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Cataleya-1live sex stripping with hd cam


21 thoughts on “Cataleya-1live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. We can't just act like everyone is some irregularity of unpredictable parts. We're biologically wired to find certain things attractive as males and females. Denying this is such a pretty way of dressing up lies and infidelity. If you brought this excuse to it's logical conclusion you could justify literally ANYTHING.

  2. I’m gonna sound selfish as fuck but I think you should leave her. There’s only so much emotional support that a person can provide sometimes it just gets too much. Someone like me would definitely snap and end up saying some really awful shit.

  3. They always say the younger person pursued the older one. The reality is that someone below a certain age can't “pull” someone much older than them. I'm in my 30s, and a 20 year old could run herself ragged trying to get my attention. She will never get it because I don't look at 20 year olds sexually.

  4. Hello /u/mamalopp,

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  5. Explain to him that the rest of the thinking world would appreciate him NOT spreading his fucking germs at work.

    Then break-up with him. This situation will never resolve itself to your satisfaction. Stop wasting your time, get out and find someone whom you truly respect and love.

  6. both me and my girlfriend went to him to set boundaries (separately) and he gave us both very different answers.

    Not really. He told you that you were overthinking and he asked her if she was uncomfortable and told her you seem possessive. Those things can all go together.

    The bigger question is if he is being honest or if he is just trying to dismiss your concerns. Either way, you've let him know what you're feeling. It's up to him whether he changes his behaviour.

  7. If it was a porn video would he be in the laundry room? Does he always hide to masterbate or is this something new?

  8. Should I 28F move out of state with my bf 30M and our baby?

    No and here's why in your own words:

    My partner and I don’t have the best relationship – you barely know each other We were only dating a few months before I got pregnant – see above he had issues with infidelity – see above my partner has issues with putting me first – see above I was stuck in the hospital for hours wondering where he was – this should have told you everything you needed to know His salary would triple so I would be able to hire help to make up for my lack of support – I would bet you $100 that he has ZERO intention of hiring a nanny, a cleaning person and night nurse. None. He didn't even pick you up at the hospital but now he's suddenly going to splash out thousands of dollars a month? Nope. We would have a chance to make our family work – then let him put some work into trying to make it work

    I'm guessing that you don't have a job or any way of supporting yourself or your son? Time to move in with your family, get a lawyer so you can put a child support agreement in place before he moves, figure out what job you are going to get and see what happens

    Moving to a new city with a brand new baby, no support system with some guy who you don't know is a recipe for a disaster. You need to get it together. This guy doesn't care about you in the way you think.

  9. Shocking someone who would blame his job as a reason to cheat wouldn't be good at communicating in a marriage.

  10. Thank you again. Believe me, my age and fertility is definitely something I’m concerned about as well. Freezing my eggs is very much an option I’d be willing to take if I break off my engagement.

  11. I think the gifts were a catalyst. The delayed graduation and the job stuff is where most of her reasoning is

  12. I was always a bit of a weirdo but when I was dating I would have found this to be a breath of fresh air. No games, no guessing, just “hey let’s hang out again”.

  13. Absolutely feel free to cancel – you have excellent reasons and she doesn't care about you, this friendship is already over. The friendship will still be over if you shell out all of this money on a wedding that you resent.

  14. It's just a book for entertainment. I wouldn't read too much into it if she hasn't asked you to do anything like that in the bedroom. I read a lot of things that I wouldn't do in real life. Judge her by her actions not what she reads.

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