AlizzStarr live webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 9, 2022

57 thoughts on “AlizzStarr live webcams for YOU!

  1. Sadly yeah. I remember an ex I lived with around 19 while in college, would wank to porn for an hour a day but I was lucky to get it once a week, and I mean one session. I tried lingerie, always the one asking, did a lot of work, but yeah his got to the point I was lucky if once a week for 10 minutes.

    Another more so did it to “punish me” for whatever I had no clue about. We’re living together and hadn’t in a month at one point, embarrassingly tried and was told no, then they locked themselves for an hour with their phone in the bathroom.

    Partner now is recovering getting over it, but when it was bad porn probably 3+ times a week, sex for like 5 minutes once a week, wanted to die.

    Do want to add I have dated guys not like that and we were solid in that department, some I was very happy in my sex life.

    Also keep in mind, though this shouldn’t matter, I’m a pretty attractive and in shape young women whose very giving and explorative, so in my opinion, worsens the ridiculousness of it even more so.

  2. I mean idk the relationship between them, could he just a friendly outing but from your described background probably not. ?‍♀️

  3. Someone else is out there for you. She’s not it. There’s no law that says you can’t or won’t fall in love again.

  4. Also, in the post, it says she told him she would divorce him if he'll act like that in public and the next paragraph starts with 'we got the divorce papers and submitted the court'

    Like, which one is it

  5. Thank God you are somewhere safe and are getting free from all that dead weight! It will be hard for a bit while you get on your feet. Then you will feel the relief!

  6. Obviously there are other moments like when it’s cold or your period is coming. Same thing for a dick though like when a guy has to pee. Doesn’t take away form the fact that nipples get hard when aroused. What’s your point?

  7. It’s normal to not get over someone quickly. Your practically re wiring your brain to adjust to a new lifestyle. There’s nothing wrong, you just have to let it heal. Focus on yourself or find a hobby and it will go a long way.

  8. Not Muslim, Jehovah’s Witness lol. He isn’t religious in the least and neither is his family, I only recently got out of it so I’m pretty new to most stuff like holidays and birthdays and such. He definitely shows affection in his own way, he teases me a lot and he prefers spending time together watching shows or just being around each other. I buy him lots of gifts and I like words of affection.

    Honestly that does sound like his type of humor and I’m sure he meant it that way, but it just felt like the wrong time. It was our year anniversary and I’m the longest relationship he’s had, and he’s the longest relationship I’ve had ((also the only non toxic one)). It was a big deal for me and I really wanted it to be special so joking around hurt my feelings

  9. Ask O what they want and explain the situation and what might happen, if you didn't do it already. If they wanna come then its fine.

    You do not owe anything to anyone. Your family does not have to approve your way of living and loving. Of course its always nice to tell your people with whom you are in a relationship with, but you shouldnt hold it back bc they might get angry. If you want to tell them, tell them. If not, then bc the relationship with O is pretty fresh… not bc your people might not approve.

    I hope you get what i want to say (english is not my first language).

    Its always hard to cut of family, i get that. But its toxic and destroying yourself to not being yourself around people who should love you, no matter what. If they dont approve, then cut them off. Its YOUR live.

  10. My ex wife got a nose job and to be fair to her it made her confidence within herself shoot up. For years she battled with the self image of it.. like you I didn't ser the problem. But she did. She's happy with it. Can't convince someone out of their own insecurities.

  11. I’m a bigger woman. A. He fetishizes bbws -which is a turn off when all you are is a fetish, not seen as a person. B. Your weight is non of his gd business. C. I’d break up with him.

  12. Hello /u/doglover19998,

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  13. A very long time ago, I cheated on my first boyfriend. I consider it the worst thing I've ever done and have felt guilty since. I've never hidden it from boyfriends since, and when I met my current partner we discussed bad things we'd done early on, and I said #1 the worst thing I ever did was cheat on my boyfriend and here's why I did it (I was young, emotionally broken, stupid and selfish), and here's why I'd never do it again.

    I can see it's a breach of trust with your sister, but as others have said, if she wasn't going to do it, being honest about it was important. It also didn't sound like she was waiting to tell him – and hiding something like cheating from your partner I think isn't part of healthy relationship communication. Especially after a year together.

