Black-gem18 live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 1, 2022

16 thoughts on “Black-gem18 live webcams for YOU!

  1. I don't care if I'm called a prude or whatever; a 40-year-old man dating a woman twenty years young than him establishes a strong presumption of something seriously developmentally wrong in him.

    This man could drink, drive, and smoke when you were a toddler; before the crown of your head developed.

    The answer is yes, he's using you for sex. Run for the hill if he wants a relationship. And no, despite what he might say, you're not “mature for your age.”

    Trust me.

  2. It wouldn’t matter if a guy posted this about a woman; the point is Person A set boundaries for themselves that they didn’t want to be with someone who drinks or someone who does drugs.

    REALLY common boundaries to have, especially if there are religious reasons behind them which would be Person A’s OWN CHOICE.

    Person B originally knew these boundaries, agreed to them, entered a relationship based on these boundaries, then decided they want to drink/use drugs but they still want the relationship despite no longer meeting the compatibility requirements of Person A.

    How is that in any way fair to say Person A is now the bad one for not wanting a relationship with someone that, had they been drinking/doing drugs originally, Person A would’ve never started a relationship with to begin with?

  3. You convinced him to drop his boundary on alcohol if you try it on his boundary against weed it would make you a bad person. So its as simple dont smoke or break up so you can smoke

  4. 1) Respect your girlfriends boundaries. She doesn't want to go, don't force her. She's set boundaries.

    2) Time to find out why your girlfriend isn't keen on your mother. Has mom perhaps said something to girlfriend that hurt her and has now stuck with her? Has your girlfriend said something to offend your mom and then never apologised?

    Granted, I'm not keen on spending time with people, and 31 isn't a round, celebratory number so I'm less interested in celebrating that instead of 30 or 35. Milestone numbers yknow?

    Anyways, sometimes it's because something bad happened. Other times, it's just a case of I want to be alone because it's nicer this way. I barely speak or see my partners mum and we've been together 10 years. Why? Because I felt pushed aside when we were at his uni graduation. We'd been together a few years at that point and I wasn't allowed in any of the pictures. I couldn't even get a photo of just us. He invited me, but none of his family wanted me there and made me feel and see that unwantedness.

    Though now his mum wants to bond with me a bit more and has accepted that her son has chosen me to be his life partner, I'm struggling to move past the feelings they caused me. It could be something similar has happened to your girlfriend.

    Or she just doesn't want to be around her.

    Both reasons are valid. If your girlfriend is adamant she doesn't want to be around her, you'll either need to respect that completely, try and discuss a compromise, or if either of those are just too hard for you, break up.

  5. She's a bottomless pit of need and your very first complaint was about sex. This very likely just isn't going to work out. Good luck

  6. She pushed for it HEAVILY. Had me checking out wedding venues a month or two into being official. Has been adamant about getting married being her goal from the beginning and nothing gets her excited like that topic.

  7. Porn/masturbation addiction is actually completely separate from sexual needs within a relationship. It has more to do with being a control or coping mechanism. You could be totally sexually available, and they would still feel the need to look at porn.

    Maybe take a look at r/LoveAfterPorn or make a post over there for some more specific guidance.

  8. Sounds very much like you need to grow up.. are they happy? what’s changed in your daily life because of this? How does it in any way affect you?

  9. Don’t worry about the girlfriend. Go to the interview and deal with her later. You said yourself this is what you’ve been working towards. Go and find out just in case. Good luck!

  10. Don’t accept that your bf think this about you. He’s trying to put you down to elevate himself. He’s a know it all jerk.

    Have more confidence in yourself. I’m sure if you think hard you’ll see him knocking you down in other matter as well.

  11. Huge red flag. Your bf does not get to control who you befriend and which friends you get to spend time with. Personally, I would put my foot down that this is happening, or run for the hills.

  12. This is not a healthy relationship. She needs to work on her insecurities before she can be in one. You don't need to deal with her creating these what ifs in her head and then putting that on you that's not ok.

  13. It’s one of those silly things divorced women do in front of other women to prove something about them. I don’t get it or feel the need to do that in other peoples homes but this bitch has no chill. I honestly would just laugh it off as you getting upset is only boosting her ego. This might sound crazy but use it to feed your ego. My take on it is that this miserable slag had to lie and get attention from a married man to stop feeling like a tossed out happy sock and only provided your husband is a good catch that she can’t have. How embracing that a grown woman needed to act like a child and have her life be this desperate act! I can tell you from experience when women put me in this situation I always went with the peaceful approach and laughed it off with my wife afterwards.

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