BigBeautyAss live webcams for YOU!


Let’s ride that cock (torso) – ?I’ll be the reason to make you stay on bed for hard sex this weekend? [Multi Goal]

Date: October 16, 2022

71 thoughts on “BigBeautyAss live webcams for YOU!

  1. He yelled it at the next day during an argument lol

    The friends were the ones asking me about it, I do know it's not everyone's cup of tea, and I don't want to be the person dragging politics into a casual drinks session! But thank you for your insight, that's a really helpful viewpoint!

  2. Looks like she doesn't want to stop following this dude

    Constant barking to her about this guy makes you look weak

    Follow your gut , either dump her or just put up with it in silence

    Just make a decision and act on it

  3. No, I think you're right to be concerned. It does sound weird how he refers to you as his neighbor when speaking to his ex. The most obvious answer to me at least is because he wants to hide your relationship with him from his ex because he still has feelings for her and has hopes of reuniting with her.

  4. Because we are long distance and still studying. No steady income, not independent, it would be stupid to get married right now

  5. I think it's less you have a life together and more you want a life together. She doesn't seem like she's on the same page though. Find someone who wants to be with you as much as you want to be with them. You're worth more.

  6. Maybe he's incredibly nervous and doesn't know how to make a move. Try being moving slowly on him and waiting for him to stop you. Just make a move and if he is uncomfortable he will tell you.

    My guess is he is too scared and or nervous.

  7. What is concerning about this is how he didn't respect your boundaries, first thing you didn't agree to have sex regardless if you liked or not after. Since you're concerned about definitions, that's sexual assault op! You really have to think about your interactions with this man.

    Now then, about your question, I wouldn't call your relationship with this man grooming bc you are an adult and you meet him being an adult, you didn't had interactions with him while being a minor but the age gap is weird, and I personally consider it creepy.

    I would end the relationship OP, this doesn't seem right, sorry

  8. I’m sorry but that’s not an excuse. By you allowing her to get away with this behaviour and not setting boundaries you’re enabling her behaviour.

    I am honestly not trying to be harsh, but you’re an adult and you have to start acting like it. People like your mum only get away with this kind of behaviour because people let them. She will never change with how you’re going about this because for her there is no reason to. You just have to what she wants.

    I get it’s a really tricky situation for you but your only option is to stand up to her. I wish you luck.

  9. OP is gross but can we please stop acting like women having children later in life is some terrible thing. The majority of older pregnancies are fine

  10. I was thinking the same, what I was trying to do was just bring the family back together for my son but it looks like she don’t even want him in her new life.

  11. If your views and goals (especially goals) don't align, it doesn't matter how much sex you are having, at some point things will come crashing down. It is possible that this lack of alignment has always been the case, but you were blinded to it by the bounty of sex. If you ignore the waning sex-life, do you see the unaligned goals being a problem in the next 6 months, the next two/five/ten years, and if the answer is “Yes”, then you should consider breaking up. Now factor the sex-aspect back in and the picture may become even clearer. The mismatched view on kids is especially dangerous, because if you stay together and either do or don't have kids, one of you will always resent the other.

    Additionally, you are 21, it shouldn't be too hard to go out and meet people who have a more aligned sex drive, more aligned goals, or ideally both.

  12. Dude laugh it off and take it as a compliment and ego boost and move on. Response should have been…”My girlfriend likes too..”

  13. I am not very close with anyone at work I have my own group I hang out with outside. But I treat everyone equally like colleagues and try to be friendly always with smile and helpful there might be some misunderstanding maybe somewhere I didn’t pay attention. But I never gave any reasons why would anyone dislike me. Never had any issues with anyone and I think manager likes me professionally.

  14. I find it really weird that you want him to write you a letter telling you how much he likes you. Typically people do that when they want to, not when they're told. Having to tell him that's what you want would completely devalue it in the first place in my opinion. Not only that but it puts pressure on that person and the words don't come out organically. Plus, while words of affirmation may be your love language, he might just struggle communicating that way. I can understand telling him that you would like something like that but legit getting upset over it is bizarre.

