracted to her when I am not. Idk. This is a place for advice and so I respect and accept your advice. But I do feel like just having her gain weight is me digging my own hole. Here is why. It is harder to lose weight when you are bigger versus stopping it in it stracks.
But it is his own fault. He pushed her into a situation, where she was uncomfortable. Which she mentionend to him, but he ignored it for his “fun”. Now OP was in a situation where she was uncomfortable and alone (husband had fun). It is human nature to seek companionship if we are uncomfortable.
And since OP does not mention her husband discussing boundaries and rules with her, it is normal to think it is fair game.
Don't forget: He wanted this and persuaded her. He knew swinging but failed to introduce her correctly. He is now mad because she couldn't read his mind. And that in a way he fucked around and found out.
Of course she should stop now meeting that guy, but they should both stop swinging or divorce if husband can't life without it.
Narcissism is like Major Depression or General Anxiety Disorder or Anorexia Nervosa.
It’s an illness, a disorder. It’s very en vogue at the moment, which is good in that the condition is being acknowledged as a real thing, but it’s bad because it means that almost any toxic or negative behaviour immediately gets “diagnosed” as narcissism by Reddit.
People can feel severely down without having the medical condition major depression. People should have the ability to feel anxiety without having an anxiety disorder. Healthy people may experience a lack of appetite that is not in any way anorexia nervosa.
In the same way, every person is capable of narcissistic behaviour. That’s the point of the legend of Narcissus: that we all are at risk of becoming Narcissus, so engrossed in our own reflection that we fall into a trap of our own making.
When I read your post, it reads like a group of adults starting to get stressed by living in each other’s pockets. Your MIL is not being fair, and she is being unpleasant, but she is not behaving like a narcissist.
This is good news. This means that the relationship can be repaired. I suspect that what is needed here is space. You’re in the process of moving out. Give this some time, let everyone cool off.
Set up everything through lawyers and the courts. Have documentation ready. If you fear for your safety or issues happening during kid exchanges have an officer meet you there. Keep records, recordings, photos of them not fulfilling their duties.
Please do not “compromise and reconsider”. Children are great, but being a parent is so incredibly tough. You’ve got to really want it, or you’re going to resent both them and your partner. If he wants kids, he needs to do it with someone who is an absolute 100% enthusiastic yes.
I'll give you a pro-tip: You never ask 'what are we'. That is too whatever.
I am good with whatever you want. I don't care, I am chill. We been hanging around for a while, I am going to call you my girl. Cool?
Don't do that. Its too uncertain and lacks stability/confidence.
Instead… you give intention and direction.
It's been great getting to know you. And I like what we have going on. If you're open to it, I would love to get to know you more romantically. I like xyz about you and those qualities are things I look for in a person. I am interested in something more, do you feel the same way about me?
Direct. Clear. Confident. Direction.
Prior to this. You were just dating on a whim. Hanging out. Having fun. Nothing serious.
You don't need to define the R-status right now. But what you're doing is laying the groundwork for that direction, putting some seriousness out there, touching base on what potential you have for the connection.
I agree you. Imagine the sexes were reversed and her boyfriend had 50 clothing trophies from girls. People would tell her to run. It's not the end of the world but it's a red flag
Thank you I agree although I don't feel he is belittling me he never overtly criticises me infact he has helped me in some instances such as helping control my spending and my credit score and even encouraged me to get into university, I'm just not sure what to think anymore his outbursts are just becoming unbearable, thanks for the reply 🙂
Here’s the thing, though. If they’re making these comments to you now, it’s only a matter of time before they make comments to your daughter that she’s old enough to understand. Reddit is full of stories like that. The time to set boundaries is now, while the problem seems small, so that you don’t end up with a larger problem down the road. It’s really hard to stop that snowball farther down the hill when it’s picked up speed and bulk. Your wife might dismiss their behaviors because she grew up with them and it’s more normal to her, so she needs to be united with you in letting them know they have to stop. This absolutely should affect her relationship with them because she needs to make it clear that she (and you) will be living as you both see fit, and commentary from the peanut gallery is not welcome. This is just part and parcel of building a life together apart from your parents. It’s normal and healthy.
That's not true. She doesn't hate me and i know it's gonna sound as an excuse but she has done everything for dad and us. She has gone through many things but she has shown her love countless times. But maybe i know that she is toxic. At the moment i can't do anything about it. Maybe i need to talk to her.
Take your key back, simple! Are you afraid that if you take your key your relationship will end? Perhaps that's what he wants and is pushing you inadvertently to break up with him?
Thanks. I do feel like I am setting myself on fire to keep him warm all the time. He is a lovely, clever and interesting person but I just can't see him helping himself. He has a lot of issues resulting in a mental illness and I can't do it anymore
Petty me says be the squeakier wheel as in tell her but start bawling your ass off before you say it so that she’s forced to take care and comfort you. If she starts in you get louder. But that would be because petty me thinks her hyperventilating is a manipulation.
