AliiceeBrown live webcams for YOU!


ALL GOALS MET [Multi Goal]

Date: October 16, 2022

46 thoughts on “AliiceeBrown live webcams for YOU!

  1. Hard to give proper advice without knowing what this secret is, ie is it something bad that happened to him or something bad that he did?

    If its something he has suffered then you have to understand it probably took him a lot of courage to share this with you. If it's something bad he's done then he held it in as long as he could for fear that you would break up with him had he told you early on.

    Depending on the secret you can feel either privileged or disgusted.

  2. Everyone has a past and it is different. If your confession will somehow affect your life – then do not say. Why should he know something that has long passed. How will your information affect your partner: positively or negatively? Will he change his attitude towards you?

  3. This right here. Definite red flag, he's treating you as a gf and you've not said yes. Also, he's trying to isolate you which isn't okay whether you're dating or not.

  4. So you know, my son is 8 years old now, i have my own apartment, a dog, and a full time job. It was a rough road to get here, but I'm here. Also, I was single until I had established myself independently and I'm still living alone. I refuse to live with anyone until I'm certain we're spending our lives together.

  5. A visit to the gynecologist isn't fun but maybe needed. Also peppermint oil under your nose and use mouthwash…but first fix what's causing the issue

  6. define guys that's “out of your league”. How old are you and where have you been? have you travelled etc… there's ~4 billion guys out there….surely you can find one for you…the odds are in your favour.

  7. Listen… I'm on her side. I didn't get a college graduation (class of 2020, thanks covid!) which i'm okay with because the whole pomp and circumstance all feels a little tedious and unnecessary. The Taylor concerts are incredibly difficult to get tickets to, it's not guaranteed that she'll go on another tour, and she will cherish the memory of that concert for the rest of her life. She can go out with you and celebrate on a different night and it won't change the four years of work you put in to earning a degree.

  8. Stop waiting around. It probably won't get better, so if you are not willing to live this way, I would even end this.

    Make it clear to him that you won't be waiting around and he can't be trusted to make plans with you, that it is rude to expect that you will just wait for him whenever he finally gets ready.

    If he doesn't care and won't get his act together, well, then you know. Some people have terrible time management skills but it can be worked on if he wants to – set reminders, think through his path, plans and so on. If he knows visiting his mom is never a 10 minute ordeal, he needs to find another time to go. It can be a symptom of something (ADHD) or just rudeness and entitlement to other people's time, but nonetheless, he is 31 and you ar 22 should not be bothering yourself with grown man's time management skills (or lack of).

  9. How is sex a kind gesture, like they should be able to do it without birthdays or anything. I feel sorry for him if his only birthday gift is sex and a sandwich that she probably didn’t make in the end (assumption)

  10. Your gf could very likely have walking pneumonia. Tell her to go to a clinic bc there’s medication for that. If she’s worried about the money, point out that an ambulance & ER are far more expensive.

    And that’s all you can do.

  11. Honey…you can’t. You just can’t. She’s going to do what she is going to do. Look into alanon resources for both you and your sister. This isn’t your fault, and you can’t fix it. I know exactly how painful this situation is. Stick with your schooling.

  12. Good grief. She’s too old to be playing this stupid game. Tell her if it really mattered, she would tell you. And then pretend you don’t notice she’s mad.

    Also? Pushing you aside bc you don’t notice that you’re blocking an aisle is not ok.

  13. I would ignore it and not give a single f about it. If it's intentional it will get under her skin that you are unphased by bs. If it's not then no harm done and things stay drama free. Win, win.

  14. So the party was on Campus, specifically a fraternity whose President was a close friend of mine. We walked from our dorm to the party. Furthermore, there were other friends of her's there and she wasn't alone after I went dancing.

  15. Where are you reading all this? Stop putting words in my mouth.

    I don't want a house or much material means – no cake needed, thank you very much.

    My main currency in life is time.

    I repeatedly say that if kid are involved of course I'm taking a larger share of taking care of appointments etc. – but that without kids and living in a city apartment there isn't much work to do where I can relieve her (I'm already doing weekday shopping etc. – that doens't take much time).

  16. Well, he is right about one thing, you really ARE out of his league. He is a manipulative little worm who is not worthy of a moment more of your time. Do not give him the satisfaction of making you feel less than you are for even a moment. Hold on to your self worth. You are so much better than he could ever be.

    Take things a day at a time, get a great lawyer and do not be afraid to bring the hammer down on this maggot.

  17. Your insight is very valuables, thank you.

    I dirtied my knee, and she said yes. There are no implications that commitment will end over something like this. I'm not worried for our relationship, just our future and what that looks like.

  18. 5- minutes online test you can take to see how capable you are in identifying emotions just by looking at eyes

    Yeah, nobody wants to do that.

  19. To me, it’s not the number of days that you are there that is the issue. It is how your BF went from you spending the whole weekend there with no problem and yet ‘just like that’ – he can only see you only a couple of hours on Wednesdays??? Also he used that same excuse on Superbowl Sunday when S wasn’t even there!! Your BF is lying. I think he is lying about S being the issue and I think he either has or wants a new GF and that’s who he is spending his weekend time with. Lastly it could be your BF and S have a thing going?? There is something fishy about Your BF so you’d best find out what before you settle for his ‘Wednesday’ story.