  15. Feeling upset doesn't have to follow any logic.

    I can see why you're disappointed, but lacking any context such as ages or duration of relationship, I hesitate to opine whether your “logic” is sound or faulty.

    Try to have a nice Christmas day anyway. Don't overthink this.

  16. Sounds like he really had a good time. He’s probably just happy that everything went good because let’s face it, a lot of dates go really shitty.

  17. Honestly this is the biggest issue in our relationship, no other big disagreements come to mind from our past. I do think i’ve been a bit timid up to this point, thinking that “tonight will be different when i stay over.” But these last couple weeks have been rough – I feel like i’m going to blow up about it and i don’t want to get to that point

  18. If she can't see the light after a recording in which she broke shit and tried to DRIVE DRUNK, then you need to move on. Drunk driving has taken so many innocent lives; you'd have to be ungodly levels of selfish to not break down and feel guilty seeing that. The fact that she tried to turn it around on you as being manipulative… Jesus man, you're in an abusive relationship.

    You said in another post that she thinks she's always right and has to win every argument. She won't self-examine even after seeing a therapist. She has a bunch of friends who tell her what she wants to hear. I'm sure she has some good qualities but this is not the sort of person you should be around. People who get angry and destructive when drunk can burn down a house. You need to tell her that you love her, but that her behavior has made her dangerous and that you're moving on. Do so when she's sober and maybe in public; from what you've posted here I'd be afraid she'd try to take a bat to my head.

  19. I am being completely open and honest with everything at this point because I know the truth may hurt about some things but it’s so much better than a lie. I know that I’ve made some terrible mistakes but I know that im a better person than what I have been. Now she questions everything and almost just assumes that im lying or hiding something. I know it’s fresh and you can’t put a timeframe on forgiveness and healing. But when I am being honest and it’s not being believed I just don’t know what else I can do

  20. I've already texted her a handful of times since she stopped texting me back basically just asking if she is okay, not being pushy or anything and she still hasn't responded. IDK, I do value your advice and appreciate your feedback but I am also familiar with avoidance as you mentioned in your comment and I really don't think it's that? I guess anything is possible but I really felt like she genuinely enjoyed our dates and did really like me, I did know her for over a year before asking her out and she told me that she has had a crush on me for several months before we went out together, and on top of the fact that she did say she enjoyed both dates (I did not ask explicitly, she said this in conversation), we went out twice. Would she not have skipped out or ghosted on the second one if she didn't like me? Maybe I'm reading too far into this, I've just never understood ghosting or being left on delivered and I admit I am extra-sensitive to it because of a previous relationship I had.

    I really felt like we had something special, you know?

  21. Because she thinks he’s something he’s not. I don’t want him back. If I did I don’t think telling her would do me any good.

  22. I just feel so bad everytime I ask “are you ready to tell me yet” and he goes silent. In every other way he is perfect, I’ve never been treated the way he treats me and I can see myself building a future with him. Thanks for your advice and telling me what I need to hear.

  23. I could be a simple pair of regular undies… Believe me he will not care how cute they are…. The scent is what matters.

  24. When you mature enough to be able to have rough conversations with him is exactly when he’s be moving on. Even if they don’t do anything on paper abusive, these adult men want women who are not allowed to be more than what they are at 20.

  25. So, for context, this guy has cheated on you at least twice, right? That's not acceptable. He s also gaslighting you at every opportunity, blaming you for HIS actions. Don't let him treat you like that. This is not how you want to live…and it shouldn't be someone you want to spend the rest of your life with because if he's doing this NOW? He will only get worse after marriage. You need to take a step back and rethink your relationship. You're too young to settle for such trash that's being tossed at you by this guy.

  26. That’s a good point, thank you. I’ll start tomorrow by bringing her her favorite coffee. Thanks for replying.

  27. Oh thankyou. I’m still very new to relationship. So per say, I shouldn’t feel like that right? Advice me on things I could perhaps work on, if you don’t mind.

