Candy ( & Mike ( the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Candy ( & Mike (, 36 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms Candy ( & Mike (

Candy ( & Mike ( live sex chat

Date: October 23, 2022

47 thoughts on “Candy ( & Mike ( the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. I would possibly try to reach out to him and explain that you never intended for things to be flirty/etc and you don't feel romantically towards him. Explain exactly how you feel about the kissing and making out. Make it clear to him how you feel. Take it from there, because if he feels the same way, it would be an awkward adjustment but it could go back to how it was. It's worth mentioning how you feel clearly so there aren't any regrets.

  2. Kick him out, girl. He's the one who showed his true colors. This is him gaslighting you. Big red flags

    Moving in together isn't always better for relationships.

    Possession by a demon is usually much much worse. Look up some videos. Show them to him and ask him if you're acting like those poor people.

  3. Equal contribution to the relationship. Stop doing shit for him if he isn't pulling his own weight. Right now it sounds like you're his mother who opens her legs when he throws a tantrum. It would be odd if you were sexually attracted to him honestly. Start focusing on yourself. Take care of yourself. Treat yourself! He'll figure it out and you can leave him if he doesn't.

  4. He already treats you like a second option, so stop acting like one. Complaining to him clearly doesn't work. Make plans with your friends, go out without him, find a hobby that will make you happy.

  5. its 100% you absolute idiot. You dont need to quit for a month lol. go 4 days without looking at porn (i doubt you can) and your problem will be gone. Its so funny how defensive you immediately got about it. Which tells me that youve been cranking it 2-3 times a day for several years. Its the porn brain bud. happens to everyone no need to be a lil bitch about it.

  6. Yeah, she’s attaching way too quickly. I would slow that down. Don’t take calls you don’t want in fact you really want a second date?

  7. She is much more likely to be sexually harassed and put down by the men than your BS story

    Thats where my concern would be, that she isnt treated with respect

  8. I know it sounds silly on my part to think of myself that way and you're absolutely right. I'm trying not to rush things, as you said of what could happen, but I feel there is a such thing as “too late”, at least for me. I don't wanna be in my 30s, or God forbid my 40s or older, and find someone.

    However, it's still in the back of my mind that maybe I'm being ridiculous and I can wait another 5+ years and actually have a stable, lasting relationship by then and that anyone I meet now will just be a fling.

  9. Don't want to be back with him. Just wondering if it's even feasible to find that out the way he claimed. It does matter to me.

  10. Your wife is being unreasonable. Most children have grandparents die. It is a part of life. Her experience with her Dad dying is traumatic for children. A million times more traumatic as the normal part of life of a grandparent dying when someone is a child or a young adult. Do not lie to your wife and agree to anything. Just because she is pregnant does not mean she gets to be abusive to you. She is saying that you won’t let you take your baby to meet your mom and that is horribly controlling. Be clear and upfront that you don’t agree with her. Suggest counseling.

  11. Yeah, I mean I believe my comment was worthy of the positive support it got. But your comment literally agreed with mine and got downvoted and that’s completely illogical. Ah well. Take care.

  12. Don't know about emotionally abusive but petty , spiteful, passive aggressive, mean spirited, and dirty low down it is for sure.

    Are you sure you are old enough, mature enough, to be in any kind of relationship? let alone a 7 year relationship.

    Grow the F@@@ UP.

  13. Honestly, what if someone close to her or you end up being diagnosed with cancer or something similar? It could be someone who has taken all the precautions, but unfortunately, cancer does not discriminate. So what would your wife do then? I hope that doesn't happen obviously, but after the work your mother has put in to be healthy, because she is healthy according to HER DOCTORS, not your wife's OPINION, whom I'm also assuming is not a doctor. I really can't see how your wife could possibly think she's right in this instance.. Plus, having family with different bodies or different versions of healthiness is important to children learning how to not be like your wife. Skinny does not mean healthy, and I say that as someone skinny af

  14. Go to and look into foods that create noxious gas. It could be dietary. I can't eat eggs because of the gas it causes. Many vegetables can effect this as well. If he is lactose intolerant this may happen.

    Also he needs to see a doctor. If he refuses it's time to walk

  15. I don’t talk about my weight loss either. I lost over 100# about 13 yrs ago (and have kept it all off) well before meeting my now husband. Not one man I’ve ever been with said anything about my lose skin or scars from reconstructive surgery to remove some of it.

    My now husband learned about my weight loss after seeing some photos I was showing him from just before I started losing weight. He didn’t say much just asked how long I had been that size and how long it took me to lose the weight. He knows my exercise and eating habits by now. It really has not been a big deal.

  16. Exactly! To add onto that: if you ask are you free Sunday, she says no, you suggest Wednesday, she says no, just drop it. Don’t keep bringing up other days or bring it up another time you see her. She knows your interested and will approach you for a date if she wants one. Otherwise, don’t bring it up again and accept they just wanna be friends

  17. How much do you value truth in a relationship? She’s right, you need new boundaries, her on the outside looking in. If she lies just to hurt you imagine what she’s capable of?