Genetics are crazy really. My nephew turned out with green eyes when neither my brother nor SIL nor any of us, aunts nor uncles have green eyes. Our mom, the granny, is the only grandparent with green eyes so that’s where the baby got them from. I’d do the paternity test and dump his ass for being a huge asshole.
You dont know, and you shouldn't really try anything. Shes in a relationship as it stands, and she hasnt left it despite her desires which speaks for something. What, exactly, I'm not sure of, but it does say something.
Either it's a mess you dont want to get yourself involved in, or she's not genuinely looking to exit her relationship even if she does desire more openness, because shes with someone who she is willing to sacrifice that for.
No matter what, not really your place to try to swoop in and get her to either cheat, or break up w him
Why was this always going to end badly? Because, he’s married. Period. You also never met in person. You have idea who he really is and if he was honest about anything. Since he was lying to his wife, what makes you think he wasn’t lying to you?
Look into therapy to figure out why you so eager and willing to get involved with someone who was married. Reassess your our morals, values, and find some respect
Limerence isn’t even considered a mental illness. It’s an underresearched condition of unknown prevalence. It’s a state of mind that can stem FROM mental illness such as OCD.
They may not have been so eloquent as some of us have been to spare your feelings.
Honestly, I was saddened by how you worded your post. You could have said that you were disappointed by his actions (Shane and Jacks) or that you were worried his insecurities pushed him to do stupid stuff. But instead you turned it to the me me me narrative. I can’t imagine how Shane must have felt in the situation and maybe now he feels foolish for acting that way.
But what we see is that you were weirded out by Jack, but would want someone of his stature to protect you. You married Shane and loved him; but now he can’t do arm to arm combat to save your honour so you are rethinking the marriage. It seems very superficial and would be devastating to him to hear/go through. There is more to a marriage or long term relationship then the outside layer, it really is a partnership. Right now, you seem to be acting a little selfishly.
I think you have to bring it up to him, it’s the only way to move past it and continue the relationship. I think you should say that you found something and you’re confused. Figured out what you want from the conversation before you have it – figure out how you’re feeling, what you want to ask, and figured out what outcomes you’d be okay and not okay with – before you talk to him.
No that's what I'm sayin I will, I even washed and collected it
Don't worry, just idk if she will even come
I need to heal a lot, I guess. I can't accept people getting close when they show affection
Also yeah I need to work on that, social cues, probably probably not. You don't know me as a whole, but in this context and relationships, that is where I need to work on
Ahh.. This changes it completely for me actually. He let you believe something that wasn't true, that's for sure a dick move on his part! He kinda wasted your time for nothing and then made you feel like you were being the picky one about it. I apologize for my previous comment
You need to talk with him about it. Sometimes behaviours one person reads as rude, are just normal in the environment the other person is in. I doubt he did it on purpose to annoy you, but quietly feeling resentful isn’t going to fix it. Tell him how his actions made you feel and take it from there.
My brother used to smoke a while ago and he always tried to hide it from our parents with different air fresheners. I would get in his car and he’d ask if I could smell anything. I would always tell him instead of just smoke now it just smells like you were smoking in a lilac meadow.
Why does this comment have an award? He clearly meant consensually, but you’re digging through his comment history to excuse RAPE? Are redditors okay or….
It's not really about him, it's about you. It's about the possibilities you might've had, with someone who anchors you to an innocent past. In your mind, if you can have him, you get a part of you back that's otherwise lost forever. It's going to feel very real, but it's just daydreams that will never be.
You have what they call a “broken picker.” You keep picking men that treat you badly, but I'm betting that each one seems like the answer to the last one, right? You'll do much better if you stop dating or sleeping with anyone for a year. I know it seems crazy, but if you can do that, when you do start dating again, you'll be able to see those red flags a lot sooner, and you'll be much better at picking men who treat you right.
Mitch is a daydream. If anything happens in the future, great. But in the meantime, just try to remember that you're idealizing the time you had together, but you broke up for a reason. That reason still exists. It's easy to look back and see your past as dreamy and perfect compared to your present, but the reality is that if you'd stayed together, you'd be in a different kind of present, you would not be kids, living that same life.
It's time to give yourself a kind reality check. Roads untraveled aren't always better than what you have, you just have the power to imagine them that way.
Is there more to this then what are you saying? If the only issue was financial instability then would you be satisfied if he were simply working?
Honestly the real issue I see here is that a 29 year old man has no savings and depends on his mother and girlfriend to support him. Assuming that went on for an extended amount of time that goes beyond a financial issue.
you definitely need to end this and i agree with everyone else about calling the police, this man is not stable. HOWEVER in FUTURE relationships (bc this man is not stable) you should never let your family harass/intentionally hurt or make fun of your SO. that is beyond disrespectful and honestly abusive to stand back and let them treat someone you supposedly love like trash and purposely try to hurt them.
15 days ago you were still in a same sex relationship but you are talking with this girl since one month?