  28. Yeah that's what I think too. Her friend is very mature and actually putting the love of her friend first. If she wants to hang out she should try to set up “girls nights” where bf will not be there. Otherwise, give the friend space.

  29. You didn't misgender your bf, and your friend is being rude and white-knighting on behalf of someone who doesn't want that. Their pronouns are he/them. If he wasn't acceptable, the pronouns would be they/them, or something similar.

    My partner is NB and uses she/they pronouns. Even though they are okay with both, I make an effort to use they as often as possible, because it shows that I'm not just forgetting and defaulting back to she. But I can use she when talking to people who my partner is either not out to, or who wouldn't understand or react well, because that's still one of their pronouns.

    BTW, you might want to ask your bf whether they want you to use a different word than “boyfriend”. Might not be an issue, but they might be happier with a gender neutral term, and either way they'll appreciate that you thought it was worth asking about 🙂

  30. I'm nearly certain he isn't cheating . He works from home and we have access to each other's phones, etc. I never look at his but he simply doesn't have time to cheat. He doesn't have many friends and never goes anywhere without me.

  31. There was a book rec on the women's subreddit called The Authority Gap. It's a good book an very thoroughly breaks down how women are just taken less seriously than men, even women in higher positions, even women who are older or more accomplished or women who are correct every time they say, “that doesn't sound quite right”. Some men are not bad at taking women seriously and treating their thoughts and knowledge with respect. Your boyfriend is not one of them. I dated a guy who was just like him, in a similar age gap (though our ages were a bit younger than you and your guy). He never, ever stopped questioning me until I broke it off, and suddenly he was calling me all, “well I googled it and two minutes of reading made me see it your way, if only you had said it—” click I hung up on him because I was sick of hearing yet again how wrong I was even in something he acknowledged (however falsely and desperately) that I was totally correct about.

    If you asked him, he would say I was smart and well read, but this view never came through in his behavior and our conversations. It's infuriating and chips away at you. I'm grateful to be freed of the burden of constantly being disbelieved on basic facts. I suggest you tell him that he better shape up quick or you'll be freeing yourself from the tyranny of ignorant bullshit questions like, “do people pronounce words differently in other countries?” Seriously, tell him he gets two more strikes and then the relationship is over. Say, “if you keep undermining me like this, I will bree-yuk up with you” and please tell us if it's fun to watch him try not to tell you how to pronounce “break”. In a nice relationship, your partner will approach differences in knowledge with the consideration that maybe you know something they do not know, and not only that you must be the one to not know what they know.

  32. I'm not sure it's reasonable to expect the man to have a whole speech on tap in that situation.

    Something simpler — e.g., “I like them anyway” or “You're still the one I want” — would be a little easier to pull out.

  33. If you’re married, you both need marriage counseling and he needs therapy for sure. If you’re not married, do you want to live this way forever? I’d be seriously thinking of ending the relationship. Partners should bring out the best of one another – not the worst.

  34. I mean… its not uncommon to know the person you just met could be seeing other people.

    However, to be nonchalantly told “Sorry, I won't be available tonight because I have a date”… sort of comes off as an insult. No one wants to hear that information, especially who matched with you as a romantic interest.

    Woman want to feel high on the totem pole, not at the bottom.

  35. Per your words you self sabotaged a meaningful relationship. The obvious reason is that you still have a lot of things to resolve about your previous relationship and yourself. Work on that and maybe in the future you can try to reconnect.

  36. It sounds like you’re just not interested and have found out that someone liking you doesn’t automatically mean that you will develop feelings for them. Someone having feelings for you absolutely does not create an obligation on your part to be in a relationship with them, and if you don’t actually like the person that much it’s not surprising that compliments from them don’t mean much to you and don’t make you happy.

    You also clearly have a very different vision than she does of what a good relationship looks like.

    You should end this quickly and kindly though, because she clearly has not realized you don’t actually like her and that’s a humiliating thing to find out at the end of a long relationship

  37. This is all good advice. I don’t have time to respond to all of it rightnow, but I read and appreciate it

  38. Alcohol did not create the feelings behind this long day of increasingly bad behavior. It merely relieved your STBXGF of any restraint in acting them out.

