Andres-and-cielo live webcams for YOU!


andres-and-cielo Public Chat Channel

Date: February 8, 2023

9 thoughts on “Andres-and-cielo live webcams for YOU!

  1. You can't trust a word out of her mouth. You asked a direct question, and she has changed her answer.

    Personally, I would be done because you deserve a person who can be open and honest with you.

  2. Among other things, what makes this especially unique is that you’ve only been together for two months; a time where you’d generally be firmly in the honeymoon period. Obviously every situation isn’t the same, but two months is still a very short time to be having these concerns.

    To be clear, I’m not dismissing you for having them. This is your life we’re talking about here and if this is reality, it’s important to address it.

    The thing though is that you’re just speculating right now. You might very likely be right to be concerned, but as it stands, most things are good and you’re just predicting problems, which is creating a new insecurity.

    To reiterate, I believe you’re right to be concerned. Independence is important and healthy in a relationship. But you also have the ability to control that. You don’t have a social circle? Work to create one (and I get it’s not easy). You also need to be able to enjoy being alone and doing things you love to do. Him the same.

    It’s fine that you both assume each other is free; you literally are and I imagine you’ve told each other as much. But you can sometimes just say “hey, I just want to [do whatever makes you happy] today.”

    You can and should talk to him about this. Of course he deserves a healthy relationship. But so do you. Good luck.

  3. Stick with me for a couple paragraphs, son. Ima tell you how to be a land shark.

    Step 1: Go on some sort of fun and interesting adventure every weekend. You could go to a museum, ride a bike, go to an estate sale, go urban exploring… it doesn’t matter what you do, so long as it’s fun, interesting, and something a girl would enjoy. It is best if you go with a friend or friends.

    Step 2: Take note of the funny and interesting moments that occur while you are having your adventure. Comical things are happening around us all the time. You just have to look for them.

    Step 3: Practice telling the story of the fun and interesting thing that you did. Use your parents, siblings, friends, it doesn’t matter who you tell the story to. Just tell the story enough times that it’s interesting, it’s funny, and you have it down pat.

    Step 4: Next time you see the girl, ask her how her weekend was. If she likes you, she will tell you about her weekend. PAY ATTENTION to what she’s saying. Nod and smile and laugh at the funny parts. Ask appropriate questions. Let her talk. If she likes you, when she is done telling you her about her weekend, she will ask you about your weekend.

    Step5: Tell her the story of the fun and interesting thing that you did that weekend. You’ve told this story like 8 times now, so you’ve practically got it memorized. Tell your story. If she likes you, she will nod and smile and laugh at the funny parts. When you are done telling your story, throw in a “Hey, we should hang out sometime. Do you wanna get a coffee or something?” If she likes you, she will give you her phone number.

    Some extra tips:

    Expect to be nervous when asking out a girl at first. It’s normal. The reason you practice telling a story is so you have a crutch for when your nerves run wild.

    Dope girls like guys who do dope things. If you do dope things, dope girls will want to hang out with you.

    Do fun and interesting things repeatedly and you will become a fun and interesting person generally. Be well rounded. Go to the gym. Read books. Travel. See live bands. Get outdoors. Watch documentaries. Care about things. Get game.

    There are a lot of incredible women out there. It’s a good idea to meet a few while you are young. GL! Hope that was helpful and not too weird.

  4. if she's bringing a guy to your house, she must be meeting the guy at the hotel while you're home, the pi will provide evidence about them in a day or two

    you should act with consideration of std risks

    “var” at home

  5. This all means nothing. You’re an alcoholic. Amount of drinking and time drinking are irrelevant to the situation. You’re drinking causes issues. 6 months doesn’t help if you go right back to it. Get help. Then you can start with mending your relationship and issues with her family. No one cares about a mortgage or a million dollar house when you’re drinking causes a ton of problems.

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