And if respond to “i miss you” with “lmao” you shouldn't be surprised that she doesn't respond. Also getting ghosted? You wrote this on monday. So just because she didn't answer to this shit within 24h, you talk about being ghosted? After saying yourself it is her father birthday, she mostly is busy.
If the woman I was engaged to marry changed her mind about the wedding and wanted to go party instead I would withdraw my proposal and realize this was a blessing in disguise. This is not the woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with if she’s gonna flake on you when things get serious.
2) I think your concerns are valid. However you may not want to be with someone who dies drugs in general. For example, I smoke and I smoke with my friends. I don't tell my gf everytime I smoke with them bc smoking is normal for me and doesn't change any fundamental aspect of me, it's just something fun to do with friends. However – if he is purposefully hiding it from you bc you know you wouldn't like it – that is very different and that doesn't sound like he is respecting your boundaries
Trueman show 2.0 except they forgot to add the scene/script where he asks her out so everyone is forced to proceed and act like it happened behind the scenes
Thank you for your kindness. While you're discussing whether or not you're going to try and continue as a couple, as her if she's willing to learn how to communicate with you, too. It's easier for her to learn a new communication skill than for you to be completely rewired.
So why are you giving him wife benefits when you’re just his girlfriend?
When old ladies used to talk about ‘why buy the cow when the milk is free’ that’s what they really meant. Not sex, but playing wifey. You’re not his wife so quit doing alla that. Note he’s not trying to play hubby to you, so.
But you don’t want to go either? You don’t like clubs. Couples don’t need to do everything together. And it’s not going to be fun for her if you’re there miserable the whole time. Why should she want you to go and be miserable? So she should pretend that it would be more fun if you’re around so you can decline and feel better or something?
I don't know why everyone is being so rude, but I think that there is some stuff that your boyfriend is definitely not telling you. I've never called a phone sex line but it sounds like that's what it could be?
And tbh, I think the age gap is irrelevant. You're almost 30. I don't see the big deal.
OP if you think breaking up with her and one of you moving out is going to be ugly, just leave it a few more months to let this really stew and see how ugly, stressful, exhausting and emotionally overwrought it’s going to get.
Your gf doesn’t love you, you’re a convenience. As many women are realising, if you can’t get what you truly deserve, yes, it is better to be alone. No relationship should be a constant minefield of carefully chosen words, one person freezing out the other to punish them, the playing mental games and emotional tests, the non stop screaming matches, getting no sleep, feeling like a failure because you’re being told or it’s implied you can’t do anything right.
If her ex was there, she’d chose him in a heartbeat and she wouldn’t even spend a moment feeling bad about hurting you. “Any” relationship is not better than being alone, especially if you’re being made to feel you’re only as good as what you can give her next. It sounds like she needs you more, and she resents it. I’d go as far as to say she probably doesn’t even really like you terribly much but justifies stays with you because there’s no other option.
All relationships have “balance”, both partners need to be putting in (emotionally, fiscally, quality time wise, being loyal, doing each’s share around the home, not taking each other for granted etc). If one person is always putting in and the other is always taking out of that balance, the relationship because uneven and the one always losing out will realise how little they are valued. If you don’t place a value on how you should be treated, and you’re with a emotional vampire, you’re always going to lose out.
She’s an adult, but don’t make the mistake of believing age means wisdom. She’s unable to communicate her needs clearly and maturely, and wants you to be a mind reader, to prove you deserve her. Just stop. You can do better, or you can do it alone.
Maybe that’s plausible only if you skipped school from 1st grade on which how did anyone graduate not knowing how to spell “lose”? Makes no sense to me.
I truly don't understand how you were a line cook for so long and don't understand that her job as a server is more physically demanding than your office job. I'm not saying office work can't be difficult, but it is not more physically demanding than being a server.
If things aren't as tidy as you like them, tidy them your damn self. You're a grown up. Act like it.
Your wife needs to talk to someone about her fears. This is not healthy. And frankly, while it might be less likely have a school shooting (though there are many more public schools than private) private schools have their own problems. The stories that I’ve head about one local private school are horrific. Hazing, sexual abuse, horrible bullying, date rape etc. and because the kids come from wealthy families the consequences just get swept under the rug. A few years ago a student was sodomized by 4 others with a broomstick, and they all foot off with probation, she didn’t even get expelled.
If i was her, i might be a little hurt you never told me, but ultimately its your money. i’d mostly be impressed how much you saved and glad that theres a safety net if things go badly. Maybe talk to you about what you’d be comfortable doing if we were living paycheck to paycheck or something or i might talk to you if we could afford a vacation, but something reasonable. I would not ask about a house or car or fancy trip like that. If shes going to be your partner, she has to respect what you want for your money and work with you on what is reasonable for things like a vacation bc you’d do that together, compromising if necessary. But you don’t owe her a car or house. If you never helped her out ever, that’d be one thing, but it sounds like you often pay.
