AnabellaFoxx live webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 27, 2022

54 thoughts on “AnabellaFoxx live webcams for YOU!

  1. She wouldn't needlessly admit the truth. Sometimes it's easier to live a lie which is something we can all relate. I think you are coming from the angle that the truth can set us free. That might be true, but the result is never the one we hoped for. She might be sparing your feelings but it's mostly about hers, since the guilt of this will eat her alive.

    If you want to maintain a friendship then you can confront her and tell her that you know about a supposed affair, because you've been given messages or information from a source. She'll deny but you can give out details that make it very accurate. You can also “not” give up the source since it's not a bridge you want to burn for now. So, you can get her to confess but also avoid that part about snooping.

    Having said that, you are 37 and that is something I can relate to since I am 36. You have a clean slate. Be cordial sure, but don't waste it on a friendship with this person. You get to re-live, start over or just be free.

  2. I’ve tried the whole reassuring thing, we’ve gone together as well and it was still a bit of an issue for him. I do my best to show him he’s my favorite person in the world and the most precious and beautiful to me but it’s demotivating when he thinks and says explicitly otherwise

  3. I mean if you guys are making out ,and everything is going well and maybe leading to the big SCENE ,make sure it's what you both want. Or ask her ,ask her if she's ready. You both are young ,sex isn't, shouldn't be the main subject of the relationship especially only 2 months in.

  4. Don't lie. The truth is already out. If I were you, I'd tell her that she should come clean to her husband because two people already know and it will be worse for him if he finds out from others

  5. I mean ldr can be hard. They can make you feel so alone when you have someone you feel so close to and can't touch them, hold them, be with them at all. Some people say it makes them feel more lonely than just not being with anyone.

    He should have confessed before she moved but he might not do it again. I think a few things need answered. Was he just sleeping around with randoms or was it the same woman? How soon after her moving in did he tell her? Did she catch him first?

  6. I mean ldr can be hard. They can make you feel so alone when you have someone you feel so close to and can't touch them, hold them, be with them at all. Some people say it makes them feel more lonely than just not being with anyone.

    He should have confessed before she moved but he might not do it again. I think a few things need answered. Was he just sleeping around with randoms or was it the same woman? How soon after her moving in did he tell her? Did she catch him first?

  7. This happened to one of my good friends and now he and his ex-wife are best friends. They focused on coparenting and found out they are a better team this way. His ex-wife introduced him to the girl he is seeing now. I am sure in the moment you are really upset but you never know how this may turn out?

  8. Send police to his address for welfare check. Give details you have and wash your hands of this

    He made multiple threats to you and actually harmed himself.

    Go no contact with this guy immediately. This is beyond toxic and unsafe for you. I hope you listen to some of these good replies.

  9. Exactly!

    My GF had already proven undeniable support while I was in school. And as a thank you for that, please go enjoy your concern, guilt free.

    There are countless ways to prove you're a supportive partner. Attending a ceremony won't make or break things.

  10. At the end of the day it is your choice.

    You need to sit your husband down. Have a friend or family member there (or better yet one each for both of you) and tell him that this is your choice, and that you have made it.

    You have tried to discuss it, and he is not willing to do that, so he no longer gets to talk until you have finished. When you have finished telling him, you allow him a little time to process it, and a little time to express his feelings. If you want, you can then discuss what your next steps are going to be.

    Sorry but there is no way to tell him without getting him hurt. He will understand (eventually if not straight away) but he will be hurt.

    I’d recommend against this next part as while true, might cause a lot of damage, but you can tell him that because he refused to talk about it earlier, he has limited the time that you have left together even further than the disease itself. And that while you love and respect him, this is your choice, and you don’t want to waste any more time that you have left.

  11. Here’s the thing, you’re depressed but it’s forcing your wife to parent you because you don’t take care of your own home like she does. If you’re too depressed to do it then instead of spending money and time looking for flowers you should outsource the cleaning and household chores!! I mean hire a cleaner to pick up the slack and for goodness sake make a concentrated effort to 1. look at your wife more and 2. Talk to her about her life.

