Ameli live webcams for YOU!


CUMSHOW [999 tokens remaining]

Date: November 5, 2022

11 thoughts on “Ameli live webcams for YOU!

  1. Plus now he has built-in reasoning for skipping her major life events that he might find boring. Just buy tickets for a concert that day.

  2. Just do what you need to do to get away from the drama. Giving her “closure” when she is oblivious to how her actions are impacting her friendships is unnecessary

  3. Thanks for you input on this. I had not take the time to look up what all this love language stuff was about or where it had come from. I just started seeing it pop up everywhere and being an old head it set off alarms. Seen too many times where attempts to beat square pegs into round holes using psuedo psycho nonsense winds up making things worse between couples.

  4. His mom knows??? Come on. Use some common sense, girl! You know what you know and this guy is lying! How would his mom know?

    Don't let your brain fall out of your vagina. Walk away. If you let him “persuade” you, he will always know he can Olay you and you'll turn a blind eye. That's not the kind of significant other you want.

  5. It's not a mess. It's perfectly clear. If you get back with her just because she says she'll now have sex with you, then you are a cad. You are coercing her into having sex against her will by holding a relationship over her head. Your desire to have sex does not give you the right to manipulate her.

  6. It's not a mess. It's perfectly clear. If you get back with her just because she says she'll now have sex with you, then you are a cad. You are coercing her into having sex against her will by holding a relationship over her head. Your desire to have sex does not give you the right to manipulate her.

  7. A background check is sensible, even if better late than never. That fucking therapy thing though, shows she's paranoid and doesn'ta understand what she's scared off.

    You wanna stay with someone that don't trust you after 6 years? someone so irrational that they don't know wh at therapy does? ?

  8. That OP had to go through such an uncanny and nasty experience first time he plucked his courage!

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