It’s healthy and great that you’ve set boundaries especially for a casual fling. The wording is a little off, but the intent sounds like he wants to meet up with you. Keep in mind you guys went for seeing each other romantically, to just casually and feelings can very much confusion a casual sexual relationship. That can be more difficult to maintain than just seeing someone like that without being in a prior relationship with them. Have fun with it, but you need to decide if you want to cut it off with them if they overstep their boundaries.
It didn't. It didn't went from 0 – 100 quick. Every date with him there were signs everywhere that this guy is a trainwreck. But because of 'chemistry' (I guess hormones/lackofselflove/desperateness?) you decided to ignore all of it.
Not trying to blame you for his behavior. He is the one that ended up practically assaulting you. But please for the love of god try figure out what makes you do this.
You aren’t gonna be a good match with everyone you love. There’s so many factors that go into a romantic relationship. I have friends that I love dearly and find very attractive, but I know we’d suck as a couple.
Y’all do not work romantically. If you’re both sacrificing what you want for the other and STILL both feel dissatisfied, you gotta be an adult and move on
Just because your relationship was romantic with someone at one point doesn't mean that's all it will ever be. If he decided she “wasn't for him”, as you say, it's possible he just felt like they weren't romantically capable, but he still sees her as a friend, thus, why he wants to hang out with her.
If you feel the need to invade his privacy and go through his phone just because you saw he had a text from his ex, then you shouldn't be together.
Break up with him and move back home. Stop paying half the bills. You're doing all the cooking and cleaning. He can consider this maid service that he's paying for. Put your foot down about it. When he bitches, tell him you're done being taken for granted. This is not a partnership, he thinks you're his maid service. Save that money and either get your own place close to your job or move back home.
She didn’t get what she wanted so she started spouting the lies that she knew would hurt you the most. Block her on everything and let your family know what she said and that your done dealing with you.
Don’t let one toxic person destroy your memories of the man you loved. Don’t dwell on it either, she’s just not worth your peace of mind.
I'd say valid. It's hard to trust once trust has been violated. Then he does it again. Do you truly want to be associated with someone that is a Jekyll and Hyde? What's real, Mr. Vulgar or Mr. Pretend?
So is being a judgmental virgin.
There's a reason for that lol. You are not going to get comprehensive, professional help on Reddit. This is a deep-seated issue that requires more than a random person commenting here could possibly offer.
I get that neither of them should feel guilty because neither of them cheated, he chose to make her feel guilty. Did you read something different than what I did? Jesus.
I know hes had history of gfs cheating on him. Which i can definitely understand his apprehension. But he is the one most times that brings up things on his terms/his wants, like a house. Thank you so much for the advice, I appreciate it!
You bring up trust yet you went through his phone. Not saying what he did was right, maybe he ended up at the strip club after a few cocktails and it wasn’t a planned event, he would tell you in the morning. Possibly. You broke the trust first instead of asking how his night went then having to go thru his phone. As for the money, I’d be pissed for blowing $800 on a lap dance. Absolutely, Christmas or not, this is not the time to spend money on shit. He came home, from what I read he didn’t lie, cheat… your insecurities are your own and not his fault or problem. He can’t read your mind to know how you’re feeling after pushing out another kid. Communication is key here. Maybe explaining or having a talk about your insecurities, he would help to make you feel better or secure in what you have. I would have you’d feel that way anyway because that’s how it should be in a relationship. Sounds like you got mad for a boys night out more than $800 which should be the real issue. Did he lie? Did he say he didn’t go to a club? How you feel and react, can only be controlled by you. If he lied then I agree trust is lost, now he needs to pick up shifts to recover the money he lost. Work on yourself to get you where you feel better.
That depends, can you go the rest of your life without oral?
They had an insane relationship. She's just an angry person in general. I felt bad for him tbh
Well everyone is online if someone looks hard enough so you’re no different in that regard. I thought you were saying you had it posted somehow. If you’re just saying it exists on the internet then that’s true fir everyone. Why are you any more concerned than everyone else?
I understand it's a long time, but it'll be about that long till the hormones settle back a bit. It's honestly out of her hands. But the idea is that you show that you 'get' that she needs to stay with her mum, but you're still her solid rock ( is why i suggested dropping off things she needs without her asking, stuff for bub but also a token from you that shows you care about her well- being and happiness) and you may find she reaches out first, perhaps.
You're already trying by asking for advice, I'm sure everything will be alright in time, and again, good luck matey
This is disgusting. I consoled my fiancé when he lost his dog and whilst I wasn’t the biggest fan of the animal, I knew how much that dig meant to him. We both grieved in our own ways whilst consoling each other. If she’s insulting you over this, then sorry man, she ain’t the one for you.
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: While married couples receive benefits that single couples may not, please don’t marry until you’re either both able to get a secure job, or until you’re 26+. You can stay on your families’ health insurances until 26, which will save you a lot of money in the long run, especially if you’re going to college. Focus on your studies, support one another, and appreciate the life you’re living as young (young!!!) adults who aren’t immediately married
If she went to meet them and lied about it then she’s showing how dishonest she is. It doesn’t sound good to be honest. If the roles were switched I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy about the situation. You’re not the bad one, she is.