  14. You either do what you want and face the consequences from your parents, or you break up with your boyfriend. Those are your only options.

  15. If you’re not ready to just up and leave, have you truly given therapy a try?

    If you see a doc and he gives you a med for depression, ok, but that won’t magically fix you. Finding then a mental health counselor for talk therapy in addition to a medication will give you the best chance at feeling better about yourself and giving you some motivation back.

    The doc will likely spend most of your appointment discussing the med and side effects and how you’re feeling. There won’t be much time left for you to really dig in to work through your feelings and thoughts. That’s why a separate mental health counselor would be a good idea. At least consider giving it a try. Even if you don’t want meds, that’s fine! Give talk therapy a try.

    If after maybe 3ish months or so you still don’t want to be in the relationship and your feelings haven’t grown for your partner, then just stand firm and move out. She can’t hold you hostage.

  16. There is nothing wrong with an open marriage if the couple sit down and follow the rules and both can handle it. There are plenty of poly people out there who are living the life that OP wanted. But OP also is a jealous person. Things were great when he had a partner and wife, but the moment his wife had a partner he was jealous and dying.

  17. Nobody’s right or wrong. Different things hold different significance to people. I keep hardly any photos of anything or anyone. But I still have some art that my daughter made when she was 3 or 4. She’s now 22. It’s such a small (in size) item, it’s not taking up any space. No harm in keeping it.

  18. You grabbed his phone (super rude, especially when he's already stressed) and then when he swatted your hand away you admittedly slapped him. More than likely in the face, because why else would he say it when you were in the wrong regardless? Him shoving also makes sense in this scenario because he was mad he just got slapped in the face. It was far from the correct response on his part but you both were in the wrong and you clearly have trauma to work through. Unless you both figure out better coping methods that will prevent physical fights, it's best to break ip

  19. ok.. I don't know how to say this is in a way that wouldn't be racist, but girl – you dodged a bullet. Kosovo is (in my opinion) one of this worlds weirdest places, and so are the people there. It's 500 years ago, where you can get killed for having the wrong surname or speaking up while being a woman – even as a foreigner in a business meeting (first hand unpleasant experience). Their woman are many times treated like cattle. I won't go into the economics or politics of the country.. just.. do yourself a favour and do your research, then run. And no, don't come here saying “he's nothing like those men” – he damn sure left you to be with his mommy.

  20. Fully agree. It doesn’t even need to be because of that exact tattoo or the exact are of tattoo

    Hell a girl could have a BIG shitty flower or girly tattoo or anything “normal” on her chest that looks shitty. Still a good reasoning to end the relationship.

  21. I have to agree with OP to an extent. Not wanting to in moving till marriage is fine, as is wanting to move in before marriage.

    What I think OP should do is, from time to time, she and her BF should spend a weekend or 2 at each other's homes/apartments to see how staying together is. And they shouldn't rush into marriage, that doesn't end well.

  22. I married someone who feels this way- I’m not his type at all, physically or personality wise. I was just available and in the country when he happened to want to settle down. However, he didn’t let me know this until much later after we had already gotten married.

    If he had told me when your boyfriend had told you, I would have left! Now it’s more complicated and we don’t have sex and it’s a generally platonic relationship. That might be your future too ☹️ Is that something you can tolerate?

    Take this opportunity to learn that you deserve respect and a partner who is obsessed with you! Good luck ?

  23. I still think you should pick up massage as a hobby and then do it to her as part of foreplay. You have the rest of your lives to learn every trick to her body.

    The fact the masseuse got it right was basically down to a series of coincidences that just lined up.

    Anyway, good luck. And remember, it's reddit. The majority get their experience from netflix or some kdrama.

  24. You should express your disappointment in them directly to your parents. If they have reservations about your GF they should express them to you. Being rude to your GF says more about them than your GF.

  25. I don’t really hear any solutions from you, just complaints. You hold against him that he’s not doing enough, but you’re a 30 year old student who draws no salary, so kinda like the pot calling the kettle black, no?

