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BustyBritishlive sex stripping with hd cam


17 thoughts on “BustyBritishlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. She was definitely hitting on you. That's flattering. Good for you for being very direct and setting very clear boundaries. Also good on her for picking up on your responses and then respecting them and moving on.

  2. I have ADHD, but I'm very aware of the unusual connections my brain makes and often joke about it. But yep could be that.

  3. He could say the exact same thing about you though. “Wow honey, your hair makes you look like a pig, it's really unattractive. I'm shriveling up over here. You look insanely creepy.” you're telling me you'd sympathize with that?

    What's creepy about a mustache? If you attribute your husband's mustache to being a pedo, you have your own problems to deal with. Or does autonomy over one's body not matter now?

  4. What she's doing is extremely manipulative and she clearly is in no condition to be in a committed relationship. Alert her loved ones about her threats of self harm then break things off with her for good. Whatever happens to her after that is not your responsibility, you've done everything you possibly could to make this work. It's up to her to seek the help she needs and her friends and family can provide that in a way you cannot.

  5. Sounds like your fiancee has zero respect for you or your feelings. If she puts her asshole brother above you on her priorities list you should seriously reconsider what you are about to step into.

  6. Sounds like your fiancee has zero respect for you or your feelings. If she puts her asshole brother above you on her priorities list you should seriously reconsider what you are about to step into.

  7. Oh my god, you were dating an abusive narcissist. Literally everything points to that. I’m very glad you are gutsy enough to break up with him. Don’t let him manipulate you into backing out of the breakup; anything he says to try to get you to stay, no matter how sweet or genuine it may sound, DO NOT LISTEN.

    I read one of your comments saying you guys share a room, is it possible to change your living arrangements? You can tell whoever is in charge of that at your school that you feel unsafe with living with him (make sure to get it in writing as well for proof that you petitioned to the school for this, in case they reject your request).

    I know you are not pressing charges, but I would still highly recommend you consider it when you are more mentally and emotionally well. Either way, focus on your own safety and healing first and foremost.

  8. She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

    Her treatment toward you is most definitely gaslighting and I would not be surprised if other stuff is happening when she's away like that.

    At the minimum, she now has a “party personality” that she likely knows you won't like to see.

    I am in a fraternity and we partied like that, but there were always people there that weren't drinking and enjoying themselves just fine.

    If you don't want to break up with her, which I recommend, then start going to parties on your end and see how she reacts.

  9. Cheating is being emotionally or physically intimate with some else, if you're poly,it's someone that you didn't mutually agree to,if it's an open relationship well I have no fucking idea because it sounds like an oxymoron

    Breaking agreements is breaking agreements, no better or worse than cheating, you still disrespected the relationship and broke your word.

    There's no hierarchy here, people like to call it cheating because it'll garner more support from others, you don't need others agreement to break up

  10. Oh God, I laughed just reading the title. Ok, my husband doing a strip tease for me would make me crack up, so im going to say don't be surprised or hurt if your wife laughs. She's going to be happy you went through the effort no matter what. It'll be a happy memory 40 years from now that will make her smile.

  11. Ok you said a lot here so let me boil it to syrup and see if you disagree with any of it.

    1) you really can’t afford it 2) BF will probably float you but you don’t feel comfortable letting him do that and; 3) Rammstein isn’t your cup of tea.

    Pluses of going 1) I hear they put on a crazy show with fire and pyrotechnics. You might find out you enjoy it. 2) it will make him happy

    Negatives- I don’t really see any. If he isn’t making you pay then you get to see him enjoying himself and you might like it as well. If you say no he has to find someone else to go with and you lose another period of time with him.

  12. Im not controlling, im jealous but im not controlling. I probably overreact…… We both respect each others space. Maybe I will tell her that i dont feel comfortable with some situation and talk to her….

  13. Believe him!!

    Naw, he is lying through his teeth. OP got played and he deserves to be shunned for what he did to her.

  14. Well I’m glad you realized this early on and should be a clean break! I almost wanted to tell the popcorn guy I was seeing why I was so turned off because I can’t imagine any self respecting woman would be cool with that kind of behavior and maybe he’d become more aware of it but I guess there’s someone out there for everyone lol. Good luck!!

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