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31 thoughts on “ashawooxxxlive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Lol before 25? She plan on finding someone else before 25 with only a few months left? I don’t think she is thinking clearly

  2. Oh I just looked too and shared some of his comments so people could really know what this guy is like. I also added some of the communities he’s active in, which are…interesting to say the least.

  3. Wow. Your husband is as bad as the neighbour wife.

    If his first instinct is to blame you, and you alone, when another person makes the choice to sexually solicit you, I am afraid of how he’ll react if the neighbours (or anyone else for that matter) try to escalate.

  4. Why do you care so much about what he labels you guys if you’re cool with just staying friends?

    Just ride the wave and enjoy the sugar daddy. Stop over analyzing

  5. Your spending should not, have anything to do with you step brother. I would move she has no right to say anything. It is your money, your business.

  6. This is an abusive relationship. You need to leave asap with all your valuables and call the cops as he is a risk to himself after.

  7. Your use of “glare” is confusing me. I usually think of that word as referring to a light source that makes one uncomfortable.

  8. My husband has told me over the years that he didn’t like a certain outfit I wore or a certain way I wore my hair and I always took heed and didn’t do it again. Because as I said I like my partner TJ be attracted to me.

  9. A lot of guys are like this. I was like this. I watched porn casually and didn't always masturbate to it but it was something I did. My wife had a problem with it and presented it to me on how it makes her feel. It made her feel much like it does for you. I didn't connect with any of them or compare her to them but my actions made her compare herself and that wasn't fair.

    It was an open and honest conversation. I did slip up a couple times when she was away on travel and she found out which screwed up the trust. But, it's been a couple years and I've watched porn on my own twice in that time.

    If he loves you and cares about you, he'll change his behavior.

  10. It's like a 14 year old wrote this. Full off drama where there is none, acting super needy and throwing a tantrum when your overbearing needs don't get met. You also act like you don't seem to understand that people have lives of their own.

    You seem to be 11 years behind in personal development, better get on it and stop blaming other people for your shortcomings.

  11. Call your mom! Figure it out. Go to her and family you have. There is nothing there for you with a man like him but heartache, dismissal, and a shell of the person you used to be. Trust me, I've been there.

  12. It is. He’s a horrible person. Please leave this disgusting POS. From the sound of things, you’re only going to be treated worse going forward anyways. Who wants to live like that for the rest of their lives?….

    I’m sorry you’re having to do this on your own. Coming from someone who’s been there, it sucks but you get thru it. Please look into therapy. I’m sorry for your loss. Good things will come later on.

  13. The guy was saved under a different name, and almost all messages were deleted.

    Bro….you know what is going on. you are just resistant to the huge change, work, and drama it would involve finally severing yourself from this woman.

    But it's time.

    You are 30 years old. It's time to stop settling for high school shit.

    First things first, be honest and open with the people you love about what happened. By humbling yourself to your friends and family that you were stupid and stayed with a woman that treated you so awful, you will be further humbled by the amount of support you will receive.

    you made a mistake staying with her. That's alright. But you need to stop making the same dang mistake and change so you can do better because you deserve better.

    Thell your friends the entire truth.

    Let them think she is awful. Do you know what that's important?

    Because she might change because of it. For once if the full truth of her awful behavior is made clear, she might face social repercussions and she very well might get a wake up call and stop being so awful to her next partner.

    You, however, will go on to find a woman that treats you so much better because you won't be willing to settle for someone that wastes your time like this.

    So sit down, steel your heart, and prepare to start the process of detaching permanently from her.

  14. I have exhausted literally all of the resources available to me but having extra safety precautions isn’t even harmful.

    why is it unreasonable anyways?

  15. This post shows immaturity and insecurity that feels a bit high school. Either way, I think you’re both in the wrong.

    Him for treating you like an afterthought and not being forthright.

    You for being passive aggressive with the lyrics instead of communicating with him directly. Normally I would mention how problematic it is to expect your partner to account for their time apart from you (I will often ask my partner for alone time and do absolutely nothing useful), but I wonder if this anxiety from you has been exacerbated by his apathy and withdrawal.

    He is obviously a crappy partner and you deserve better. Work on your self-esteem and feel better

  16. C'mon man this seriously does not sound like the one for you

    Tell her to put the lotion in the basket and leave

  17. He's lied to you. He's disrespected your relationship. If you break up with him then it is all on him.

  18. I'm trying to work on the yelling, because I've realized that it shuts her down. I'm not perfect, nowadays if I realize I'm yelling, I'll try and remove myself, go outside and clear my head. It's not a perfect fix, but it's better than yelling at her.

    Like I said, we're eachothers only experience, and if she tells me she's having an orgasm, how am I supposed to know? I'm sorry, I don't have any reference. I'm really not trying to depreciate her, I thought we were doing well and I guess I never saw this coming.

  19. she doesn’t feel like you accept her- she doesn’t want it for the value, she wants it because it’s tradition. You and your sister should start a new tradition now, maybe get the ring separated into two and create necklaces?

  20. I finally replied with “I'm not there yet” and he said “sorry to hear that”

    So yeah maybe you're right.

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