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24 thoughts on “angela88live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I wouldve not gotten back together with him. I think therapy is a good idea, youre going to need some help navigating yourself through this betrayal. Can't imagine how you feel whenever you guys are in a social setting with these girls.

  2. If the situation is reversed I’m going to be living in a much more expensive place where I don’t know anyone outside of his family and friends who don’t have kids. My top concern is that it’s going to be very isolating for me. And before “it’ll be isolating for him in your hometown,” this is the world’s most introverted man. We see his family on holidays and that’s it. He calls his friends a few times a year and sees them for lunch or dinner maybe once every four months. He is a hermit. I do like his friends and I’ve tried to encourage him to go out more and spend more time with them and he simply does not really want to and that’s fine for them, but I will be extremely sad and lonely with basically no friends AND without my parents, aunts, cousins, etc.

    My second largest concern is that we literally cannot afford to move there. I made a spreadsheet and broke down the expenses between the two places and it’s thousands and thousands of dollars more expensive. No savings for anything, no extra trips to the zoo, dinner out, nothing like that. There wouldn’t be a way to save up to move again, we would be trapped there. But if we move to my home town I’ve told him multiple times that if he hates it all he has to do is tell me and we’ll have the ability to save up and move.

    I love him very much and it isn’t like I haven’t considered his position from every which way and had multiple conversations with him about it. I just can’t find a way to justify moving someplace we can’t afford where I don’t know anyone when we clearly will struggle financially and be hard pressed if we need to move away from there.

  3. It’s not something enjoyable- really the opposite. I don’t want to have sex with him. I just get angry and sad thinking about him being interested in other people so soon.

  4. OK, but clearly something mentally wrong with the mom. This is not the behavior of a mentally healthy woman. I would approach your husband along these lines.

  5. Report her. People like that are literally murderers behind the wheel of a car. No matter what your reasons. The roads are safer without her driving in them.

  6. Illegal? no, but fantasizing about other men, her exes, during our intimate moments? That's one of the most valid reasons for a break up.

    And let's not forget, she fucked both of them right before they were official (getting a few good fucks right before she settles down with the lousy fuck) and also keeping them on the hook during the first few months of the relationship just in case.

    In his position? I would divorce and also get a paternity test. A person that disrespects me like that, and also does not enjoy sex with me (because she needs to fantasize about other men during it) does not deserve my attention. Then again, I would never start a relationship and marry a person that fucked 2 other people right before we “were official”.

    Again, the mental gymnastics some women go through to justify their actions is mind boggling.

    Let me ask you a question, would you be ok if your partner was fantasizing about other people, from their past, during intimate moments with you? Do you consider that normal? If you are giving yourself, your body in an intimate moment, with your monogamous partner, and that partner, is fantasizing about people from their past in order to enjoy it?

  7. Illegal? no, but fantasizing about other men, her exes, during our intimate moments? That's one of the most valid reasons for a break up.

    And let's not forget, she fucked both of them right before they were official (getting a few good fucks right before she settles down with the lousy fuck) and also keeping them on the hook during the first few months of the relationship just in case.

    In his position? I would divorce and also get a paternity test. A person that disrespects me like that, and also does not enjoy sex with me (because she needs to fantasize about other men during it) does not deserve my attention. Then again, I would never start a relationship and marry a person that fucked 2 other people right before we “were official”.

    Again, the mental gymnastics some women go through to justify their actions is mind boggling.

    Let me ask you a question, would you be ok if your partner was fantasizing about other people, from their past, during intimate moments with you? Do you consider that normal? If you are giving yourself, your body in an intimate moment, with your monogamous partner, and that partner, is fantasizing about people from their past in order to enjoy it?

  8. This right here. Her shutting down is a trauma response. Chances are she was abused as well. OP said chomo played up a mother/son role to get sympathy.

  9. Yeah, you really need to get it together. Give that man back his raggedy clothing item and block him on everything. Maybe even just leave it outside of his house/apt/room. Don’t look back. That is an absolute joke. You can do it. You need to focus on caring for yourself and seeing yourself as valuable and worthy. No guy determines your worth. Keep moving forward

  10. Over the course of being married for 20 years and raising 4 children I have had my devices trashed by letting other people use them. Now my devices are MINE. No one touches my laptop, my surface pro, or my phone. Not under any circumstances. I k ow OP is in a different situation but some people just don’t like to share. These things cost money and I don’t need anyone clicking on the first add they see that promises a miracle fountain of youth diet.

  11. You need a better immigration attorney if those are your numbers. But yeah, it is the fastest and surest, that's true.

  12. So what’s the issue? It’s his home and her mom can stay at a hotel. They don’t have to stay at OPs home. Everyone in the home who contributes needs to have a say. It takes two yes’ but only one no. And he said no

  13. I too have IBS and completely get where you’re at. My go to response for all partners who’ve repeatedly suggested anal was, “you go first.” If you can do it and enjoy it then I know I have someone with experience guiding me. Otherwise it is a no go. It’s a sex act that needs to be a two yes one no and you’ve said no. The fact that he continues to push and apply pressure, for me, is a flag that he is not the person you should do this with. If you’re mid act and it’s too much and tell him to stop, but he’s enjoying it, do you trust he’d stop right then and there?

    Some people just can’t do it. If you genuinely are curious and want to try it, there are plenty of guides on how to get started. You always start small, and use more lube than you think, and be relaxed and make sure anything touching your area is clean! But only if YOU want this.

  14. Maybe you just look old. Maybe she just has a really good skin care routine. What is the problem? What an odd post.

  15. Women should refuse to have sex with men who refuse to vote for pro choice politicians. It’s about basic respect for women’s autonomy. Enough. He didn’t get a job. That sucks. But he’s going to sit there and act like our lives aren’t on the line?

  16. Inappropriately older men love nothing more than throwing around the word “mature” when it comes to women that are far too young for them.

  17. The most telling thing to me reading your post is that no where did you say how much you love or care about her. From what you wrote, you like being with someone. This could be almost anyone, as long as you aren't alone. Not being alone is not a reason to move in with someone. You deserve to be actually happy. Not just, oh someone is here happy, but with someone that takes your breath away. Someone that when you think of them, you realize you are smiling. Do what you want, but I highly recommend getting into therapy. If you can start to address your codependency, you can be more comfortable with yourself. This will make you ready for a partner and a much better partner to someone else. I also recommend trying to just be friends with some women. No relationship, no sex, just friends. Trust me, it will help on so many different levels. Good luck.

  18. Yes. OP I read that you own your own home and he his but he has the legal right to come get his stuff. That's going to be super dangerous. They can help you make a plan for how to stay safe while he exits your life.

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