Ariel-Breeze live webcams for YOU!


Sexy dance [Multi Goal]

Date: November 4, 2022

50 thoughts on “Ariel-Breeze live webcams for YOU!

  1. I know you’re not the initial user, btw that person still said i was mansplaining which is being sexist but anyway.

    Reading your example about your own experience just goes to show how you probs didn’t even read my arguments because they’re wildly different but that’s okay.

    You also seem convinced you know how she feels because of the collective hivemind which is being a woman, and it’s incredible to see strangers argue they know what she went through and think when she herself told me she never experienced being unsafe outside and that i was reaching.

    I guess you’re right you must know her better and I’m automatically being abusive because your father once told you you shouldn’t go outside at 8pm when that’s not even my point….

  2. “Hey, have I done something to upset you? I feel like you’re treating me differently than our other coworkers.”

    Just have the conversation instead of stressing out about it. If he doesn’t want to talk about it/brushes you off, then at least you know that you’ve done what you could to resolve the situation and any beef he has is on him

  3. To contradict your statements, I think it's okay for him to establish that someone who is into hookup culture is not someone that is compatible with him.

    It doesn't make her a bad person, it doesn't have to mean her actions are shameful or that they reduce her value, it just means he is not attracted that lifestyle which is what I feel he is trying to express here.

  4. You should never go days without eating as being something normal. You sound like you might have an eating disorder of some type or scale. Don’t feel bad or negative about it. Lots of people do and it is a symptom of our media and society. Your man probably isn’t very good at empathy here and that is where his remarks are coming from. He really needs to be more supportive but, he is not a therapist. Have you talked with anyone regarding you eating?

  5. This is the only time he got caught.

    Put your pink glasses off and send him packing. He's gay who's doesn't have courage to come out of the closet. You are there just for public appearance.

  6. Take the 6 month as a test run for the both of you. Don’t be exclusive, but see, if you really want to be with someone else. And go from there after you return.

  7. I of course would say to confront your partner, but me personally I suck at confrontation and would be in the same shoes as you.

  8. Just do the buyout. Would you really want to stay in a place that you shared with her? If you found this one I’m sure you can find another one better. At this point she’s looking for a reason to fight to stay in the relationship. Talk to the leasing department to see your options. Let them know that you two are no longer together and it’s a toxic environment and you’d like to break the lease. Also see if they can transfer just your name to a unit if your own. If you’re really done with her, you’ll find a way to get out.

  9. seriously asking this? not compatible. your gf should be your best friend. you should share many common interests. especially political/moral views. go find someone who you’re compatible with my friend

  10. he said you are boring? That is so mean 🙁 I play games with my bf because he loves them, I don't. But I always play with him and he lets me join him and his friends even though I suck. You should let him know how this makes you feel and depending on how he reacts, go from there.

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  12. Hello /u/NormallyConfident126,

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  13. Fertility struggles can occur at any age even women in their “prime” (?) according to you. Some women can have children completely naturally in their 40s just like some women struggle to conceive in their 20s.

    This idea that you “expire” at 35 is sexist and harmful. It encourages women to stay in shitty relationships out of fear. It’s sexist because you wouldn’t say that to a man. Do better.

  14. Hello /u/Klutzy_Egg7705,

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  15. You both need individual therapy and couples counselling. But lol to you thinking that divorce is not an option in a sexless marriage where you both want to do nothing to improve the situation with each other.

  16. You literally say that if his kinks are not acted on he can’t perform, so it doesn’t matter how much he changes as a person, he still needs his kinks.

    The only other options are he gets lots of therapy.

    Or you get used to being degraded by him.

  17. relationship with him but he loves me and I love him. I can’t be in a relationship with him because I don’t think he wants that and our relationship was messy. How long should I wait?

  18. I left an abusive marriage a little over a year ago where I was cheated on at least 5 times. It gave me faith in my gut feeling because every time my gut said something was wrong, it was. That being said, with my current partner I have 0 doubts she is faithful. Like it’s never so much as crossed my mind. I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and guess that there’s a good chance your fella is in fact cheating on you. Even if he isn’t, at the very least he’s making you unhappy in the relationship. That’s enough reason to get out on its own.

  19. Even if she’s taking a shower, some people don’t know how to properly clean themselves. Do you guys shower together or separately? I do feel self conscious to really clean myself down there if I’m taking a shower with someone else so it’s not foolproof, but do you ever see her actually clean herself or no? So it could be something that’s entirely fixable. Maybe this is mean, but I’d tell her to lick or suck your finger after fingering her. Maybe she’ll get the hint that way.

  20. I’m going to toss something else out.

    Your comments seem to point to a pattern of behavior where when things don’t go according to plan your partner has a difficult time accepting change.

    From personal experience, he should look into anxiety and OCD.

    I know I have OCD and anxiety, but what is crazy is the symptoms that I thought were just “me” were really the disorder driving me. Once the emotion driving the reaction was reduced with medication, I could breath and adapt.

    Your partner may not intentionally be taking things out on you like this, they may just not know how to process their reaction or burn off the adrenaline caused by anxiety.

  21. Well, she did tell you what would happen and it seems to have been a self-fulfilling prophecy. Some people and environments are toxic and are not “happy” unless everyone is “unhappy” (misery enjoys company). Life-time friendships are a nice to have, but consider the continued investment in either relationship in terms of what makes you happy. You are not responsible for other people's happiness, as long as you aren't willfully hurting them. And and an almost clash of dates, seems a little petty. (In my opinion.)