  18. If she got mad that she was being told she was being unreasonable, then she knows she's being unreasonable.

    She's being unreasonable, and if she ever gives you an ultimatum, then she's showing she's being childish and overbearing

  19. Yeah, I know that I've had sex on the first date before. But I was actually sexually into the guy and he KNEW this. And he wasn't being sneaky about wanting sex either see the difference?

    And he was actually someone that I had actually met in person before I had sex with him.

    What this guy is doing on this app is a turn off he's interrogating me and asking me these questions to see if I'll give it up on the first date but I'm not.

  20. Really dude, what do you want in a partner? You said she is free to do lots of things sexually. Have you actually sat down and figured out what you are comfortable with than actually told her or not? Figure out your boundaries then set them and be firm and if she isn’t willing to stick to them, sober or not, than walk away. I would not be of with a partner of mine being in anyway undressed around any guys nor would I be ok with any friends of mine around my topless partner.


  21. It sounds like you're spiraling without all the information. You don't know the cause yet, so you don't know whether or not this is treatable. All there is to do is be bluntly honest. “I got my results, and there was no sperm in any of my samples. I need to follow up to get tests to find the cause to see if it's treatable.” Then do that. This may also be a good time to start discussing the possibility of IVF via sperm donor if the cause isn't treatable.

  22. No, you absolutely didn't cheat unless you actively participated in the kiss/consented.

    Yes, I would probably tell your boyfriend, if it were me I would want to know. But you don't have to tell him as if you're revealing some secret you're guilty about. You're telling him about something bad that happened to you.

  23. My dating experience left me learning what being treated well didn’t look like. Instead of dipping my toe in, I could have safely stood ashore and my husband still would have come along and treated me well

  24. his attitude is that because I feel so strongly against the test, it's a sign that he needs to do it.

    Lordt. Notice how he's flipping the script on you by changing the direction of the conversation.

    Just No.

    Dump him. He's got trust issues, which I can get, but he shouldn't be taking it out on you. By the time y'all have kids you should be trusting each other 100%.

    How should I have reacted when he told me this?

    “okay, sure. Fine. Get your paternity test when you have kids, but it won't be with me.”

    Then \flounce**.

  25. I’m afraid I’ve dug myself in too deep.

    You could..just break up? You aren't married. There are no kids. Just leave him and live how you would if you had never met him.

  26. No one else is going to know you blocked him, right? Unless one of you two tell other people that you blocked him, how would they know?

    So, you're inviting drama into your situation. If you blocked him and he think “huh, that sucks. Whatever tho.” Then goes about his life. How do you think he's going to react when 2 weeks later one of his friends come up to him like “Yoo dude! I heard you got blocked by Throwaway cuz you're thirsty as fuck! Gross!” He probably isn't going to like that.. he could easily be like “No dude! Throwaway has fucking crazy huge nipples. I vomited when she got naked in front of me. Her puss smelled like fucking roadkill bro. She obviously doesn't bathe.”

    …. then what happens next?

  27. Lmao girlie, your boyfriend is a decent person, it's you and your friend group that are the problems here. There isn't a “mind your own bussiness” friend group, but thẻe is a “turning a blind eyes to any problem whatsoever” friendgroup, and yours is the later. You are your friend, and tolerating a bully partner means you are no better than that abusive friend of yours.

  28. I told my bf that Mark has always been like that and we just mind our business.

    You and your friend group are enabler. And you all contributed to why she still with him ?‍♀️. Because when she's getting that emotional abuse in front of you, she would look up your nonexistent reactions, she then believed herself that her relationship was normal…

    but it was not.

    If I were your bf, instead of asking you to cut your friendship, I'd dump you instead because you all are beyond help.

  29. As a dude, I think he's kind of immature. I get that everybody gets to decide what sex acts they're comfortable with, but too many guys seems to want to be given oral, but not return the favour.

    I get it if you think it's a deal breaker.

    Try to talk about it with it getting adversarial. Waxed/shaved is often more tempting to go down on than full bush too.

  30. You’re too young to fully know this yet most likely, but you have a lot of self-respect you need to develop. The good news is that this asshole is going to help you with that. Once you move on and date someone who’s a reasonable human being, you’ll never go back to this shit again.

    Playing the cool girlfriend does not pay off. Be honest and open next time.

  31. He never really knew her… Their relationship wasn’t good, and the mother left while she was still pregnant.

  32. It is normal to feel anxiety and other negative emotions at the prospect of having a disabled partner. It's not a picnic and presumably isn't your goal either. It would change your lives, your plans, and it would suck.

    He should be easily able and willing to reassure you too though. It's a cruel and scary thing to leave you with the idea he might walk away, and for him to put that up front before either of you know what he'd be asked to do.

    Some couples counseling to help you process this may help. Now, rather than after the diagnosis. Whether you get the diagnosis you are waiting on or not, your relationship needs it.

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