It is hard to feel atracted to her when I am not. Idk. This is a place for advice and so I respect and accept your advice. But I do feel like just having her gain weight is me digging my own hole. Here is why. It is harder to lose weight when you are bigger versus stopping it in it stracks.
But it is his own fault. He pushed her into a situation, where she was uncomfortable. Which she mentionend to him, but he ignored it for his “fun”. Now OP was in a situation where she was uncomfortable and alone (husband had fun). It is human nature to seek companionship if we are uncomfortable.
And since OP does not mention her husband discussing boundaries and rules with her, it is normal to think it is fair game.
Don't forget: He wanted this and persuaded her. He knew swinging but failed to introduce her correctly. He is now mad because she couldn't read his mind. And that in a way he fucked around and found out.
Of course she should stop now meeting that guy, but they should both stop swinging or divorce if husband can't life without it.
Narcissism is like Major Depression or General Anxiety Disorder or Anorexia Nervosa.
It’s an illness, a disorder. It’s very en vogue at the moment, which is good in that the condition is being acknowledged as a real thing, but it’s bad because it means that almost any toxic or negative behaviour immediately gets “diagnosed” as narcissism by Reddit.
People can feel severely down without having the medical condition major depression. People should have the ability to feel anxiety without having an anxiety disorder. Healthy people may experience a lack of appetite that is not in any way anorexia nervosa.
In the same way, every person is capable of narcissistic behaviour. That’s the point of the legend of Narcissus: that we all are at risk of becoming Narcissus, so engrossed in our own reflection that we fall into a trap of our own making.
When I read your post, it reads like a group of adults starting to get stressed by living in each other’s pockets. Your MIL is not being fair, and she is being unpleasant, but she is not behaving like a narcissist.
This is good news. This means that the relationship can be repaired. I suspect that what is needed here is space. You’re in the process of moving out. Give this some time, let everyone cool off.
Set up everything through lawyers and the courts. Have documentation ready. If you fear for your safety or issues happening during kid exchanges have an officer meet you there. Keep records, recordings, photos of them not fulfilling their duties.
Between 1 hour and 1 week
Tell everyone you think you have Covid then stay home. Then get tested negative, go back to work.
She DIDN’T KNOW HOW TO SAY NO. That does NOT mean she enjoyed it!!!
Please do not “compromise and reconsider”. Children are great, but being a parent is so incredibly tough. You’ve got to really want it, or you’re going to resent both them and your partner. If he wants kids, he needs to do it with someone who is an absolute 100% enthusiastic yes.
You might have.
I'll give you a pro-tip: You never ask 'what are we'. That is too whatever.
I am good with whatever you want. I don't care, I am chill. We been hanging around for a while, I am going to call you my girl. Cool?
Don't do that. Its too uncertain and lacks stability/confidence.
Instead… you give intention and direction.
It's been great getting to know you. And I like what we have going on. If you're open to it, I would love to get to know you more romantically. I like xyz about you and those qualities are things I look for in a person. I am interested in something more, do you feel the same way about me?
Direct. Clear. Confident. Direction.
Prior to this. You were just dating on a whim. Hanging out. Having fun. Nothing serious.
You don't need to define the R-status right now. But what you're doing is laying the groundwork for that direction, putting some seriousness out there, touching base on what potential you have for the connection.
I agree you. Imagine the sexes were reversed and her boyfriend had 50 clothing trophies from girls. People would tell her to run. It's not the end of the world but it's a red flag
If I rape somebody with a condom, the chances of them getting pregnant are almost zero /s
Thank you I agree although I don't feel he is belittling me he never overtly criticises me infact he has helped me in some instances such as helping control my spending and my credit score and even encouraged me to get into university, I'm just not sure what to think anymore his outbursts are just becoming unbearable, thanks for the reply 🙂
Here’s the thing, though. If they’re making these comments to you now, it’s only a matter of time before they make comments to your daughter that she’s old enough to understand. Reddit is full of stories like that. The time to set boundaries is now, while the problem seems small, so that you don’t end up with a larger problem down the road. It’s really hard to stop that snowball farther down the hill when it’s picked up speed and bulk. Your wife might dismiss their behaviors because she grew up with them and it’s more normal to her, so she needs to be united with you in letting them know they have to stop. This absolutely should affect her relationship with them because she needs to make it clear that she (and you) will be living as you both see fit, and commentary from the peanut gallery is not welcome. This is just part and parcel of building a life together apart from your parents. It’s normal and healthy.
That's not true. She doesn't hate me and i know it's gonna sound as an excuse but she has done everything for dad and us. She has gone through many things but she has shown her love countless times. But maybe i know that she is toxic. At the moment i can't do anything about it. Maybe i need to talk to her.
Go for it, make the first move. Just ask him to kiss you.
Take your key back, simple! Are you afraid that if you take your key your relationship will end? Perhaps that's what he wants and is pushing you inadvertently to break up with him?