  12. I am sorry to say this,

    he started to tell me how beautiful I would be pregnant

    is not how people in relationships discuss having children. That sounds quite manipulative and controlling.

    That, plus the quite large gap in your ages rings all the wrong bells. This does not sound like a good place to be.

  13. Op run. I had a man like that and he also said I talk back. I would say I’m just telling you how I feel. You shouldn’t be with a man you can’t talk to. Find yourself a man who is confident and secure. This is some insecure bull shit.

  14. That's on purpose. He's keeping you off balance so you don't realize you can do better than him, easily. Break up, and spend some time building yourself back up again.

  15. Uhhhh….

    Just found out that my (20F) Mother (36F) died from AIDS not Lupus and my family kept it a secre

    My mom died at the hospital in 2016 when I was 14

    my older sister has been telling me it was lupus that caused her death

    she died at 29

    You're the younger sibling when she was 15/16 when she had you? Was she like 13 when your sister was born?

    Why do you say she's 36 when she died at 29?

  16. I'm trying to come to terms that the relationship isn't working but then he does something so sweet and I get all soft and confused.

  17. He has not changed-he’s put up a front to make you think he has. If you have this baby, he can use it to control you.

    You have options. Consider what is best for YOU-and act accordingly. Please get away from him.

  18. She was drunk and distracted. You're seeing too much into this. Let it go! If you continue to bring it up to her You're just going to end up making her mad and possibly losing a girlfriend.

  19. You can’t read joking in text format. You read in your voice how you think the writer meant the text.

    She’s insecure about your relationship and was looking for some “gotcha” to prove she’s right to be insecure.

  20. You’re 19. This guy will only bring you down. I’ve had bad days. It doesn’t make me hate gay people.

    There are so many more guys and gals out there that will grow and learn from life’s experiences with you. Not waste your time parroting hate speak and “testing” your worth

  21. This is going to be difficult to hear but you need to NEVER speak to this person again. Ever. Starting today.

    If you even consider keeping in contact you are literally risking the rest of your life because a single public accusation will destroy your life, even if it’s simply a he said she said

    If I were in your position I’d be hiring a lawyer on retainer, explaining this story to them and looking into filing a TRO against her so there’s at least a legal document

    Understand this person just accused you of a federal crime that risks your freedom and potentially over 20 years of your life if she goes to the police. If there’s a single instance of you contacting her after today it will look extremely suspicious to the police when you get hauled in and tell them she accused you of rape and you kept contacting her instead of doing what I described above

    This girl is an absolute psycho if what you said is true

  22. But why did it go from “I don’t even watch porn” to “I cannot stop my sexual thoughts about other people”? Like, I understand time is in play, and that the newness wears off. But boy..

  23. While I think her boyfriend is an asshole, atheism is by definition not a theocracy nor is it a form of spirituality, though many atheists do have some form of spirituality or another.

  24. It’s a bit odd that their son addressed a note to her but instead read it and won’t give it to her. I wonder if he blamed his parents about something and was telling her in the note. I’m probably way off base but I wonder why they wouldn’t give her something that was meant for her. This is a tough one. I wouldn’t push it and maybe in time they will relent. Did he talk about his relationship with his parents? I’m sorry for what you are going thru OP.

  25. perfectionist

    I’m sorry but anyone having unprotected sex and isn’t looking to get pregnant is never a perfectionist. You’re either both super immature or are with someone who is unfaithful.

    Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

    Assuming she was faithful, and depending on your ages this can only be a cautionary tale to others at this point; “Unless you want a baby, always use protection, if it fails, take immediate post sex precautions”

    If you’re young, it goes to show her intelligence has sweet FA to do with maturity, if you’d both in your 20’s there is zero excuse for being this naive.

  26. This is just a response for your number 1 reason. I never dated anyone because I was always thinking bout not disappointing my Asian parents. You are gonna stay single for a very long time and look back only to realize it was for nothing. Suddenly you will be the girl who “wasn’t able to find a boyfriend”. Absolutely take your parents feelings into account but don’t allow yourself to be “alone” for the next decade or something

  27. You are not responsible for his mental health.

    He appears to have thought the christmas lights plus a movie at your place was a “date,” though you did not mean it that way. Since he thought that, he made moves on you. In my opinion his behavior was pretty close to sexual assault, and you should not feel any responsibility to worry about him having hurt feelings or anything.