  22. Well when you both agreed to keep working together, then you knew that there would be a time when somebody finds a partner and t they may get pregnant/have baby and even get married, possibly in that order or opposite order.

    So just treat it in a mature way and let her know your partner is pregnant

  23. We go out like once every few months. I'd just like him to make an effort for this one time every few months. Like I do by playing video games with him basically every single night

  24. Sounds like you don’t have a lot experience with setting boundaries, at least not with your sister. This can be good practice.

  25. If you are already broken up for 4 months, stay broken up, keep moving, and don't get caught up in her drama and manipulations. You already dodged a bullet with her, keep on moving and focus on yourself.

  26. Do you have any desire to date other people?

    Opening a relationship is difficult. Opening a relationship when you don't even want to do that is much more difficult.

  27. If it’s worth trying … then yeah.

    I think about that with my current SO. His family drinks and he likes it too.., he can’t as much atm but I wonder if it escalated … would I help him. And I would. Someone else … a past partner … run away. But this person is worth it to an extent, everyone is to some point. Just decide what your line is. It’s appropriate to want to put yourself first but also ok so wanna keep fighting till you know you’ve done all you can and would want someone to do for you before walking away.

  28. Thanks for your response. I hope I can be that and that it will chill out over time, but change needs to happen and for us to not just act like the situation never happened, that’s kind of the ultimatum given. I just want to do whatever I can do be a good boyfriend and person as I feel as though I let that fall by the wayside. I’ll be the me that I feel I am and that I know she fell in love with, and try not to get too caught up in life or make mistakes like this

  29. Yeah this is very strange behavior. No wonder you are concerned about this. I would be too. I don’t know what can even explain being so weird, secretive and lie about a female friend other than more went on than just platonic. Makes me think they either have a dating past or were FWB, including cyber sex. You are about to marry this man. There really shouldn’t be these kinds of issues, as that’s a horrible start. There should also be no secret friends. If I were you I would make him talk with me about her, and would not take no for an answer and watch his body language. If he refuses, then I would consider if I can be married to a man that acts so shady, I mean what others might his shut you out of or hide, once your married?

  30. Why do you think he acted this way? You asked because of concern. His reaction was very immature. You do not deserve, nor do you ever deserve to be humiliated. Consider the reasons you are actually in this relationship. Maybe think about how you can leave.

  31. You've allowed this guy to get inside your head and make you believe that he's the only thing in the world that matters.

    It does not matter what his REAL LIFE GIRLFRIEND does or whether they are off and on again. My best guess is they break up a lot less frequently that he's lead you to believe. Why would accept what he says about his girlfriend, knowing he's a liar? You do it because he tells you want you want to hear about her, which is that she doing him dirty, or their relationship is chaos or whatever. Men always say that kind of thing to their affair partners and it's rarely true. If it was, they'd be eager to leave instead of screw around behind their backs.

    It also doesn't matter the intricacies of whether you asked or if you asked directly if they had sex with him or not. You went to one of his hangouts and asked people questions to verify whether he was having sex with women there. It's almost like you think you are his REAL LIFE GIRLFRIEND and have a right to check up on him. They're probably telling stories about this chick that came and started asking questions about shit no one would tell the truth about anyways. Unless you live in a state where prostitution is legal they're gonn say no.

    What he sees is that this chick he occasionally has sex with on the side is letting the feelings he told her not to have creep into HIS life in strange ways. Meanwhile you are selling yourself far short by being involved with a man who lies to you and uses you as his affair partner. YOU deserve better than you're allowing yourself to have when it comes to relationships.

  32. I’m sorry but that seems intentional, he absolutely knew what you wanted to hear and he made sure you heard him praise and gush over his cat, but you aren’t worthy of that kind of praise and instead got criticism. This was his weird attempt at negging. Please leave him and find someone who gushes over you the way you do for them.

  33. “In the past he has accidentally hit me a few times from me being in the way of the object, or it is thrown right next to me, which is kind of scary”

    He didn’t accidentally hit you. He threw something at you and it hit you. You weren’t in the way of the object. He threw it at you. The way you’re describing these behaviors is textbook DV. He’s trained you to make excuses for him. It accidentally hit you. You were in the way of the object he was throwing. He has gotten better. It can’t be kind of scary.

    It only happens a few times a year? Yeah that was what I told myself too, but that was before he gave me a concussion, beat a door in, and then chased me out of the house while he was blackout drunk and in a rage. I wondered often if I was in an abusive relationship because I was in a seriously toxic and abusive relationship.

    You need to leave him. There is no excuse. It will escalate. This is no fucking joke. If you’re having to ask for help with his violent outbursts then you know deep down this isn’t acceptable behavior. He will eventually physically harm you, make no mistake. Trust your gut here. You know this isn’t ok.

  34. As a woman I have done this rather than rejecting somebody if it felt more uncomfortable to outright reject them. And I’m a pretty assertive person. We get a lot of scary reactions when we reject men, so it’s a safety thing. Of course it’s a gamble because he might not get the hint, but it’s safer in the moment to many people.

  35. My dad is entitled to have his own accounts, yeah. Prior to the money issues, they both had separate accounts, however they had to get a joint account after because one of my mum's accounts got closed after they realised what happened.

  36. Ik:( idk why wen we talked yesterday thst wave of obsession and insecurity and jealousy hit me and she kept saying i just keep a track of her wrongs like huh? why should a partner deal with their partner mentally abusing

  37. I didn’t pursue her when we worked together because we were coworkers and because it really seemed like she loved her bf. It wasn’t until she started trashing him that I considered pursuing her. The weight matters, but the fact that she might be single soon matters too.

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