  20. Huge red flag. Your bf does not get to control who you befriend and which friends you get to spend time with. Personally, I would put my foot down that this is happening, or run for the hills.

  21. I think the point is that you should be proud of yourself, and at some point, be at peace with him not sharing all your interests. I think you being disappointed in his lack of support makes him feel guilty, and therefore, he forces himself to go to your races even when he doesn’t want to. This has built up resentment.

    Find a running group to support your hobby. Set him free from the physical and emotional obligation of caring about your running achievements. You can’t force him to like something he doesn’t.

    Your hobby takes a lot of effort even from a spectator. I can relate to how he feels. I have many hobbies (like cooking, sewing, artistic painting), that doesn’t require my hubby to wake up early to stand around waiting for me to finish. He also has hobbies that I am completely not interested either. And that’s okay.

    You both have to be okay with each other having different interests.

  22. I really have to question your husband’s judgement and maturity. He made two colossal blunders back to back. First thinking he had actually been offered the position and secondly pulling the stunt with the old job and naming the company he thought had offered him a new job. Has he always been like this? Maybe he has had a breakdown or flipped a switch somehow

  23. wow.. didn't even have the courage to do it to your face after 2 years? You can do so much better than her, If she can't handle your worst, she doesn't your best.

  24. You really resent her for spending money, but generally speaking, this is how families have worked for most of mankind. The man provides for the family. It’s not something to be upset about. It’s like hearing a woman upset that she has to breastfeed or something. Like ya no shit. It’s nothing to be upset about.

    And what do you imagine the next relationship will be like? Is this just a grass is greener scenario? You didn’t get into the details of why you want to leave, so I genuinely don’t know. But if you are this upset at being a provider for your family then I dunno how much I trust that your judgement is just off.

    I understand that her attitude gets on your nerves. But your attitude doesn’t seem great either. The tone of this post is just angry bro.

    Unless there is something truly fkd up going on, like she’s cheating or abusing you, then I would try and fix your relationship. And be happy that you’ve been able to provide for them on one income.

    Don’t kid yourself. The only reason most families don’t do this anymore is because they literally couldn’t afford to eat and have shelter if they didn’t. Most people would kill to have a chance for one of the parents to be able to be with the children instead of a daycare or nanny.

    Leave her if you want to leave her. You’ll have to sue for custody. Because you aren’t married, you’ll have a much tougher time in court when it comes to that. Most states view children as the mother’s by default. You’ll be lucky to celebrate Christmas on December 21st with those kids moving forward. And she’s gonna take you up through there in child support. And inevitably still spend lots and lots of your money over the next dozen years.

  25. Don't ignore it and also don't forget to tell her sexting partner's wife that she is also being cheated on. No one deserves to be cheated on.

  26. This woman is seriously confused and wants both of you which isn’t fair. Honestly that is too much baggage to take on. Three kids, going through a divorce, and single mom. You are lucky you did not fall too deep into that relationship.

  27. Why would she lie about that?

    To manipulate you into ending the break. What's especially crazy about this behavior is that she clearly didn't plan this out AT ALL and had no endgame in mind. If your father were alive the way she assumed obviously you'd confront him about supposedly telling your GF that you're cheating on her, at which point he would've said “what the hell are you talking about” and then it would've become this giant complicated lie where she had to keep pretending he said it and is lying now and just hope he didn't have an alibi or something.

    This is one of the dumbest and most unsustainable attempts at manipulating someone that I've ever seen. I'm almost more offended by the stupidity of it than anything else.

    I also need advise on what on Earth to say to her.

    Honestly I don't see a point in saying anything to her. She has already revealed to you that she will tell outrageous lies for no real reason, so do you expect her to suddenly become honest when she's getting called out for her behavior? Doubtful. Whatever she says to you is extremely unlikely to be true, and besides you already know the truth: she did not run into your dad and she did not have that conversation. She'll either try to justify it, which is pointless because it's unjustifiable, or she'll try to tell a new lie to cover the last one. Either way I don't see much to be gained when you've already made the (wise) decision to break up with her. Why put yourself through another conversation with this lunatic?

  28. I guess idoits are born everyday I be fam to stay with someone who is cheating and still is willing to hang out with him especially after texting him” I think my husband’s found out” the fuck is wrong with you but hey I guess reddit shows off the amount of doormats in this world. Grow some self respect Jfc you don’t have kids and she doesn’t care to stop but hey you are hell bent on staying you even let this man sleep in your own dam house

  29. Near our place there was a bakery, I would pass it every day on my pay back from the gym, bought my ex a freshly baked goodie every day I went there. He loves it, just the right doze of sweetness every day, and made him feel loved and thought of.

  30. Ya I agree you’re right! I’m ready to put in effort into this and make time for him, if he’s not doing the same and not willing to put that in then maybe we’re just not compatible in that sense

  31. Where did she say that? You mention you're upset about that but I don't see anything in your description of your conversation that says that.

    Did she actually say that or are you inferring it?

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