Doesn’t matter if you said ok at first. You can revoke consent during it.
Thanks. I do feel like I am setting myself on fire to keep him warm all the time. He is a lovely, clever and interesting person but I just can't see him helping himself. He has a lot of issues resulting in a mental illness and I can't do it anymore
Petty me says be the squeakier wheel as in tell her but start bawling your ass off before you say it so that she’s forced to take care and comfort you. If she starts in you get louder. But that would be because petty me thinks her hyperventilating is a manipulation.
Genetics are crazy really. My nephew turned out with green eyes when neither my brother nor SIL nor any of us, aunts nor uncles have green eyes. Our mom, the granny, is the only grandparent with green eyes so that’s where the baby got them from. I’d do the paternity test and dump his ass for being a huge asshole.
I really hope that this won’t be the case. She already called the cops so Pandora’s box was opened. (No idea if this saying is used correctly)
You dont know, and you shouldn't really try anything. Shes in a relationship as it stands, and she hasnt left it despite her desires which speaks for something. What, exactly, I'm not sure of, but it does say something.
Either it's a mess you dont want to get yourself involved in, or she's not genuinely looking to exit her relationship even if she does desire more openness, because shes with someone who she is willing to sacrifice that for.
No matter what, not really your place to try to swoop in and get her to either cheat, or break up w him
Why was this always going to end badly? Because, he’s married. Period. You also never met in person. You have idea who he really is and if he was honest about anything. Since he was lying to his wife, what makes you think he wasn’t lying to you?
Look into therapy to figure out why you so eager and willing to get involved with someone who was married. Reassess your our morals, values, and find some respect
Limerence isn’t even considered a mental illness. It’s an underresearched condition of unknown prevalence. It’s a state of mind that can stem FROM mental illness such as OCD.
They may not have been so eloquent as some of us have been to spare your feelings.
Honestly, I was saddened by how you worded your post. You could have said that you were disappointed by his actions (Shane and Jacks) or that you were worried his insecurities pushed him to do stupid stuff. But instead you turned it to the me me me narrative. I can’t imagine how Shane must have felt in the situation and maybe now he feels foolish for acting that way.
But what we see is that you were weirded out by Jack, but would want someone of his stature to protect you. You married Shane and loved him; but now he can’t do arm to arm combat to save your honour so you are rethinking the marriage. It seems very superficial and would be devastating to him to hear/go through. There is more to a marriage or long term relationship then the outside layer, it really is a partnership. Right now, you seem to be acting a little selfishly.
Narcissists. Do. Not. Change.
Thank you. That actually means a lot. I really appreciate that. I think sometimes I get lost in myself and forget to think about what’s best for me.
I think you have to bring it up to him, it’s the only way to move past it and continue the relationship. I think you should say that you found something and you’re confused. Figured out what you want from the conversation before you have it – figure out how you’re feeling, what you want to ask, and figured out what outcomes you’d be okay and not okay with – before you talk to him.
Your 23, paying rent, and going to school…
Yeah you should be able to stay over at your boyfriends.
Honestly, your parents should have more trust in your decision making skills as it doesn’t sound like you’ve ever given them real reason to worry.
Plus a parent should not be so concerned with their adult child’s sex life.
No that's what I'm sayin I will, I even washed and collected it
Don't worry, just idk if she will even come
I need to heal a lot, I guess. I can't accept people getting close when they show affection
Also yeah I need to work on that, social cues, probably probably not. You don't know me as a whole, but in this context and relationships, that is where I need to work on
Ahh.. This changes it completely for me actually. He let you believe something that wasn't true, that's for sure a dick move on his part! He kinda wasted your time for nothing and then made you feel like you were being the picky one about it. I apologize for my previous comment
“i don’t know what to do “?!
i’m confused .
You need to talk with him about it. Sometimes behaviours one person reads as rude, are just normal in the environment the other person is in. I doubt he did it on purpose to annoy you, but quietly feeling resentful isn’t going to fix it. Tell him how his actions made you feel and take it from there.
My brother used to smoke a while ago and he always tried to hide it from our parents with different air fresheners. I would get in his car and he’d ask if I could smell anything. I would always tell him instead of just smoke now it just smells like you were smoking in a lilac meadow.
This is the nastiest shit I've ever heard and grounds for divorce
He has evidence of two kids that they're both very fertile and chooses the pullout method
Very fair comment and I appreciate and understand your perspective. Thanks for taking the time
Why does this comment have an award? He clearly meant consensually, but you’re digging through his comment history to excuse RAPE? Are redditors okay or….
It's not really about him, it's about you. It's about the possibilities you might've had, with someone who anchors you to an innocent past. In your mind, if you can have him, you get a part of you back that's otherwise lost forever. It's going to feel very real, but it's just daydreams that will never be.
You have what they call a “broken picker.” You keep picking men that treat you badly, but I'm betting that each one seems like the answer to the last one, right? You'll do much better if you stop dating or sleeping with anyone for a year. I know it seems crazy, but if you can do that, when you do start dating again, you'll be able to see those red flags a lot sooner, and you'll be much better at picking men who treat you right.