  39. Creature comforts as in manicures, massages, and the like. I have no problem paying for these, and have done so since we've started dating about six months ago. It's just the assumption that she would expect random cash bothers me a lot.

    I would not say that you and your partner had the same relationship as she and I do. I do not feel respected or that my happiness matters to her. If the roles were reversed, her primary focus is on her kids, as it should be. But alongside that, I feel that I don't matter at the end of the day.

  40. That's still on YOU. All this problem you're having is from within you. Your subconscious has beef with something within you. That's why it has nothing to do with her. You trying to equate a punishment or something for her is all out of a subconscious choice that is poisoning your mind.

  41. You’re well within your rights to be upset, she was obviously testing the waters with your husband. It was a clear sign of disrespect towards you and your marriage. I wouldn’t give your husband too much shit, it doesn’t sound like he’s interested in her at all, but he should be on the same page as you on this. You should come to a consensus on how to handle this woman if she continues to be a nuisance.

  42. Tell her what you just wrote out.

    “It doesn’t feel good to me when…”

    She swings from “friend” to “hates me” with both feeling very real to her. Consider the possibility she doesn’t have very stable relationships.

    Also consider spending your time with others that give you more back than she does.

    I’m not sure why it’s assumed every text has to be returned immediately. All that creates is anxiety. As long as you communicate clearly and consistently that you are a slow responder, it’s on others if they are willing to accept that. In my experience, people that accept you as you are, (a slow responder) are good people to have in your life.

  43. Just want to point out that she’s not neurodivergent — she has bipolar disorder, which is a mood disorder, and she has a personality disorder (probably BPD). By definition, personality disorders make it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with others. Not saying she doesn’t deserve empathy but it’s different from neurodivergence, where someone’s brain inherently works differently.

    There are treatment options for Asha’s condition, like medication and therapy, but Asha would have to want to participate in her own treatment. If she’s not improving — and it sounds like she wasn’t — then the healthiest thing for others to do is avoid her. OP did the right thing by leaving that environment.

  44. Anytime you consider actually cheating on someone, that’s how you know you’re unhappy and it’s definitely time to tie the knot. You and your partner just aren’t compatible to continue anymore or to put it in simpler terms, you’re just not meant to be. If you communicate your feelings and he seems not to care, personally that’s a red flag in itself as well. If you stay in a relationship that makes you unhappy, you’re just gonna grow bitter and feel more out of place with him. Your bf, let’s admit, is in his 30s. This is the time when men begin to wind down or settled to have children, a spouse, career, etc. you’re 25 and still young, so you still got energy and you want to have a bit of fun. He’s not the one. Break it off and find someone else.

  45. I can see the situation has already resolved itself, but I'd like to add that he hadn't named yours and his kids already, but his kids. It didn't matter to him who the mother would be, and I dare say that wouldn't have been the only thing he had already decided about his life that would impact his partner, too, but he wouldn't have been willing to budge on.

  46. Do you think I can still fix this and we rebuild trust if he is willing to give it a chance? I feel like he is better off without me, I feel like he doesn’t care as much about me anymore.. and I also feel like I need to learn from my mistakes

  47. I hope you actually do it. People like this get worse with time, not better. Please don’t let it go, you’ll just waste time on him that you’ll regret in the future.

  48. Right? “I’m dating someone whose brain isn’t fully developed (scientifically by age nothing else) why is she so immature?!”

  49. Thank you. Your compassion and understanding thank you so much. I am nervous about all of this. And yeah I now see red flags better. Some green ones I see as red too tho

  50. Won’t be too hard to keep distance between us. Like I said in original post I have backed off with the messaging and it’s unlikely to just see her out and about unless we are at an event with the same friends (where we usually see each other) since we live in towns about an hour away from each other

  51. Is the house at a satisfactory level of clean when the house keeper leaves? Is he basically asking you not to make a mess out of the place?

  52. That’s irrelevant. But it’s also very conflicting since men say they need sex for emotional connection with their partner… or is that a lie

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