All my link in bio , ? sign up to support me ? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


All my link in bio , ? sign up to support me ?, 24 y.o.


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Online Live Sex Chat rooms All my link in bio , ? sign up to support me ?

All my link in bio , ? sign up to support me ? live sex chat

Date: October 23, 2022

14 thoughts on “All my link in bio , ? sign up to support me ? the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    The title pretty much says it all. We’ve been together for two years and every single time I become sick my boyfriend starts complaining about being so much sicker than me. For example when I had tonsillitis, he suddenly was dying from tonsillitis. When I had a uti, he’s suddenly dying from a uti. Every single time I get better he magically gets better too. I got very sick on the 23rd of this month and have been in bed for all of Christmas. I’m really upset over missing the holiday and I cant even complain about it to him as now he’s suddenly DYING sick with the same thing but it’s somehow “worse”. This virus has had me bed bound for 4 days and he went out last night drinking and is currently going to work, but insists he’s just as sick as me. How can I get him to stop it’s driving me mad??

    EDIT: I need to make something clear. This has been the happiest relationship of my life and this is one problem in it. He doesn’t run for the hills when I get sick, he simply tells me he is also feeling off within 24 hours of me saying so. He’s a hypochondriac that thinks he’s after getting the same illness that i have and it’s driving me nuts. He goes above and beyond in every other aspect of our relationship. I just want a simple way to explain to him that it’s annoying me where I don’t look unsympathetic. I currently have a chest infection and he thinks he’s after getting one off me as well. There is no need to call me a “naive child” because I don’t want to break up with him over an issue that annoys me.

  2. As someone who left someone like this, and was scared to death, it was absolutely the best and only choice I could make. Please leave. Not tomorrow. Not in a couple of days. Grab your shit and GTFO NOW.

    People like this escalate very quickly especially when they feel their world falling. Mine escalated from tossing something, to shoving me out of the way during a fight, and to threatening to burn me alive in my new home when I left.

    Leave. Hide. Call the police now. Seek legal action to get him out of the place you share. Lock your social media down, change all your passwords.

    Calling the police may seem extreme but it’s absolutely necessary to document this in case it escalates. They will take you much more seriously if you contact them and have this on file.

  3. You’re not HIS wife material. Doesn’t mean you’re nobody’s. There’s someone for everyone. Once you meet your match you’re automatically wife/hubby material

  4. If she would be ok having her dad around kids, I'd be wary of her too. That's severely impaired judgment and highly indicative of someone who should not ever be responsible for another person.

  5. You already know what you have to do. He doesn’t respect you and at this point he won’t. He may think that you’d stay through anything just because you’ve been together so long. Also him having ‘breakdowns’ about you not looking more like what he has a fetish for is just straight up gross. Honestly, let him go have his fun while you find someone who will love you for you.

  6. Your ability to describe things is actually god tier and now certain images are just seared in my mind so thanks for that…

    I mean, sounds like a pretty normal petty argument.

    However, much like with all petty arguments that blow up, I would guess that you're not arguing over the thing you think you're arguing about.

    Usually there's is something sitting beneath the surface which has manifested itself into the real world bearing the guise of 'petty'. Maybe your husband wants more control? Or maybe he feels another way?

    Best thing to do, is talk and if you can't find a civil way of doing that go for professional help.

    Anyway that's just my take, hope you figure it out.

  7. Hmm. She sounds pretty immature. I mean this is just straight up pouting, no? And not just pouting, but pouting because… you missed a turn(?)

    I’m not one to freak out over age differences, but it does strike me that you’re dating someone significant younger than you, who doesn’t appear to be “mature for her age.” If anything, the opposite.

    This gives me strong vibes of using pouting and the silent treatment to put you on the defensive and focus attention on her. It just sounds… exhausting. And tedious.

    She pouts about something totally insignificant, then doubles down when you respond maturely. I think the problem is that these aren’t really arguments about anything real — they’re just little power plays where she tries to be the injured party so that you’ll apologize and she gets to “win.”

    Except nobody really “wins” in this kind of circle jerk.

  8. Well first of all I don’t watch porn so I wouldn’t fall into the hypocritical asshole category.

    But while I would be worried about her because society is filled with hypocritical assholes, if chose the profession with her eyes wide open and of her own freedom (which many sex workers don’t which is why it’s an added layer of ick with the I don’t respect but I’ll wank to them bs) and was with an ethical employer then it’s not on me to tell my grown daughter what to do.

    Frankly there’s plenty of society acceptable jobs that I find more morally questionable than sex work.

  9. I’m sure she does care about you. 19 is young, and maybe she’s just not ready for a committed relationship. While I’ve no doubt it hurts, your best approach might be to simply be nice and cool about it, then go ahead and live your life. Who knows what the future may bring. If you’re clingy or weird she will be lost forever, but if you’re cool and carry on with your own independent life, things may change.

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