Mitch is a daydream. If anything happens in the future, great. But in the meantime, just try to remember that you're idealizing the time you had together, but you broke up for a reason. That reason still exists. It's easy to look back and see your past as dreamy and perfect compared to your present, but the reality is that if you'd stayed together, you'd be in a different kind of present, you would not be kids, living that same life.
It's time to give yourself a kind reality check. Roads untraveled aren't always better than what you have, you just have the power to imagine them that way.
Is there more to this then what are you saying? If the only issue was financial instability then would you be satisfied if he were simply working?
Honestly the real issue I see here is that a 29 year old man has no savings and depends on his mother and girlfriend to support him. Assuming that went on for an extended amount of time that goes beyond a financial issue.
you definitely need to end this and i agree with everyone else about calling the police, this man is not stable. HOWEVER in FUTURE relationships (bc this man is not stable) you should never let your family harass/intentionally hurt or make fun of your SO. that is beyond disrespectful and honestly abusive to stand back and let them treat someone you supposedly love like trash and purposely try to hurt them.
15 days ago you were still in a same sex relationship but you are talking with this girl since one month?
And if respond to “i miss you” with “lmao” you shouldn't be surprised that she doesn't respond. Also getting ghosted? You wrote this on monday. So just because she didn't answer to this shit within 24h, you talk about being ghosted? After saying yourself it is her father birthday, she mostly is busy.
If the woman I was engaged to marry changed her mind about the wedding and wanted to go party instead I would withdraw my proposal and realize this was a blessing in disguise. This is not the woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with if she’s gonna flake on you when things get serious.
1) do you mind if I ask what drug it is?
2) I think your concerns are valid. However you may not want to be with someone who dies drugs in general. For example, I smoke and I smoke with my friends. I don't tell my gf everytime I smoke with them bc smoking is normal for me and doesn't change any fundamental aspect of me, it's just something fun to do with friends. However – if he is purposefully hiding it from you bc you know you wouldn't like it – that is very different and that doesn't sound like he is respecting your boundaries
Trueman show 2.0 except they forgot to add the scene/script where he asks her out so everyone is forced to proceed and act like it happened behind the scenes
Thank you for your kindness. While you're discussing whether or not you're going to try and continue as a couple, as her if she's willing to learn how to communicate with you, too. It's easier for her to learn a new communication skill than for you to be completely rewired.
stfu, when did he say he didn't give consent?
Some people LOVE eating pancakes. Maybe it was a compliment that just backfired. I’d give him the benefit of the doubt, but make him go down on you.
Well I mean it is a weird situation because you were told not to tell someone but you did.
And your boyfriend was told not to tell someone, but he did.
So who should be the one that gets chastised first?
So why are you giving him wife benefits when you’re just his girlfriend?
When old ladies used to talk about ‘why buy the cow when the milk is free’ that’s what they really meant. Not sex, but playing wifey. You’re not his wife so quit doing alla that. Note he’s not trying to play hubby to you, so.
No. It happened to a friend of mine.
You should run from her as soon as you read this.
This is a nightmare of a relationship.
I wasn’t even going to include ages and I didn’t in another group. The only reason I did was because it’s in the rules for this group.
But you don’t want to go either? You don’t like clubs. Couples don’t need to do everything together. And it’s not going to be fun for her if you’re there miserable the whole time. Why should she want you to go and be miserable? So she should pretend that it would be more fun if you’re around so you can decline and feel better or something?
Hopefully he wises up and ditches ol party girl over here
I don't know why everyone is being so rude, but I think that there is some stuff that your boyfriend is definitely not telling you. I've never called a phone sex line but it sounds like that's what it could be?
And tbh, I think the age gap is irrelevant. You're almost 30. I don't see the big deal.
lol I get it now. Gross
OP if you think breaking up with her and one of you moving out is going to be ugly, just leave it a few more months to let this really stew and see how ugly, stressful, exhausting and emotionally overwrought it’s going to get.
Your gf doesn’t love you, you’re a convenience. As many women are realising, if you can’t get what you truly deserve, yes, it is better to be alone. No relationship should be a constant minefield of carefully chosen words, one person freezing out the other to punish them, the playing mental games and emotional tests, the non stop screaming matches, getting no sleep, feeling like a failure because you’re being told or it’s implied you can’t do anything right.
If her ex was there, she’d chose him in a heartbeat and she wouldn’t even spend a moment feeling bad about hurting you. “Any” relationship is not better than being alone, especially if you’re being made to feel you’re only as good as what you can give her next. It sounds like she needs you more, and she resents it. I’d go as far as to say she probably doesn’t even really like you terribly much but justifies stays with you because there’s no other option.
All relationships have “balance”, both partners need to be putting in (emotionally, fiscally, quality time wise, being loyal, doing each’s share around the home, not taking each other for granted etc). If one person is always putting in and the other is always taking out of that balance, the relationship because uneven and the one always losing out will realise how little they are valued. If you don’t place a value on how you should be treated, and you’re with a emotional vampire, you’re always going to lose out.
