Andrea live webcams for YOU!



Date: October 4, 2022

18 thoughts on “Andrea live webcams for YOU!

  1. He’s already taken advantage of you. He should pay his portion of his rent wtf. I would also like to point out that the new girl’s concerns are valid and that doesn’t make her insecure.

  2. You are asking if a man who pukes and shits all over himself and doesnt know it is a problem?

    Having to ask is a problem.

  3. It's well past time to leave. Either he's always been an abuser, and you've gotten to the point where he feels comfortable showing it, or he's trying to get you to break up with him so he doesn't have to take the blame for it. He's not worth any more of your time.

  4. He’s genuinely one of the most observant, kind, thoughtful, and smart people I have met in my life and I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so insanely similar to me.

    Bullshit. If he was so kind, thoughtful and generous he would've rejected his advances and not had sex with you. Obviously he's a flattered that a 18 year old finds him sexy but he shouldn't have take advantage of you.

    This is known as Ephebophilia where a older person takes active in mid to late adolescents.

    You are barely out of your teens why tf the you are hooking you with a guy who's the age of your dad. Daddy issues ig?? Bad childhood?

    There's nothing right with this relationship. Break if off and try to be in therapy.

  5. As nicely as possible, I think you ran at the first person who showed you kindness while you felt alone and neglected and stuck. But you're in this now, so from here on out, make decisions that are good for you and the kids. If new dude starts to show some gross behavior, don't accept it. Stand up for yourself. I think leaving your husband was a good decision, based on what you've written, but no one(including you) knows if the new relationship will be a good one. Only time will tell.

  6. You need to stop taking drugs.

    This isn't your GFs fault. She needs to stop taking drugs too.

    But your problems are bigger than her.

  7. Have you tried couples counseling? Sometimes a mediator will “pull” out of someone what they're reluctant to say in front of their partner alone..For her to not want sex as age 25 is just crazy IMO because IMO at that age sex should be off the freakin' rails. There's something else going on, either she's getting it somewhere else or she's just not into you anymore, nothing else to be said really.

  8. You are a terrible person, as is your affair partner, and you both need to come clean to the people you pretend to live, who you are betraying.

  9. i'm going through exactly what OP put her daughter through. i hope i can escape the situation like her daughter did, i am SO HAPPY for her daughter for getting out of there.

  10. You're not telling her because you want to destroy anything.

    You're telling her because you would want to be treated with the same respect if you were in her situation.

  11. Buddy I fought the same battle you are, but for nearly 10 years. I thought it could change, that she was the best I could get, that she'll grow to be more respectful.

    It resulted in me losing my confidence slowly and becoming much more reserved. That made her emasculate me even more. Eventually she wanted a “real man”, someone who takes charge. I find this out after discovering she had been seeing someone else for months. We ended it and she stayed with him. He ended up being an abuser and she regretted it, but of course there was no way I was coming back. Then of course it turned out she had cheated several times in the past decade of our relationship. She never respected me, and I let her be that way because she wouldn't have it any other way. So I compromised myself.

    What you are talking about with your situation is one of the(very few, to me at the time) red flags I ignored about this woman, because I was in love and she was the one.

    If she is looking down on you when you are vulnerable, she is not the one.

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