    You can continue to be cordial to him in class, but I would avoid doing anything akin to making plans together or being alone together. If past is prologue, he'll interpret anything like that wrong again and you'll have to rebuff him again, so just don't go there.

    Most universities have some free or low-cost mental health resources. If he's depressed, refer him to that and then don't follow up with him further.

  28. ? so i THINK he’s lying so i’m gonna break up? what? what if they’re married? children involved? absolutely not sensible to base it only off of your “gut.”

  29. It breaks my heart to read this. You sound like a wonderful, amazing partner and it seems you are being pushed to something you don’t want by a very anxious, insecure partner. I think you know (as did your therapist) that your partner is not making healthy decisions and it seems it’s woefully unfair that you’re the one having to be burdened by your partner’s own problems. Your engagement and wedding should be a fun, exciting time of your life, not something you are forced into by your partner as an ultimatum. If you’re still not ready for marriage, then that’s reason enough to hold off. It sounds like you’ve tried every way you could to communicate your wants and needs to your partner and it sounds like your partner is not at all receptive to your feelings and holding you to an impossible ultimatum. I think you know in your heart this can’t continue, as you’ll never be fully happy in a relationship where you’re basically a hostage. It’s also just hard to believe this is the one and only time your partner has ever/will ever show this concerning control issue and that he will never again force you to do something you don’t want to do. I wish you love, luck, and healing with whatever decision you make moving forward ❤️❤️

  30. All the time on this sub people are telling the OP to leave their partner. So much so that many posters do not listen to all the customary negativity. This time OP listen to them and get out as fast as you can. Anyone with this much control and trust issues is going to become dangerous.

  31. Once ever? Totally normal, completely fine, it happens.


    No, dude. Some bodies are different than yours.

    I’ve never wrecked a bed. But I did have to cut a walk in NYC short one time, and one another time I had to go home from work early.

    These events were like, fifteen years apart.

    Sometimes, some bodies just decide “Fuck these pants.”

    Now, if it was happening every thirty week or every month, it’s time to ask questions.

  32. Question- are you entirely certain your “boyfriend” isn’t just 2 kids in a trench coat.

    Because what in the teenaged relationship drama FUCK is he asking of you. Girl. You know he’s tripping.

  33. Consent is key to everything. If you didn’t consent and he didn’t stop to explain/apologise, you gotta let this go. He’s got no respect for you other than getting himself off.

  34. You don’t accidentally slap someone, after they said they don’t want to be engage in any kind of violent sexual act, and then do it again.. TWICE!!

    This wasn’t an accident. But because you’re so passive he will continue to do things like this and that’s exactly why he is dating you instead of someone his age. You’re an easy target because you haven’t learned to advocate for your needs yet.

  35. Info: where do you live? Bc I’m thinking you should find out what your country’s laws are concerning marital debt if you think she may get a loan behind your back. To be safe, I think you should get a postnuptial agreement that separates debt and finances.

  36. Frankly, I would set a boundary pack his bag and tell him not to come back until he’s decided that he wants to be married.

    …And wait for him?

    Girl he made his vows years ago. The time to decide was then and he failed. He belongs to the streets.

  37. Your best bet is to get as far away from your family as you can. Are you in college or did you already graduate? If you’re still in college, transfer to a college in another state. Get some therapy to undo the damage your family has done.

  38. You're not wrong for wanting what you want, and it was a little bit weaselly of him to not be up front about not being exclusive. Realistically though, you didn't have a relationship with him, you had a friends with benefits arrangement. It was always going to end. You two had talked about it. Since you were probably having sex with him under the illusion that you two were exclusive, you might want to go get an STD panel.

    If you want to understand more about how someone can ethically love more than one person, look into polyamory. Yes, it is real. Yes, millions of people are actually able to be polyamorous and in relationships with more than one person at a time. Yes, it is a lot more complex than monogamy.

    This guy sounds like he's trying to trick people into being polyamorous with them. That is not ethical.

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