She’s an adult, but don’t make the mistake of believing age means wisdom. She’s unable to communicate her needs clearly and maturely, and wants you to be a mind reader, to prove you deserve her. Just stop. You can do better, or you can do it alone.
Good for you, you're already a dad ? I feel for your wide because what a bloody hard decision, but I respect the hell out of you.
I've tried to go NC with Betty but Amanda would always get upset if/when I wouldn't try to get along with Betty for her sake.
Maybe that’s plausible only if you skipped school from 1st grade on which how did anyone graduate not knowing how to spell “lose”? Makes no sense to me.
What if u just let him know that you don't want to restrict him but it affects you confidence and u feel insecure
Do u think he may be able to reassure u?
Next time he’ll have lotion and a basket
I truly don't understand how you were a line cook for so long and don't understand that her job as a server is more physically demanding than your office job. I'm not saying office work can't be difficult, but it is not more physically demanding than being a server.
If things aren't as tidy as you like them, tidy them your damn self. You're a grown up. Act like it.
He said if I am stable for six months he’ll propose
And what happens if you have a down period after that? Or after you get married? That's what I would want to know.
Your wife needs to talk to someone about her fears. This is not healthy. And frankly, while it might be less likely have a school shooting (though there are many more public schools than private) private schools have their own problems. The stories that I’ve head about one local private school are horrific. Hazing, sexual abuse, horrible bullying, date rape etc. and because the kids come from wealthy families the consequences just get swept under the rug. A few years ago a student was sodomized by 4 others with a broomstick, and they all foot off with probation, she didn’t even get expelled.
Lol oh yeah I'm devastated. Such a loss.
If i was her, i might be a little hurt you never told me, but ultimately its your money. i’d mostly be impressed how much you saved and glad that theres a safety net if things go badly. Maybe talk to you about what you’d be comfortable doing if we were living paycheck to paycheck or something or i might talk to you if we could afford a vacation, but something reasonable. I would not ask about a house or car or fancy trip like that. If shes going to be your partner, she has to respect what you want for your money and work with you on what is reasonable for things like a vacation bc you’d do that together, compromising if necessary. But you don’t owe her a car or house. If you never helped her out ever, that’d be one thing, but it sounds like you often pay.
It’s healthy and great that you’ve set boundaries especially for a casual fling. The wording is a little off, but the intent sounds like he wants to meet up with you. Keep in mind you guys went for seeing each other romantically, to just casually and feelings can very much confusion a casual sexual relationship. That can be more difficult to maintain than just seeing someone like that without being in a prior relationship with them. Have fun with it, but you need to decide if you want to cut it off with them if they overstep their boundaries.
It didn't. It didn't went from 0 – 100 quick. Every date with him there were signs everywhere that this guy is a trainwreck. But because of 'chemistry' (I guess hormones/lackofselflove/desperateness?) you decided to ignore all of it.
Not trying to blame you for his behavior. He is the one that ended up practically assaulting you. But please for the love of god try figure out what makes you do this.
It’s insane to me that anyone would buy a house with someone they are dating and not married with.
It's a tired myth. Please stop spreading it, it's just another misogynistic rhetoric.
You aren’t gonna be a good match with everyone you love. There’s so many factors that go into a romantic relationship. I have friends that I love dearly and find very attractive, but I know we’d suck as a couple.
Y’all do not work romantically. If you’re both sacrificing what you want for the other and STILL both feel dissatisfied, you gotta be an adult and move on
Time to just block him and share nothing with him. Keep your group chat with the others that are friendly, and never feel bad blocking toxic people.
Depends on the relationship.
If you don't trust him, why are you with him?
Just because your relationship was romantic with someone at one point doesn't mean that's all it will ever be. If he decided she “wasn't for him”, as you say, it's possible he just felt like they weren't romantically capable, but he still sees her as a friend, thus, why he wants to hang out with her.
If you feel the need to invade his privacy and go through his phone just because you saw he had a text from his ex, then you shouldn't be together.
Break up with him and move back home. Stop paying half the bills. You're doing all the cooking and cleaning. He can consider this maid service that he's paying for. Put your foot down about it. When he bitches, tell him you're done being taken for granted. This is not a partnership, he thinks you're his maid service. Save that money and either get your own place close to your job or move back home.
She didn’t get what she wanted so she started spouting the lies that she knew would hurt you the most. Block her on everything and let your family know what she said and that your done dealing with you.
Don’t let one toxic person destroy your memories of the man you loved. Don’t dwell on it either, she’s just not worth your peace of mind.
Bring her too work, involve her with coworkers. Mmaybe introduce her to the assistant
Get some self respect jfc
I'd say valid. It's hard to trust once trust has been violated. Then he does it again. Do you truly want to be associated with someone that is a Jekyll and Hyde? What's real, Mr. Vulgar or Mr. Pretend?