    It doesn’t really matter. The contempt for your husband is almost oozing out of your post. For both of your sakes, leave him while you’re young and child free. You’ll both actually have a chance at happiness maybe.

  26. thank you! i am this hoe… but i know what im getting into and aren't doing it to get sympathy when it explodes. this is a girl whose self esteem is hung up on attention. wrong reason to have sex. then she compounds it by wanting more – no one is offering more

    get a clue or a self esteem

  27. If not then they probably wouldn't know that they are missing out on their grandchildren. I was thinking of sending them a letter telling them about our kids and that I wished they would change and be great-grandparents. But because of their hateful views, they would never be around them or know them unless they change. Dangle the carrot so to speak. Put the ball in their court and see what happens.

  28. Do you still want to be with 18f? If so, then don't do it. If you want to be a good future partner, then don't hook up with her friend. If you aren't interested anymore then tell her that and give 19f an opportunity to decide for herself if she still wants to pursue you after dating her friend.

    Be dishonest and you'll probably be hated by both and everyone they tell about you. Be honest and you might not end up with either, but at least neither will hate you.

    Though I gotta say 18f is a bad friend if she knows her friend has a crush on you and wants to pursue you without telling her that she's already dating you.

  29. You’re right, thank you. I’m just conflicted because he seems extremely remorseful, but ig he wasn’t remorseful when he was swiping through matches on Tinder ?

  30. It’s not stupid at all. You’re mourning the loss of a person you thought was a dear friend. There are so many good guys in the world (like your dad and brother). Be kind to yourself. Give yourself time to grieve. Eventually you’ll be ready to open up and meet new guys that are secure in who they are and aren’t threatened by smart, strong women. Wishing you all the best, OP.

  31. Tell him you love him. You dont have to put a label on it though. Just continue to enjoy each other when you can. Long distance is hard to deal with especially if there are expectations which cant be met because of the long distance thing causing a strain. I would just say do what your doing and go with the flow for now as neither of you can be in the same place together as a couple right now. Just build the friendship enjoy the time u do share.

  32. i would take his laptop or computers first and foremost. that is the absolute minimum. if he ask, tell him it is in police custody for a crime of revenge porn.

    one question comes to mind though. did you know he was taking naked picture of you? if so …

  33. Ok so your options are to stay with an absolute tool and have your boundaries stomped all over or come back to the US and somehow the US is the worse option? I'm sorry, you have decided your path and aren't going to fall back and regroup, there's nothing any of us can do to make this boy stand up for you.

  34. Nobody is perfect, and if you keep leaving boyfriends, you're going to end up very lonely. You are too insecure and I might add, controlling, in forbidding your partners to have any meaningful contact with any other female. So that is what you should work on in therapy.

  35. Why do you want to be with someone who repeatedly breaks your trust? Aren’t you tired of living your life suspicious of every single thing your spouse is doing? That won’t go away… you’ll always wonder now that you know how great he’s gotten at hiding it from you. You’ve wasted enough time on him. You deserve better.

  36. How about considering the idea that they deliberately sabotaged you? This sounds like a concerted effort to alienate this guy, it’s too coincidental that they all just suddenly started acting really weird about him. Do they have an attitude that thou can’t get involved with other people? Is there some cultural expectation that you will be around to help your mom for the foreseeable future? This is just too whack for the natural behaviour of anyone. If you start to think I might be right, you need to consider what else they’ll sabotage in future to make sure you live how they want.

  37. You’ve been dating 7 months and are on a break? That’s still within the honeymoon period. If your relationship took a backseat to being busy in the summer, I’d assume its more likely a breakup.

  38. What a no problem to make a fuzz about hahaha, a trash can with lid or even an automatic trashcan will do, is just another lil bag of trash instead spending a lot on plumbing for a fixer upper, theres your answer, he grew up poor and thats what happens in old houses, is easier to just have a trashcan where you can throw the used tp, thats why it has scent in the first place i suppose

  39. ” IT'S HIS FAULT I AM ABUSIVE” Victim blaming much?

    Advice? Stop being a POS and be a better person and take some accountability instead of blaming him for it. Admit you're a bad person and be better.

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